Read sometimes makes forget the time. Nothing feels bright morning has turned red lagit afternoon. Apparently does not feel the fingers have reversed hundreds of pages. Knowledge increases. Insights increasingly widespread. Our brains need to be read as a sword and a knife will need sharpening stone.
Reading is a Muslim tradition. Even the first verse down to rule for reading. This tradition continues to be maintained by our predecessors. The caliphs build a large library at home and in the region. The scholars continue to study the science. Inspire people to read the book. Among the famous library is a library of Umayyad in Andalusia.
Against the penchant Umayyads Sciences
Daula Umayyad in Andalus was founded in the year 172 H by a Quraish named Abdurrahman ibn Muawiyah ibn Hisham bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan. Or better known as Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil. Historians call this daulah with Daula Umayyad II. Because standing after the collapse of Daula Umayyad in Damascus. The reign of the Umayyad clan in Andalus is stable periods that Iberian peninsula region.
The king Daula Umayyad II really love and attention to science pengatahuan. In the reign of Muhammad ibn Abdurrahman al-Ausath (273 H), historians began to notice the libraries of Andalusia. And the most famous is the library of Cordoba. Then Abdurrahman Al Nasir (350 H) are known to be in love and menggandrungi book.
Love the Umayyad caliphs Daula II for knowledge to be heard to the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Constantine VII took the initiative to give a gift to bin Abdurrahman Al Nasir a book that he had not known. Constantine VII gave her medical books in Greek works Diskuridis. And also the greatness of the Roman history book Herosis work. Of course this is a special gift for Abdurrahman Al Nasir (Uyunu al-Anba fi Thabaqat al-Athibba by Ibn Abi Ushaibah: tahqiq Nizar Ridha. It: 493).
Abdurrahman Al Nasir had two children: al-Hakam and Muhammad. Both received special guidance of the writers and scholars. So both also love science. Spanish historian Julian Ribera, said, "The library is not enough to satisfy their father's enthusiasm for learning them. And both are racing to create a personal library. Library Who is the most complete and best collection of his books. Seteleha some old Prince Muhammad died. His brother, Prince al-Hakam, inherited his library. Then his father died anyway, perpustakaanya passed on to al-Hakam. Then al-Hakam combines all three of these libraries. And formed a very large library (at-Tarbiyah fi al-Islamiya al-Andalus by Julian Ribera, Page: 156).
Library al-Umayyad
Ibn Hazm tells about how big the Library of al-Umayyad, "Talid al-Fata al-Umayyad -pegawai Library in Andalus- told me that the number of the catalog that contains the names of books there amounted to 44 catalogs. Each catalog is composed of 50 sheets. In it only the names of a book "(al-Hilatu as-Sira by Ibn al-Abar: ditahqil by Husein Mu'nis: 2/203). So the catalog of books in the Library of al-Umayyad consists of 2200 pages. It shows how great the library belongs to the kingdom. It is estimated that there are at least 100,000 books that meet the collection.
Role of Scholars Against Library
Many people involved in building this library to become the largest library in the world at that time. The first is Abdurrahman Al Nasir. Then his son al-Hakam al-Mustansir. Also the scholars, writers, jurists, all over the country.
Library officials in al-Umayyad are the professionals who come from Andalus to Baghdad. They are writers and scholars. They are people who have great attention to the book.
The writers and scholars were writing new books, the results of their research. Then handed over to the clergy to be corrected. And the recommendation of the scholars, then the books worthy of inclusion into the library. The authors also received rewards and awards of the empire.
A historian named Ibn al-Faradhi mention a few scholars who have great interest in correcting the books before being put in the Library of al-Umayyad Cordoba and az-Zahra. Among these are al-Imam ar-Rabaji Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Azdi.
Ibn al-Faradhi said, "Ar-Rabaji Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Azdi was a jurist. A priest reliable. He took Sibawayh history of Ibn an-Nuhas path. Ar-Rajabi very detailed and meticulous. He is also intelligent in analogous. People admired him as an expert i'rab. Commander of the Faithful Al Nasir asked him to become an educator of his son, al-Mughirah ... ... He is a pious. Died in the year 358 AH Ramadan "(Tarikh al-Ulama-ruwat lil wa ar bil Ilmi Andalus by Ibn Faradhi: Ditahqiq by Izat al-'Ithar Page: 2/71).
Other scientists are a writer named Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Fahri al-Qurtubi. It also has a major role in correcting the books into the Library of al-Umayyad.
In addition to men, there are also some of the women who played a major role in the development of al-Umayyad Library. Among them was a woman named writer Lubna. He was a clerk Caliph al-Hakam al-Mustansir. Ibn Bisykawal commented, "He is a woman who is an expert in writing. Expert nahwu and poetry. Also an expert in math. He mastered a lot of knowledge. No one was in the court of the woman, the more intelligent of him. He is an expert women arudh (one branch of Arabic) and good writing. Lubna died in 374 AH "(ash-shilah by Ibn Bisykawal: Ditahqiq by Ibrahim al-Ibyari: 3/992).
Other women writers is Muzanah and Fatima bin Zakariya. Muzanah is the scribe Caliph Al Nasir li Dinillah. Women most good writing. Died in the year 358 H (ash-shilah by Ibn Bisykawal: 3/992). The Fatima bint Zakariya, according to Ibn Bisykawal, it is a delightful writer. People who are serious about khat. And courtesy in speaking. Ibn Hayyan mentions Jumadil Ula Fatimah died in 427 H. He died in a state of a girl (ash-shilah by Ibn Bisykawal: 3/994).
Extraordinary love Against Books
An orientalist, Julian Ribera, really amazed by the love of the Muslims of Andalusia will be a book. He was amazed how the Muslims runs from west to east just to collect new books. The Muslims continued to add to their knowledge by reading books. So the city of Cordoba became thinkers, experts, and scientists.
Reading is a Muslim tradition. Learning and reviewing the science has become part of our history. Too many inspirational figures in the Islamic civilization. But is there who want to emulate them ?!
Source:- The paper was written by Muhammad Sha'ban al-Ayyub title Maktabah fi al-Umayyad an-Andalus.
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