
Friday, June 1, 2018

HOW COMPLICATED Hitler's Family Tree

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Hitler's Family Tree

A chart of Hitler's Family Tree
 Hitler's Family Tree. Jennifer Rosenberg

Adolf Hitler's family tree is complicated. You will notice that the last name "Hitler" had many variations that were often used almost interchangeably. Some of the common variances were Hitler, Hiedler, Hüttler, Hytler, and Hittler. Adolf's father Alois Schicklgruber did change his name on January 7, 1877, to "Hitler" —  the only form of the last name that his son used.
His immediate family tree is filled with multiple marriages. In the above image, look carefully at the marriage dates and the birth dates of Hitler's many relatives. Several of these children were born illegitimately or only a couple months after marriage. This gave rise to many disputes such as the contested issue of whether or not Johann Georg Hiedler was Alois Schicklgruber's father (as depicted in the chart above).

Adolf's Parents

Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Schicklgruber had two wives before Adolf's mother. The first, Anna Glassl-Hörer (1823-1883) he married in October 1873. Anna became an invalid soon after the marriage, in 1880 she filed for a separation, and she died three years later. Alois and Anna had no children together.
Alois' second wife, Franziska "Fanni" Matzelsberger (Hitler) married Alois at 19 years of age and gave birth to two children, Alois Jr and Angela Hitler. Fanni died of tuberculosis at the age of 24. 
Not long after Fanni's death, Alois married Klara Pölzl, his housekeeper and Adolf's mother, whom he had hired during his first marriage. Klara and Alois had six children together, half of which died before the age of 2. Only Adolf and his youngest sister Paula survived into adulthood. Klara died of breast cancer in 1908 when Adolf was 19 years old. 

Adolf Hitler's Siblings

Although Hitler's immediate family tree lists five full-blood siblings, all of his older siblings died in infancy. Gustav Hitler, born May 17, 1885, died nearly seven months later of diphtheria. The next born, Ida on September 25, 1886, died less than 2 years later of the same disease. Otto Hitler was born and died in the Autumn of 1887. Another of Adolf's siblings, Edmund, was born after Adolf in March 1894 but died of measles at the age of six.
Adolf's youngest sister and only sibling to survive into adulthood was born in 1896 and died of a stroke in 1960. Adolf committed suicide in 1945, Paula, born in 1896, lived until she died of natural causes in 1960. 
From his father's previous marriage, Adolf had two half-siblings, Alois Jr. and Angela Hitler. Both married and had children, many of whom are still alive today. Angela married Leo Raubal had three children, Adolf's nephew Leo Rudolf and nieces Angela "Geli" and Elfriede.  

The End of the Hitler Bloodline

It is important to note that in the above image, some exclusions were made due to space limitations, among them the children of Alois Hitler Jr., Alexander, Louis, and Brian Stuart-Houston, who are still alive as of 2017.
Two great-nephews from his half-sister Angela's children are also still alive as of 2017. After marrying Dr. Ernst Hochegger, Adolf's half-niece Elfriede Hitler Hochegger gave birth to Heiner in 1945. Peter Raubal, the son of Leo Raubal, is currently a retired engineer living in Austria. 
According to some reports, the remaining family members have pledged to never reproduce and stop the Hitler bloodline

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