
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Biography Companions Julaibib r.a

Imam Abdullah El-RashiedWhen the Prophet s.a.w. migrate to Madinah, Julaibib is a child who had passed the age of 10 years. It is not he meet his eyes with a view to the Prophet s.a.w. but love has met all the recesses of his heart. Only when it Julaibib more busy playing with their peers. Ie friends that always feel peaceful and comfortable.Julaibib not have no family possessions anyway. He made the Prophet's Mosque as his home. While experts Shuffah he made as a family and sahabatnya.Bersama Expert Shuffah-lah Julaibib get food supplies from the Prophet s.a.w. and from people who are generous.Julaibib is a lightweight child upbringing and happy splashing-joke, quick and easy to get along familiar. He was always playing in the house Anshor in Yathrib (Medina). He likes to spread happiness in their midst. He always memgharumkan air Medina with what he profiled in those of humorous stories. They never shut the door of Julaibib. As soon as the women Anshor not feel uncomfortable for him because he is still children who are minors.*Now Julaibib started growing up. The husbands in Medina warned my wife and daughter that is no longer playing with Julaibib. Because he was not a kid anymore, as we saw earlier. Thus it is obligatory for women to cover themselves from him. There was also allowed him to get into their homes as before.Once the Prophet s.a.w. Julaibib told: "Do not you just get married, O Julaibib?".He replied: "Who will be marrying Messenger of Allah ?, I was a poor boy who has no living not too dowry".Prophet s.a.w. He said: "I'll find you a wife who sholehah and Allah will make you both rich with agunerah him".*Among the habits of the Companions of the Prophet s.a.w. is when they want to marry a girl or a widow whose husband died, then they will offer it first to the Prophet s.a.w. before anyone propose, so that they know whether the Prophet s.a.w., interested or not at her daughter.*The period has passed, and none of the woman who had presented to the Prophet s.a.w. suitable for Julaibib. Wait very long for it, finally the Prophet s.a.w. open conversation with one of the fathers of the Anshor: "O Fulan, nikahkanlah I am your son, the fulanah".He was flowery heard Rasulullah proposal s.a.w. as he replied: "I am ready Rasulallah laksanankan Yes, this is a really big favor so I could be in-laws".Then the Prophet s.a.w. He said: "I did not want to marry her."Teresebut man paused and said: "So, you want to whom Duhai Apostle?"Rasulullah s.a.w. also said: "To Julaibib".Immediately the happiness that meet the man's face disappeared, then responded: "Give me an O Messenger of God, till I could have consulted with her mother. Because I do not want to take a decision of this kind without his consent.*The man returned to his home with a heavy heart and soul yanh tired. He was sure that his wife would never willingly make Julaibib as a husband for his daughter. While at the same time, the man felt uncomfortable when shall refuse the Messenger s.a.w. and upset, even though the request is rather difficult to realize.When he arrived home, he called to his wife: "Duhai my wife, come here". The wife replied: "I fulfill your call".Husband: "Verily Allah s.a.w. has already proposed to your daughter ".Wife: "My daughter ...., The Messenger s.a.w. woo my daughter, oh how happy he was. Welcome O Messenger s.a.w., of course we'll marry our daughter to the Prophet s.a.w .. Oh, is there any glory beyond all this?Then her husband cut him off: "But, unfortunately, the Prophet did not want to marry her for her".The wife was stunned for a moment and said: "Then, with whom he will marry her?".Husband: "With Julaibib".Wife: "Julaibib? Impossible, by God I'm not the marrying her to Julaibib ".Husband: "So what should I say to the Prophet s.a.w.?".Wife: "It's up to say anything to him. Convey to him apologies profusely for various reasons. I would never willingly make Julaibib as a husband for my daughter and I would never want him to become in-law ".Talks between the two increasingly heated. Their voices increasingly rising. The husband asks his wife and asks willingness belaskasihannya. But his wife was reluctant to fulfill the request of her husband as he snapped.
When the husband was desperate to persuade his wife and was about to go to the Messenger s.a.w. communicate the final outcome of his wife, the princess suddenly comes in the midst of them. He had heard a little tip of the conversation that happened between the two, then he said: "Who has been proposed to you guys?".The mother replied: "The Messenger s.a.w. who has been asking you to marry to Julaibib. But I am reluctant to menikahkanmu him. The beautiful young girl and respected like you should get a noble husband anyway ".The princess said: "Woe to you! Do you want to reject the orders Messenger s.a.w.? "By Allah, have I will never refuse a request Messenger Messenger s.a.w .. Fill demand s.a.w .. Because the Prophet Mohammed s.a.w. it is more preferred than the believers. Give me the Julaibib, and trust Allah is not the Run from nyiakanku ".The mother was silent and resist all this bitterness.The father finally went to see the Prophet s.a.w. saying: "It's up to what you want Messenger of Allah. Nikahkanlah our daughter with Julaibib ".Legalah heart of the Prophet s.a.w. and mendo'akan for daughters:اللهم صب عليها الخير صبا, ولا تجعل عيشها كدا."O God, pour out all the goodness of him and do not you make life in fatigue and distress".Then, Rasululllah Julaibib married him.*Not long ago Julaibib happiness on the wedding unfolds in a matter of days until the Messenger s.a.w. Jihad called to the Muslims with him in the Way of Allah.Julaibib hasten to meet the call of Jihad were echoed by the Prophet s.a.w .. He prepared himself and bid farewell to his wife as she went to join the Prophet s.a.w. strive in His way.*War commanded by the Prophet s.a.w. was over, God bestows victory for the Muslims. Rasulullah s.a.w. said to his companions: "Is there any among you who have lost (fall)?". They replied: "No, O Messenger of God". Rasulullah s.a.w. bersbada: "However, I lost Julaibib, please find him".The companions hurried to find the existence of Julaibib on the battlefield. Turns out he had put down 7 idolaters with his sword, then he was also killed in the midst of them, due to go ahead without ever backward. The friends finally came back and said to the Prophet s.a.w. "Look it Julaibib, killed around 7 polytheists he killed".Rasulullah s.a.w. went and stood next to him as he said: "He has membuh 7 then he was killed. He is me and I am him. He is me and I am him. "Then the Prophet s.a.w. ordered them to dig a grave for him. After the excavation is completed, the Prophet s.a.w. stood up and took it with both his arms. Put it with both his hands in her final resting place, and then to close to the ground.*Once the waiting period is completed Julaibib wife. There are so many men who come ask for her hand. So there's nobody Anshor widow who had lost her husband who got the most exceeded his application. It was not because people already know bahwasannya Prophet s.a.w. has mendo'akannya God to devote all her kindness and that his life is not in fatigue and distress. []*Written in Mukalla - Yemen, 30 Rabiul Awal 1438 H / December 29, 2016.source:Book Shuwar Min Hayat Al-Shahabah, vol. 2 terms of 91, by Dr. Ra'fat Abdurrahman Al-Basya.Learn more about Friends of Julaibib r.a. can be found in the following sources:1. Usud Al-Ghobah, juz 1 p. 348. The work of Imam Ibn Al-Athir.2. Al-Ishobah, juz 1 p. 242. The work of Imam Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqolani.3. Al-Isti'ab, juz 1 p. 256. Imam Ibn Abdilbar work.4. Ibn Hibban, juz 9 p. 342.
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