
Thursday, May 17, 2018

7 Things You Don't Know You're Doing Because You're A Deep Thinker

Ah the deep thinker. The person who’s lost in their thoughts and overly anxiousbut they’ll see future problems before anyone else.
They reflect constantly, and only speak when they have something meaningful to say.
While their deep thoughts can distract them from reality at times, deep thinkers always listen to what you have to say because it’s another opportunity to learn.
If you think this sounds like you, you might identify with these signs.

1) You’re introverted

Many deep thinkers are reserved, quiet and introverted. They’re more likely to spend time in their head than out there socializing with others.
In fact, German psychologist Hans Eysenck researched the brain of an introvert and found that introvert’s have naturally high cortical arousal, meaning their ability to process information per second is higher than the average extrovert.
They literally process information more deeply in the brain.
This means that in a heavily stimulated environment, such as large groups of people with loud noises and movements, a deep thinker will most likely get more overwhelmed and exhausted from the brain’s cortical activity.

2) You analyze experiences

It’s common for a deep thinker to engage in a lot of analysis of past, present and future experiences. They take facts and experiences from the past and link them with new facts and experiences. 
They like to be nostalgic but also like to prepare for the future from learning from the past. They like to draw a big picture in the heads to see how things connect, using a lot of problem solving skills.

3) You look at things from multiple perspectives

A deep thinker tends to do a lot of observing when other people speak. Observations of social situations on how people react and perceive is a strong feature of a deep thinker’s personality. They quickly learn multiple ways of seeing things, and tend to know how to adapt themselves to better communicate with others.

4) You’re naturally empathic

As patient and active listeners, a deep thinker is someone that will offer great comfort and support when others are down. They are empathic and accepting of others, and have realistic answers to solve problems.

5) You’re forgetful

You might be thinking: how the hell is this possible? Well, the problem is, a deep thinker is thinking so much that mundane day-to-day tasks get pushed out of their heads. 
A deep thinker prefers to ruminate over more pressing issues and problem solve. So if they miss your birthday or anniversary, don’t worry, it’s nothing personal.

6) You’re curious

A deep thinker is insatiably curious about the world around them. They need to know how things work and what makes people tick. Whether it’s history, science, literature or you, they want to know more, because knowledge makes them happy. This makes them incredibly engaging, because they know a little something about everything.

7) You’re open-minded

Deep thinkers are unlikely to close themselves off to new ideas. Psychologists believe that people who are able to look at both sides of an argument tend to score higher on intelligence tests.
At the same time, a deep thinker won’t blindly accept any new idea, because they can see both sides of an argument. 
As the great Aristotle said:
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

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