Muhammad said, "Often, the people who look disheveled, dusty, shabby
and neglected, if they swear by Allah, Allah Almighty will grant. If he said, 'O Allah, I seek your heaven,' Allah Almighty will grant
him Paradise dam does not provide any part of the world. "(HR. Muslim).Abu
Hurairah narrated that the Prophet said: "The inhabitants of heaven are
all (from a person dressed) crumpled, dusty, shabby and neglected. If
they apply for permission to the authorities denied permission, if
applying for a female is not accepted and if the talk is not heard. They need only conceived in his heart. If the light itself is divided (transmitted) to men on the Day of Resurrection, will be on them all. " (Reported by al-Bukhari and Ahmad).Companions Abu Huraira. said:
"I saw seventy people between ahlus shuffah, none of those who wear the
cloth that covered the upper part of their bodies, they only wear cloth
or gloves which they tied to the neck. Among the fabrics he uses it, there is a cover only half of the calves
and some are close to both matakaki, also was among those who hold the
cloth with his hands open, fearing saw her nakedness. "(Transmitted by
Al-Bukhari)"(Charity) to the needy who restricted (jihad) in the path of Allah. They can not be tried on earth. People who think that they do not know rich people, because they kept him from begging. You know them by their characteristics, they do not ask the man by force. Whatever of good ye charity, Allah surely knows it. " (Q.S. Al Baqarah: 273).The interpretation Qurthubi, that this verse was initially to mobilize
people to Ahlus Suffah charity, but later became common, namely charity
to all the needy (Tafseer Qurtubi Volume III, page 340).I
show hadiths and verses of the Qur'an at the beginning of this essay is
not to add confidence that we are all born since the beginning of the
Sufi understanding of Islam and the emergence of their first generation
sufi directly under the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad. Their lives are very simple very in tune with the life of the Prophet and his companions at the time. They prefer the religious interests of their own interests.Prophet as attentive to the Ahlus Shufah, even its own Fatimah peremuan He was told to give alms to the Ahlus Shuffah.In
addition to learning directly from the Prophet, they also serve as
soldiers ready to be sent anywhere in defense of religion. When the battle and the war raged with their alternates to lead the team into a formidable army of Islam. In times of peace they are often given the task of the Prophet
Muhammad as ambassadors to the people of the conquered lands of the
Muslims, and thus become preachers who deliver the message of Islam and
teach there.Most of them were martyred at Badr, among others; Safwan ibn Bayda, Zayd ibn Khattab, Sharim Fatigue ibn al-Asadi,
Khubayh Yasaf ibn Salim ibn Umair, and Haritha ibn Nu'man al-Ansari.Martyred at Uhud; Hanzalah al-Ghazil. Martyrs in the War Hudaybiyah; Jurhad ibn Abu Suraybah Khuwa'ad and al-Ghafari. Martyred in Khaibar; Tariq ibn Amr. Martyred at Tabuk; Abd Allah al-Bijadam Dzu. Martyred at Yamamah; Salim and Zayd ibn al-Khattab. Thus, they spend the evenings for worship and during the day to fight.Ahlus Shuffah education model then becomes an example for future
generations, scholars inheritors of the Prophet who taught the people
the physical and spiritual so that they are not only physical but also
Sufi Last Generation.One
of the things I'm grateful for in life is God giving me the opportunity
to know and to feel with the people who live very simple lives in the
home sober and eat very simple food nor even their more frequent fasting
than not fast and they all guided by Master Murshid in seeking the pleasure of Allah.A
very simple life under this basic human need not be forever a lifetime,
but only takes place when they learn to Teachers, directly under the
guidance of teachers in the given amount of time. There were learning 100 days, 1 year and some even 5 years.They've got this guidance later plunge into this life with
berbagaimacam professions ranging from servants, traders, businessmen,
teachers, Kiayi and of course they will never forget the guidance
policies when they lived with Guru, the life of the Sufis very simple.They
certainly do not live with shortages, and some have already become a
successful entrepreneur but their hearts remained a Sufi dhikr diligent
and obedient worship and always perform sunnah fasts. Their deeds are hidden from public view so as not to be seen. With this great education system so no one man can know which Sufism in this world unless they are Sufis, too.Those who have studied directly strict and discipline of teachers
Murshid certainly will never forget all the knowledge that is given
because it is not a transfer of knowledge into their minds directly into
the spiritual but they will bring the world to the hereafter.Companions
of the Prophet who lived as Ahlus Shufah within a certain time of their
lives in the future also no longer exactly the same as their current
lives are guided by him in terms of its simplicity. While Islam has developed, they have to be General, Governor and entrepreneurs in various countries. They certainly no longer just eat a handful of dried dates that make
their stomachs during the summer as they are with him, but their hearts
are not changed in the least permanent longing and love for Allah and
His Messenger.Earthly life they are more comfortable to adjust to environmental
conditions, but today they remain covered by the emission of light
illuminate the hearts of all the men around him.Education
model Ahlus Shufah passed by Guru Murshid to date is the best education
in the world because that guided the physical / spiritual and the
science presented of course comes from the Prophet Muhammad in the relay
continued to connect not disconnected at all so any practice that is
done accountable to Allah and His messenger.I wrote this article as part of the longing for my friends who once
tutored by teachers in a very simple life, in trouble and distress,
given knowledge may still be maintained and fixed heart always remember
him at all times.I
close this paper quoting hadiths which are often delivered by the
Master, "Islam emerged in the foreign state, and will return the
(foreign), as it appears in the foreign state. So it is fortunate strangers ". (HR. Muslim)
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