
Sunday, August 12, 2018


RAVENNA 51 AD                                                         

" No." Marius's heart was sinking like a rock .

" What of it "  Maximian answered calmly.

" We get the same as the auxilaries ." Marius informed and stares at him in horror, smiled nervously . " You're having me on again , Aren't you ? Just give it a rest Maximian ."

" No, I'm serious."

" Bollocks ." Cursed marius with raised his eyesbrow . Maximian shook his head , looked at Marius expressionless. Marius spat on the ground . " Shit .... that tight bastard General has safted me again. I swear i'll kick her head in oneday . If it's the last thing I ever do."

" Are you sure about kicking her head ?" Artemis chuckled . " And pipe down about her, unless you want the whole town to know our business .

" I don't believe this ." Marius Continued .

" Not only does she stick my head in the bloody noose, she does it on the cheap into a bargain ." Marius persisted in his grumbling ." Not more than three hundreds sestertians." He muttered as the column worked it's way down thoroughfare of Ravenna towards the docks .

As it most provincial town for Rome Empire, the streets were narrows and few of the building were more than two storeys at all. Even before they reached the water front , Artemis could see a dense forest of masts and rigging packed into the harbour . 

On the main quay itself scores of sailoors sat around disconsolately and gazed out the ships morred tightly together in the gentle swell . They stood up  as the recruicts marched by , and stared at them with open hostility .

" I don't Understand ." Said artemis . " I thoght all the shipping had tried to get as far from the pirates as possible . There was a handful of ships in ariminum . He pointed his hand across the harbour . " I've never seen so many before, aren't they afraid of the pirates ?" . Marius shrugged .

" Of Course they are, lad ." Maximian grinned . "And that's precisely why they're here . What better place to be than right beside a naval base. Over there's the guarantee of their safety ."

Artemis followed the arm that Maximian had raised and saw what he was pointing at. At the end of the quay  was a large forified gateway, leading into the naval dock yard. Riding at the anchor in the open waters of the navy harbour was a fleet of sleek warships . He counted over thirty of them, most were samll patrol craft, but further out by lay of squadron of larger triremes , but formidable backbone of the Roman fleet .

Each trireme boasted three banks of oars on eachside , with fortified towers at the bow and stern , upon which caatapults were mounted . A large bronze sheathed from extended from the paw of each ship. Beyond the trireme there was one even bigger vessel. Artemis stood and smile .

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" What's the fuck is that ?" marius asked.

" That's the Aphrodite , our flagship, she's quinquireme, a five , as we call 'em. Quite History behind that one. She was mark Anthony's flagship. Captured at Actium and taken into the Imperial navy by Augustus , Built to last and tough as old boots . There's nothing afloat that can match her." Artemis winked his eyes at Marius. " Fascinated , eh ?"

Maximian stared the tall young handsome greek with frown and suspicious . then switched his gaze at Aphrodite a moment longer , as the convoy moved along the quay towards the gates of the naval base . the sailors and docker lining the route closed in on eachside , watching them in the bitter silence .


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