
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim
Ash-hadu an-la ilaha illallahu wandahu la syarika lahu, wa asyhadu anna sayyidana
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.
I testify, there is no God but Allah, the Almighty, there is no partner for Him. And I testify, our lord
Muhammadan `abduhu warasuluh. Help billahi wa malaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wa bil yawmil end wabil qadari khayrihi wa syarrihi, shadaqallahu wa shadaqa rasuluh, shadaqallahuwashadaqa rusuluh.
Muhammad is His servant and messenger. I have faith in Allah and His angels; His books; His messengers; Judgment Day; and the existence of destiny, good or bad. True God, and indeed His Apostles.
Amantu bisy-shari'ati wa shaddaq-tu bisy-syafi'ah. Wa in qultu syay-an khi-lafal ijma'i raja'tu fanhu watabarra'tu min kulli dinin yukhalifu dinal Islam.
I believe in the Shari'a and I justify the Shari'a. If I say something different from the ulama (ijrnak) agreement, I immediately revoke it. And I let go of every religion that is not compatible with Islam.
Allahumma inni uminu bima ta'lamu annahul haqqu Indaka wa abra-u ilayka mimma talamu annahul haqqu 'indaka wa abra-u ilayka mimma talamu annahul bathilu Indaka fakhudz minni jumalan wala tuthalibni fit-taf-shili.
O Allah, verily I believe in something that You know that it is true of You, and I release from You something You know that it is null and void. Then take it from me all in all and do not torture me in isolation.
(Astagh-firullahal `adhim wa atubu ilayhi - 3 x).
I beg forgiveness from Allah, the Supreme Being, and I repent to Him - 3 x
Nadamtu min kulli syarrin. Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallahu wandahu la syarika lahu wa asyhadu anna sayyidana Muhammadan `abduhu warasuluhu, wa anna Abdullahi warasuluhu wabnu amatihi.
I regret any bad deeds. I testify, there is no God except Allah, the Almighty, who has no partner for Him. And I testify, our lord Muhammad is His servant and apostle
Wakalimatuhu alqaha ila Maryama wa Rauhun minhu. Wa annal jannata haqqun wa annan nara haqqun wa anna
. And indeed the Prophet was His servant and apostle, and the son of His servant, and His words, which He gave to Mary, and the spirit that came from Him. And indeed heaven is true, hell is true, and
kulla ma akh-bara bihi Rasulullahi sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallama haqqun. Wa anna khayrad dun-ya
everything that the Prophet said was true. And the real good of the world
wal akhirati fii taqwallahi wa tha'atihi, wa annasy-syarrad dun-ya wal akhirati fi ma'shiyatillahi
and the afterlife lies in piety to Allah, and obeys Him. And actually the ugliness of the world and the hereafter lies in immorality to Allah
wamukhalafatihi. Wa annas sa'ata atiyatun la rayba fiha wa annallaha yab'atsu man fil qubur.
and against him, and the Day of Resurrection must come, no doubt, and God will raise up the corpse in the tomb, no doubt.
The teachings of la-ilaha illallahu wandahu la syarika lahu, wa asy-hadu anna sayyidana Muhammadan rabduhu wa rasuluhu.
I testify, there really is no God except Allah, the Almighty, there is no partner for Him. And I testify, our lord Muhammad is his harnba and apostle.
La ilaha illallahu afna biha 'umri.
La ilaha illallahu ad-khulu biha qabri.
There is no god but Allah, I spent my age with this blessing sentence.
No God but Allah, I entered my grave with this blessing sentence.
La ilaha illallahu akhlu biha wahdi.
La ilaha illallahu alqa biha rabbi.
There is no god but Allah, I am alone with this blessing sentence.
There is no god but Allah, I met my Lord with this blessing sentence.
La ilaha illallahu qabla kulli syay-in.
La ilaha illallahu ba'da kulli syay-in.
There is no god but Allah, before the form of everything.
There is no god but Allah, after manifesting everything.
La ilaha illallahu yabqa rabbuna wa yafna kulla syay-in.
La ilaha illallahu astaghfirullah,
There is no god but Allah, God who embraces the appearance of all things.
There is no god but Allah, I beg forgiveness from Allah.
La ilaha illallahu astaghfirullah,
La ilaha illallahu astghfirullah, wa atubu ilayh.
There is no god but Allah, I beg forgiveness from Allah.
There is no god but Allah, I beg forgiveness from Allah. and I repent to Him.
AI-fatihah ila ruhi sayyidina Al-Habib 'Ali ibn Abi Bakri As-Sakran wa ushulihi wafuru'ihi, annallaha yu'li darajatihim fii jannah, wa an yu'ida' alayna mim barakatihim wa asrarihim wa anwarihim wa'ulumihin wanafahatihim fid- dini wad-dun-ya wal akhirah. Wa ila hadh-ratan nabiyyi sayyidina Muhammadan sallallaahu `alayhi wa overtook wa-sallama. Al Fatihah.
Al-Fatihah was dedicated to the spirit of Al-Habib Ali ibn Abi Bakar As-Sakran, and his ancestors and their descendants. May Allah will elevate their rank in heaven, and will return their blessings to us all the secrets, light, knowledge, and their sweet smell in religion, the world, and the hereafter. And also be dedicated to our lord Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa Alihi wa Sallam. Al Fatihah 1x
Wird as-Sakran
Prayer and Ratib
Al-Arifbillah al-Habib Ali ibn Abubakar As-Sakran




Allah, the Lord, is a bidarbillahi masya-Allahu quf-luhu la ilaha illallahu babuhu Muhammadun Rasulullahi sallallaahu 'alayhi wa transfer over wasallama
O Allah, indeed I fenced myself with the fence of Allah which is as long as God wants, the key is the word La ilaha illallah and the door is the sentence of Muhammadur the messenger of Allah, sallallaahu wa over the salama.
Ahatha is good, min bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Alhamdu lillahi rabbi) 'alamin. Ar-Rahmanir uterus. Maliki Yawmid
God encloses us all with the words Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of hosts, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the King
din. iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in. Ihdashash shirathal mustaqim. Shirathal-ladzina an'amta `alayhim ghayril magh-dlubi 'alayhim waladl-dllallin. Amen.
on the Day of Judgment. Show us the straight path, the path of those who have given them favors for them, who are not wrath on them and are not misguided. Amen.
Allahu la ilaha ilia huwal hayyul qayyumu la tak-khudzuhu sinatun wala nawm. Lahu ma fis-samawati wama fil ardl. Man dzal ladzi yasyfa'u `indahu ilia bi-idz-nihi, ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wama khalfahum wala yuhithuna bisyay-in min illa bima sya-a. Wasi'a kursiyyuhus samawati wal ardla wala ya-uduhu hif-dhuhuma wahuwal ‘alliyyul‘ adhim.
God, there is no god but Him, who lives eternally always taking care of His creatures, not sleepy and not sleeping. To Him what is in the heavens and what is on earth. Who can intercede in the sky by His side without His permission. He knew what they expected and behind them, and they knew nothing of God's knowledge but what God wanted. His chair covers the heavens and the earth. And he doesn't mind keeping them both. He is the Supreme and the Supreme.
(Binastadarat kamastadaratil mala-matu is an apostolic bimadinatir if khandaqin wala surin min kulli qadarin maqdurin wahadzarin mah-dzurin wamin jami'isy syururi ta-tarrasna billahi - 3 x).
Together we formed a circle like the angel circle in the city of Madinatur apostle, without a ditch of protection and without a guarding fence of all the provisions that were determined, and concerns that were feared, and of all ugliness I fortified myself to Allah (3x).
Min Raduwwina wa 'aduwwillahi min saqi ila qa'i ardlillahi. Shun'atuhu la tanqathi'u bi alfi alfi la hawla wala quwwata ilia billahil `adhimi.
Shielding yourself from my enemies and enemies of Allah from the pillar of the Throne of Allah to the bottom of the earth Allah created by Him who will not break up with a billion sentences La hawla wala quwwata illa billahil 'adhim (There is no power and no power except from Allah, the Most High and Most great).
Allahumma in ahadun aradani mute-in urinal jinni wal insi wal wuhusyi min basyarin aw syaythanin aw was-wasin fardud-hum fintikasin waqulu-buhum fi waswasin wa aydihim fi ifla-sin wa awbiq-hum minar rijli filar-raksi la sahla yajda'u wala jabala yugtha'u bi alfi la hawla wala quwwata illa billahil `adhim.
O Allah, if someone wants evil against me, from among the jinn or humans, or the inhabitants of the earth who are wild and destroy, both from humans and demons, or doubts and doubts, return to them in reverse, and precisely their hearts are in doubt and doubt, and their hands in nothingness. Destroy them from foot to head. There is no restraining ease and no mountain is cut off with a billion words of La hawla wala quwwata illa billahil 'adhim (There is no power and no power except from Allah, the Most High and Most Great).
Wa sallallaahu 'ala sayyidina Muhammaddin wa transfer over wa shahbihi wa sallam.
May the grace of God be abundant always to our chief Prophet Muhammad and his family and friends. Also, bless you.
He is Sayyidinal Imam Abu Bakar As-Sakran bin Syeikh al Ghauts Abdurrahman As-Seggaf bin Muhammad Maula Dawilah bin Ali bin Alwi Al-Ghoyur bin Al-Imam Al-Faqih Al-Muqaddam Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad Shohib Mirbath bin Ali Khali 'Qasam bin Alwi ibn Muhammad ibn Alwi ibn Ubaidillah bin Ahmad Al Muhajir ibn Isa Ar-Rumi bin Muhammad An-Naqib ibn Ali Al-'Uraidhi bin Ja'far Ash-Shodiq bin Muhammad Al-Baqir bin Ali Zainal Abidin ibn Husain bin Siti Fatimah Az -Zahro bint Muhammad Muhammad)
He was called As-Sakran (drunk), because he was drunk with his love for Allah Almighty.
Waliyullah Allah Abu Bakr was blessed with five sons, namely: Muhammad al-Akbar, Hasan, Abdullah, Ali, and Ahmad. Of his three children named Abdullah, Ali and Ahmad brought down the family of al-Aydrus, Syahabuddin, al-Mashur, al-Hadi, al-Wahath, al-Munawar.
He is a guardian of Allah who has various kinds of extraordinary karamah. He comes from the descendants of Al-Ba'alawi. Some of his karamah have been told that there were once two people who came to the city of Tarim (Hadhramaut) with the intention of visiting every prominent person from the Al-Ba'alawi family in the city.
Arriving at a mosque Jami 'both found Sheikh Abu Bakar praying at the mosque. After Friday prayers, the two were waiting for Sheikh Abu Bakr's exit from the mosque. But he still sat worshiping in the mosque until almost sunset. The two people felt hungry, but the two did not dare to leave the mosque before meeting Sheikh Abu Bakar.
Not long after, Sheikh Abu Bakar Asseggaf turned to the two of them while saying: "Take what is in this shirt."
Both found in the Sheikh's clothes a piece of hot bread. The bread is enough to fill the stomachs of the two people. Even there is still the rest. Then the remaining bread was eaten by Sheikh Abu Bakar.
Someone is told to have asked for a girl. Sheikh Abu Bakar when he heard the news had commented: "The young man will not marry the girl, he will marry the girl's mother".
What was said by Sheikh Abu Bakar was apparently true, because not long after the girl's mother was divorced by her husband. Then the young man canceled the intention to marry the girl. In fact, instead she proposed to the girl's mother.
It was also told that there was a group of guests who visited the city of Tarim where Shaykh Abu Bakar Asseggaf lived. The guest was moved in his heart each wanting to eat oatmeal and meat. Just when the group of guests entered Sheikh Abu Bakar's house, he immediately served oatmeal cooked with meat.
Then some of the group said: "We want to drink rain water".
Sheikh Abu Bakar said to his assistant: "Take the vessel and fill it with water in the Bahsin family spring".
The servant immediately came out carrying a vessel to take water as meant by his brother. It turned out that the water taken from the Bahsin family's spring was tasteless like rainwater.
It was once told that there was a Qadhi from the Baya'qub family who cursed Sheikh Abu Bakar Asseggaf. When Sheikh Abu Bakr heard the curse, he only said: "God willing, Qadhi Baya 'qub will blind both his eyes and his house will be taken away if he dies".
What Sheikh Abu Bakar said was done the same as said.
There was a ruler who seized the wealth of a servant from the Bani Syawiah family. The servant asked Sheikh Abu Bakar Asseggaf for help. On the next day the ruler suddenly came to the servant by returning all his possessions which were seized and he apologized for all his mistakes.
The ruler told me: "Alu has been visited by someone of this nature, so, while threatening me if I do not return your belongings that I have taken away".
All the attributes mentioned by the ruler are the same as those found in Sheikh Abu Bakar.
It was also told by some of his friends that there had never been someone when on a trip in the desert with his family he suddenly felt thirsty not getting water. Until it almost died it felt like looking for water to drink. Finally he remembered Sheikh Abu Bakar Asseggaf and called his name for help.
When the person falls asleep he dreams of seeing a horseman say to him: "We have heard your request for help, do you think we will ignore you?"
When the man woke up from his sleep, he found that a Badwi was carrying a place of water standing in front of him. The Badwi gave him a drink until he was satisfied and showed him the way out so that he could safely get to his destination.
Wali Allah Abu Bakr al-sakran died at Tarim year 821 Hijriyah.
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