Among the prophet whose name is often mentioned in the Qur'an is the Prophet Musa 'alaihis sahalatu was greeting. He is the prophet most often the course of its history is told in the Qur'an as our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Some scholars count, his name is mentioned 136 times in the Koran. Best prophets among the people of Israel, including ulul Azmi, and holds Kalimullah (the person spoken to directly by God). (Fabi Hudahum, Dr. Othman al-Khamis, p. 326).
He was Musa bin Imran, and still descendants of the Prophet Ya'qub 'alaihis sahalatu was greeting. Allah has made clear in the Qur'an that he has been very many people get the tests of life,
وفتناك فتونا
"And We have given kepadammu trials with various trials." (QS. Taha: 40).
And this is the secret why he's history most often mentioned in the Koran, in order that we can draw lessons from the struggle he and his efforts in preaching the truth to the whole community. Dr. Uthman al-Khamis said,
تكرر اسمه كثيرا في كتاب الله تعالى مما يدل على أن الله يريد منا أن نتدير أحواله, وما لاقى من المشاق, والتعب والأذى والفتنة
His name is called repeatedly in the Book of Allah (the Qur'an) which shows that God wants us to always reflect on his situation, the difficulties he encountered, his tiredness, any disturbance and test his face. (Fabi Hudahum, Dr. Othman al-Khamis, p. 327).
Prayer Prophet Musa 'alaihis greetings
We return to the theme of the discussion about the prayer of Moses. In the Qur'an, Allah mentions some prayers are being said Moses. The prayers that he prayed in every different occasions. But there is one very amazing prayer, prayer that treat many anxiety experienced by Moses,
رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير
"O my Lord! Lo! I desperately need every good thing Thou hast revealed to me." (Qur'an, Al-Qasas: 24).
You can note the letter al-Qasas, God tells Moses from paragraph 3 to paragraph 43. This prayer uttered when he was in Moses's difficult conditions. Overcome with anxiety and fear. For the layman, the situation may already be considered the peak of the test, as there is no hope for life.
1. Pharaoh colonize depleted the children of Israel
2. slaughtered every male infant, and let live baby girl
3. Pharaoh weakens every joint life of the children of Israel, as there is no hope to be able to rise to fight for independence.
4. God commanded Moses to anchor her mother into the river.
5. Moses was raised by a family of Pharaoh. Small Musa growing in the middle of his candidate.
6. Once great, Moses fled from Pharaoh's kingdom. Moses killed Pharaoh when trying to help him water the Israelites who struggle with the victim.
7. Moses became frightened in the cities of Egypt, for killing Pharaoh. Even coming to an informant, that the leaders of Pharaoh's army had agreed to kill Moses.
8. Moses out of Egypt with horror, he walked toward Madyan.
9. On the way he met two women queuing to fetch water for their livestock, but they were not able to do so. Then assisted Moses.
At that moment, Moses was in dire need of help and assistance. But there is no longer a place to complain, no family, no job, no possible return to Egypt in the near future. At that moment, Moses was greatly in need of help with their Lord. Under the shade of trees, he prayed,
فسقى لهما ثم تولى إلى الظل فقال رب إني لما أنزلت إلي من خير فقير
Moses gave the cattle to drink it to help the two women, then he sat down in the shade and prayed: "O my Lord! Lo! I desperately need every good thing Thou hast revealed to me". (QS. Al-Qasas: 24).
Coincidently, after prayer God remove unrest Moses, step by step. Come one among women who helped Moses, offered to Moses to come to his house. See the girl's father.
1. God has given security guarantees to Moses, by God, he gathered together the pious (her father).
2. Moses' father married with one daughter.
3. Moses get a job and a place to stay safe in the town of Madyan.
4. Moses get a stick that would be a miracle.
5. Moses was invited by God to lead the blessed valley, the valley Tuwa.
6. In this valley, God spoke directly to Moses as a prophet making.
7. Moses get a lot Miracle against Pharaoh.
8. God raised Moses' brother, Aaron, as the Prophet, which will help Moses in preaching.
9. God wins Moses and Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea.
You may have noticed, victory and success barrage God gave to Moses. Which all started after she prayed with a sense of hope, feel indigent before God, asking God to bring down a lot of good for him.
Such was among the adab prayer. Pray and ask God, when you feel desperately need the help of God, make prayer efficacious. Because you feel very close to God. So that the prayer recited become highly qualified.
In contrast to the routine nature of prayer. Read the Arabic text, but not accompanied by the presence of the liver. Merely on verbal, without any sense of need for God. These conditions make our prayers are not efficacious. As stated Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
ادعوا الله وأنتم موقنون بالإجابة, واعلموا أن الله لا يستجيب دعاء من قلب غافل لاه
"Pray to God with confidence will be granted. Ketahulilah that God will not allow the prayer of a servant whose heart is negligent. "(HR. Turmudzi 3479, the judge in al-Mustadrak 1817 and dihasankan by al-Albani).
God knows best
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