If all computer languages do the same thing (make the computer do
what you want), then why does it matter which one you choose? For the
same reason that you wouldn’t take a bicycle to pick up a fridge or get a
physical from an oncological neurosurgeon. Some tools are better for
certain jobs.
It’s possible for a C programmer and a Java programmer to read each other’s code, but it’s harder to make C code and Java code work together. C and Java represent the world in different ways, structure data in different ways, and address the components of the computer in different ways. There are true benefits to everyone on a team using the same language. They’re all thinking the same way about how to instruct the computer to process data.
It’s not necessary for every team across a big organization to use the same language. In fact, it’s often counterproductive. Large organizations have lots of needs and use many languages and services to meet them. For example, Etsy is built atop PHP—but its product-search service uses Java libraries, because the solutions for search available in Java are great.
Some programming languages, such as C, will do their best to do exactly as you ask, even if that means crashing your computer. Others, like OCaml and Haskell, are very constrained and ask a programmer to hew to a narrow form, trying to steer you away from anything stupid.
Some languages have cute logos, like the Go gopher.
There’s Scratch, a teaching language for
kids. It doesn’t use text much at all but allows li’l coders to move
icons around on screen and assemble programs like Legos. Its logo is a
smiling cat on two legs.
And then there’s Lisp, which didn’t come
with a logo when it was first proposed in the 1950s but now has a
community-created five-eyed alien holding a flag with its proboscis.
Lisp is a classic language. There are some languages that just have
authority, elegance—canonical computer languages.
And one of these is C. Most of the popular
languages look a lot like it. C’s de facto logo is, well, the letter C. C
is called C because it came after another language. That language was
called B.
that manages memory and runs software, a large collection of very small utility programs, and a “shell” that helps you knit programs into “shell scripts.” If you couldn’t do what you needed with shell scripts, you might write a new utility in C and add it to the utility library. This was a nice and practical way of working, and it coincided with the rise of various kinds of networks that today we refer to collectively as the Internet. So Unix spread from Bell Labs to academia, to large industrial systems, and eventually leached into the water supply of computing until it was everywhere. And everywhere that Unix went, C was sure to go.C is a simple language, simple like a shotgun that can blow off your foot. It allows you to manage every last part of a computer—the memory, files, a hard drive—which is great if you’re meticulous and dangerous if you’re sloppy. Software made in C is known for being fast. When you compile C, it doesn’t simply become a bunch of machine language in one go; there are many steps to making it really, ridiculously fast. These are called optimizations, and they are to programming what loopholes are to taxes. Think of C as sort of a plain-spoken grandfather who grew up trapping beavers and served in several wars but can still do 50 pullups.
C’s legendary, lucid manual and specification, The C Programming Language, written by Ritchie and Brian Kernighan (known by its nickname, K&R), is a quick and simple read—physically light in comparison with modern, heavy-stock guides to programming on bookstore shelves. This recommended text was published in 1978, when personal computing barely existed, back when a computer was a large piece of industrial equipment used to control a refrigeration system or calculate actuarial tables. It was in K&R that “Hello, world!” became the canonical example program for any language. By convention, almost every introduction to any programming language since then starts with a variation on “Hello, world!”
Here is the ur-text of computational self-introduction:
to get my squared numbers, and bully for me. If I wanted to change the code, I would run the commands, and the program would update accordingly. This isn’t great code by any stretch.
You just need to squint a little to see that there are small, repeatable units that fit together in certain ways. There’s a function called squares. That’s the important part. You feed it a number, an integer. Then it counts from 1 to that integer and with each count it prints the square of that number. Then it prints a new line. Done.
The Linux kernel is written in C. The software that connects your printer to your computer could be in C. The Web servers that serve up your Web pages are often written in C. It’s also a good language for writing other languages—Python, PHP, and Perl are written in C, as are many others. C is a language you use for building systems; it has the same role in computing that Latin did among Renaissance academics. You won’t often meet a serious practitioner of the digital arts who doesn’t have at least a passing familiarity. The more serious scholars are pretty fluent.
But remember that list of popular languages? C++? Objective-C? C#? Java? What many people code daily is not actually C, but one of the many Vulgates. Advocates of these languages make various arguments in their favor; they are better for large groups, for “programming in the large.” These languages, they say, organize code into libraries that are shareable, reusable, and less likely to cause pain and suffering. These are object-oriented adaptations of C.
There are many definitions. I’ll wade in and provide my own and face the consequences. Object-oriented programming is, at its essence, a filing system for code. As anyone who’s ever shared a networked folder—or organized a physical filing cabinet—knows, without a good shared filing system your office will implode. C, people said in the 1980s and ’90s, is a great language! An excellent language! But it doesn’t really let you organize things. You end up with all these functions. It’s a mess. I mean, we have this data structure for our customers (name, address, and so forth), and we have all these functions for manipulating that data (
So what if, whaaaat if, we made a little box called Customer (call it a “class,” as in the taxonomical sense, like a Customer is a subclass of the species human, which is a subclass of mammal, etc.), and we put the data and methods relating to customers into that box. (And by box, it’s literally just “
I mean, you wouldn’t even need to look inside the box. You’d just download a large set of classes, all nested inside one another, study the available, public methods and the expected data, and start programming. Hey, you’d say, let’s put some data into our object, take some data out. Every time we have a new customer we make a new instance of our class. Code can be a black box, with tentacles and wires sticking out, and you don’t need to—don’t want to—look inside the box. You can just put a couple of boxes next to each other, touch their tentacles together, and watch their eldritch mating.
This works out very well, in theory.
The archetypal object-oriented programming language is Smalltalk, created by a coterie of geniuses at Xerox PARC during that institution’s most glorious of glory days. After years of gestation, Smalltalk was born in 1972, the same year as C, and gelled around 1980. It was inspired by many of the big ideas in computer science, but also by Platonism, by cell biology, and by a predecessor language called Simula, the first object-oriented language, which per its name was designed to … simulate things. While C was created within the New Jersey research facilities (Bell Labs) of an industrial monolith (AT&T) to solve problems at hand, Smalltalk was built at the far-off California outpost of a different industrial monolith, Xerox, to solve the problems of the distant future. Thus Smalltalk represents the world differently than C.
Smalltalk has a funny name and a friendly attitude, but its specification ran to 700 pages. It was a big system. C gave you an abstraction over the entire computer, helping you manage memory and processes inside the machine. Smalltalk gave you an abstraction over all of reality, so you could start dividing the world into classes and methods and the like. Where C tried to make it easier to do computer things, Smalltalk tried to make it easier to do human things.
This isn’t better or worse. It’s just different. Here is some Smalltalk code:
As a middling programmer I find the Smalltalk environment fascinating, but it never pulls me all the way through the looking glass. One day, I’ve promised myself, I’ll read (or skim with intent) the huge Smalltalk specification from the 1980s—a seminal text and a grand attempt to organize reality along computer principles. The problem is that Smalltalk requires one to adopt not just a method of working but also a philosophy of the world, where everything is organized in a hierarchy of classes. I love to play with it, but I typically stumble back to more familiar approaches. Being an advocate for Smalltalk is a little like being very into Slovenian cinema or free jazz. Some of its advocates are particularly brilliant people. I’m not one of them.
Smalltalk’s history is often described as slightly tragic, because many of its best ideas never permeated the culture of code. But it’s still around, still has users, and anyone can use Squeak or Pharo. Also—
And it’s widely understood to be easier than C for programmers to use, because it provides more abstractions for programmers to reuse. It hides much of the weirdness of the computer and many details of how computation is performed. Python is usually slower than C; this is the price you pay for all those sweet levels of abstraction. In the vast majority of cases this difference in speed truly doesn’t matter, regardless of how much people protest. It’s only of consequence when you’ve built up a system in Python and a part of it runs millions or billions of times, slowing down the computer—and thus requiring more resources to get its work done. What then? Does this mean you need to throw away all your Python and start over in some other language? Probably not. Python has a deserved reputation as a “glue language,” meaning you can take code from other, lower-level languages such as C, C++, and Fortran 77 (yes, as in the year 1977), code that is close to the machine and known to be sound, and write “wrapper functions.” That is, you can embed the older, faster code in the newer, slower, but easier-to-use system.
A big part of this process is in wrapping up the old code in nice, well-organized Python functions. In many ways the idiom of a language is not just how it looks but also how it feels. Some languages emphasize brevity. Some support long, complex functions, while others encourage you to break up functionality into small pieces. Style and usage matter; sometimes programmers recommend Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style—that’s right, the one about the English language. Its focus on efficient usage resonates with programmers. The idiom of a language is part of its communal identity.
Python is not the glue for everything, though. It’s hard to connect to Java but fits C hand to glove. There’s a version of Python designed to run inside of Java and use Java code. That’s called Jython. If you want a version that works with Microsoft’s .NET, you can go with IronPython.
But there’s another way to interpret all this activity around Python: People love it and want it to work everywhere and do everything. They’ve spent tens of thousands of hours making that possible and then given the fruit of their labor away. That’s a powerful indicator. A huge amount of effort has gone into making Python practical as well as pleasurable to use. There are lots of conferences, frequent code updates, and vibrant mailing lists. You pick a language not just on its technical merits, or its speediness, or the job opportunities it may present, but also on its culture.
Python people, generally, are pretty cool.
It’s possible for a C programmer and a Java programmer to read each other’s code, but it’s harder to make C code and Java code work together. C and Java represent the world in different ways, structure data in different ways, and address the components of the computer in different ways. There are true benefits to everyone on a team using the same language. They’re all thinking the same way about how to instruct the computer to process data.
It’s not necessary for every team across a big organization to use the same language. In fact, it’s often counterproductive. Large organizations have lots of needs and use many languages and services to meet them. For example, Etsy is built atop PHP—but its product-search service uses Java libraries, because the solutions for search available in Java are great.
Some programming languages, such as C, will do their best to do exactly as you ask, even if that means crashing your computer. Others, like OCaml and Haskell, are very constrained and ask a programmer to hew to a narrow form, trying to steer you away from anything stupid.
Some languages have cute logos, like the Go gopher.
The Importance of C
C is as big a deal as you can get in computing. Created by Dennis Ritchie starting in the late 1960s at Bell Labs, it’s the principal development language of the UNIX operating system. Unix (lowercased now, to refer to the idea of Unix instead of the branded version) is a simple operating system—basically it’s a kernelthat manages memory and runs software, a large collection of very small utility programs, and a “shell” that helps you knit programs into “shell scripts.” If you couldn’t do what you needed with shell scripts, you might write a new utility in C and add it to the utility library. This was a nice and practical way of working, and it coincided with the rise of various kinds of networks that today we refer to collectively as the Internet. So Unix spread from Bell Labs to academia, to large industrial systems, and eventually leached into the water supply of computing until it was everywhere. And everywhere that Unix went, C was sure to go.C is a simple language, simple like a shotgun that can blow off your foot. It allows you to manage every last part of a computer—the memory, files, a hard drive—which is great if you’re meticulous and dangerous if you’re sloppy. Software made in C is known for being fast. When you compile C, it doesn’t simply become a bunch of machine language in one go; there are many steps to making it really, ridiculously fast. These are called optimizations, and they are to programming what loopholes are to taxes. Think of C as sort of a plain-spoken grandfather who grew up trapping beavers and served in several wars but can still do 50 pullups.
C’s legendary, lucid manual and specification, The C Programming Language, written by Ritchie and Brian Kernighan (known by its nickname, K&R), is a quick and simple read—physically light in comparison with modern, heavy-stock guides to programming on bookstore shelves. This recommended text was published in 1978, when personal computing barely existed, back when a computer was a large piece of industrial equipment used to control a refrigeration system or calculate actuarial tables. It was in K&R that “Hello, world!” became the canonical example program for any language. By convention, almost every introduction to any programming language since then starts with a variation on “Hello, world!”
Here is the ur-text of computational self-introduction:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello, world!\n");
Which will, when compiled and run, print “Hello, world!” to the
screen. Let’s write a program where you give it a number x and it prints
out all the squares of the numbers from 1 to x—just the sort of
practical, useful program that always appears in programming tutorials
to address the needs of people who urgently require a list of squares.
void squares(int v)
for (int i=1;i<v+1;i++) {
printf("%d ", i*i);
int main()
To compile this program on a Macintosh, I saved it as squares.c
and opened up Terminal.app and typed:
gcc squares.c
$ ./a.out
And it produced:
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
That runs the GNU C Compiler and produces a default file called a.out
, which I ran on the command line,
to get my squared numbers, and bully for me. If I wanted to change the code, I would run the commands, and the program would update accordingly. This isn’t great code by any stretch.
You just need to squint a little to see that there are small, repeatable units that fit together in certain ways. There’s a function called squares. That’s the important part. You feed it a number, an integer. Then it counts from 1 to that integer and with each count it prints the square of that number. Then it prints a new line. Done.
The Linux kernel is written in C. The software that connects your printer to your computer could be in C. The Web servers that serve up your Web pages are often written in C. It’s also a good language for writing other languages—Python, PHP, and Perl are written in C, as are many others. C is a language you use for building systems; it has the same role in computing that Latin did among Renaissance academics. You won’t often meet a serious practitioner of the digital arts who doesn’t have at least a passing familiarity. The more serious scholars are pretty fluent.
But remember that list of popular languages? C++? Objective-C? C#? Java? What many people code daily is not actually C, but one of the many Vulgates. Advocates of these languages make various arguments in their favor; they are better for large groups, for “programming in the large.” These languages, they say, organize code into libraries that are shareable, reusable, and less likely to cause pain and suffering. These are object-oriented adaptations of C.
The Corporate Object Revolution
If you’re going to understand how code works in a corporate environment, you need to understand what object-oriented programming is.There are many definitions. I’ll wade in and provide my own and face the consequences. Object-oriented programming is, at its essence, a filing system for code. As anyone who’s ever shared a networked folder—or organized a physical filing cabinet—knows, without a good shared filing system your office will implode. C, people said in the 1980s and ’90s, is a great language! An excellent language! But it doesn’t really let you organize things. You end up with all these functions. It’s a mess. I mean, we have this data structure for our customers (name, address, and so forth), and we have all these functions for manipulating that data (
, send_bill
, delete_account
but the thing is, those functions aren’t related to the data except by
the naming convention. C doesn’t have a consistent way to name things.
Which means it’s hard to find them later. Object-oriented programming
gave programmers a great way to name things—a means of building up a
library. I could call (run) update_address
on a picture of a
dog or an Internet address. That approach is sloppy and dangerous and
leads to bugs (our forebears reasoned, and not without precedent), and
it makes it hard to program with big teams and keep track of everything.
So what if, whaaaat if, we made a little box called Customer (call it a “class,” as in the taxonomical sense, like a Customer is a subclass of the species human, which is a subclass of mammal, etc.), and we put the data and methods relating to customers into that box. (And by box, it’s literally just “
public class Customer {}
” and anything inside the {}
relates to that particular class.) I mean, you wouldn’t even need to look inside the box. You’d just download a large set of classes, all nested inside one another, study the available, public methods and the expected data, and start programming. Hey, you’d say, let’s put some data into our object, take some data out. Every time we have a new customer we make a new instance of our class. Code can be a black box, with tentacles and wires sticking out, and you don’t need to—don’t want to—look inside the box. You can just put a couple of boxes next to each other, touch their tentacles together, and watch their eldritch mating.
This works out very well, in theory.
The archetypal object-oriented programming language is Smalltalk, created by a coterie of geniuses at Xerox PARC during that institution’s most glorious of glory days. After years of gestation, Smalltalk was born in 1972, the same year as C, and gelled around 1980. It was inspired by many of the big ideas in computer science, but also by Platonism, by cell biology, and by a predecessor language called Simula, the first object-oriented language, which per its name was designed to … simulate things. While C was created within the New Jersey research facilities (Bell Labs) of an industrial monolith (AT&T) to solve problems at hand, Smalltalk was built at the far-off California outpost of a different industrial monolith, Xerox, to solve the problems of the distant future. Thus Smalltalk represents the world differently than C.
Smalltalk has a funny name and a friendly attitude, but its specification ran to 700 pages. It was a big system. C gave you an abstraction over the entire computer, helping you manage memory and processes inside the machine. Smalltalk gave you an abstraction over all of reality, so you could start dividing the world into classes and methods and the like. Where C tried to make it easier to do computer things, Smalltalk tried to make it easier to do human things.
This isn’t better or worse. It’s just different. Here is some Smalltalk code:
Transcript show: 'Hello, world!'.
It prints that short sentence in the Transcript Window on the
user’s screen. The Transcript is an object—and here it’s receiving a
message (show:)
with an argument—i.e., input—“Hello,” etc.
You type that in, select it with your mouse (even in the early 1980s),
and tell the computer to execute it. It compiles just that bit of code
and adds it to the rest of the running system. It looks like this:
Tons of windows all talking to each other. Each
window is, well, an object. And instead of programming it and compiling
the program, then running it, you just dive right into this living,
breathing, window-full environment, and start making new objects that
send messages to other objects. If you save where you are, and come back
five years later, well, everything will look exactly the same.
The thing is, all those boxes can be manipulated. They’re all
objects. It’s almost too powerful: The boundaries that are clear in most
languages—between data and code, between files and executables, between
the operating system and applications, between closed and open
software—all of those borders are fuzzed by design. Smalltalk is a
vision of the computer as its own, native medium. The whole system can
be modified, by anyone. The dominant version is called Squeak (logo:
cute mouse), and a modernized version is called Pharo (logo:
lighthouse). Both are free and easy to download. As a middling programmer I find the Smalltalk environment fascinating, but it never pulls me all the way through the looking glass. One day, I’ve promised myself, I’ll read (or skim with intent) the huge Smalltalk specification from the 1980s—a seminal text and a grand attempt to organize reality along computer principles. The problem is that Smalltalk requires one to adopt not just a method of working but also a philosophy of the world, where everything is organized in a hierarchy of classes. I love to play with it, but I typically stumble back to more familiar approaches. Being an advocate for Smalltalk is a little like being very into Slovenian cinema or free jazz. Some of its advocates are particularly brilliant people. I’m not one of them.
Smalltalk’s history is often described as slightly tragic, because many of its best ideas never permeated the culture of code. But it’s still around, still has users, and anyone can use Squeak or Pharo. Also—
- Java is an object-oriented language, influenced by C++, that runs on a virtual machine (just like Smalltalk).
- Objective-C, per its name, jammed C and Smalltalk together with no apologies.
- C# (pronounced “C sharp”) is based on C and influenced by Java, but it was created by Microsoft for use in its .NET framework.
- C++ is an object-oriented version of C, although its roots are more in Simula.
Look How Big and Weird Things Get With Just Python
Python is a very interesting language and quite popular, too. It’s object-oriented but not rigid.And it’s widely understood to be easier than C for programmers to use, because it provides more abstractions for programmers to reuse. It hides much of the weirdness of the computer and many details of how computation is performed. Python is usually slower than C; this is the price you pay for all those sweet levels of abstraction. In the vast majority of cases this difference in speed truly doesn’t matter, regardless of how much people protest. It’s only of consequence when you’ve built up a system in Python and a part of it runs millions or billions of times, slowing down the computer—and thus requiring more resources to get its work done. What then? Does this mean you need to throw away all your Python and start over in some other language? Probably not. Python has a deserved reputation as a “glue language,” meaning you can take code from other, lower-level languages such as C, C++, and Fortran 77 (yes, as in the year 1977), code that is close to the machine and known to be sound, and write “wrapper functions.” That is, you can embed the older, faster code in the newer, slower, but easier-to-use system.
A big part of this process is in wrapping up the old code in nice, well-organized Python functions. In many ways the idiom of a language is not just how it looks but also how it feels. Some languages emphasize brevity. Some support long, complex functions, while others encourage you to break up functionality into small pieces. Style and usage matter; sometimes programmers recommend Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style—that’s right, the one about the English language. Its focus on efficient usage resonates with programmers. The idiom of a language is part of its communal identity.
Python is not the glue for everything, though. It’s hard to connect to Java but fits C hand to glove. There’s a version of Python designed to run inside of Java and use Java code. That’s called Jython. If you want a version that works with Microsoft’s .NET, you can go with IronPython.
But there’s another way to interpret all this activity around Python: People love it and want it to work everywhere and do everything. They’ve spent tens of thousands of hours making that possible and then given the fruit of their labor away. That’s a powerful indicator. A huge amount of effort has gone into making Python practical as well as pleasurable to use. There are lots of conferences, frequent code updates, and vibrant mailing lists. You pick a language not just on its technical merits, or its speediness, or the job opportunities it may present, but also on its culture.
Python people, generally, are pretty cool.
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