
Thursday, May 17, 2018

The book of Tadzkiratul Auliya

Malik ibn Dinar is the persian slave from sijistan (Kabul) and one of the Hasan al basri student. Hasan al basri is Expertise is hadith. and famous Al Quran calligraphers. It dates around 130 (748 AD)

A young man living in the neighborhood where Malik lived. ahlak (behavior) is very bad and his behavior is vile. Malik was disturbed by the boy's bad behavior, but he was patient with other people to admonish him.

In short, others came to Malik and complained about the young man. So Malik went and admonished him and asked him to change.

The young man reacted stubbornly and arrogantly.

"I'm the King's favorite," the young man told Malik.

"No one can forbid me or prevent me from doing what I want."

Malik replied, "I'll talk to the King."

"The King will never withdraw his blessing to me." the young man said. "He'll approve what I do."

"Yes if the king can not do anything." Malik continued said "I will complain to the Most Merciful."

Then Malik pointed at the sky.

The young man said "He's too loving to punish me."

This made Malik silent, so he left the young man. Several days passed, the bad man's behavior worse than before. Everyone complained to Malik again. Malik went to admonish the young man. But on the way Malik heard a voice.

"Do not disturb My friend!."

In amazement, Malik went to the boy.

" What has happened ." Said the young man when he saw Malik,
"So you came for a second time?"

"This time I did not come to yell at you." Answer Malik.
"I came just to say that I heard a voice saying you were His best friend."

"Ah." Exclaimed the young man "If so, I will surrender my palace fully to worship Him, I care no more with all my possessions."

after saying that sentence, the young man left everything he possessed and started his wandering in this world.

Malik narrates that some time later, malik saw the young man in mecca, in a state of impoverished and near death.

"He's my best friend." said the young man. "I'll see my best friend." after saying it, the young man breathed his last and died in a state of smugness and satisfaction.

( Verily, those who give Bai'ah [ Pledge ] to you [ O, Muhammad ] they are give Bai'ah ( Pledege ) t Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands , then whosoever break his pledge, breaks it only to his own harm and whosoever fulfils what he has covenanted with Allah , He will bestow on him a great reward . --- Translation of Quran, 48 - 10 )

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