Utsman bin Affan Unite of Al Quran Reading
After Umar bin al-Khattab's death, three nights later Uthman dibaiat replace it. Baiat
that occurred in the year 24 H. The man was ashamed of her angel is
successfully expanding the territory of the Islamic Caliphate. Muslims growing in number. The new generation emerged to replace their fathers. Time continues to run, gallop step of civilization, and the prophetic future was getting away.Mebaca Caliphate area residents learn the Qur'an from the Prophet's companions who live with them. People Sham read qiraat Ubay ibn Ka'b somebody making anhu. Iraq's population is different again. They read with somebody making qiraat Abdullah bin Mas'ud 'anhu. The addition to them, the Koran is read with qiraat Abi Musa
al-Ash'ari, somebody making anhum ajma'in (Jam'u Koran al-Karim Hifzhan
wa Kitabatan by Ali bin Sulaiman al-Ubaid).Each friend has a corresponding reading history they catch hold of the Prophet ﷺ. Because of the breadth of the area, many people in the amount of the difference readings also becoming widespread. Those who are unfamiliar, do not know there is a history apart from what they read. Plus the limited means of information, causing less massive deployment of science today. Do not imagine each region know what is happening in other areas such as this, there is internet and telivisi. News spread of the traveler only by word of mouth. Qiraat dispute eventually led to slander and divisions.Because Enactment PoliciesThe
main cause of uniformity recitation of the Qur'an at the time of Uthman
somebody making anhu was the difference readings lead to blaming the
Muslims. Uthman also adopted a policy of uniting the voice of the people. He decided that there is a Mushhaf same.Starting
from a friend newspaper Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman somebody making anhu
coming from the territory of Azerbaijan and Armenia. He met residents of Sham and Iraq were at odds because the recitation of the Qur'an. Hudzaifah worry slander and issues arising from it. He said, "O Commander of the Faithful, I have encountered this people
disagree on issues of the Book (the Qur'an), as well as Jews and
Christians disagree (among them)".Narrated
Ibn Abi Dawud from Qilabah, he said, "In the caliphate of Uthman, he
was appointed a lecturer qiraat (reading the Koran) and the other to
teach qiraat anyway. Then two young people (students qiraat) meet and quarrel about their reading. Until this permsalahan up to the teachers. Job says, 'What I know, to the extent that they are mengkafirkan
because reading the Koran (which foreigners according to them)'. "The
seriousness of the chaotic differences in recitation of the Qur'an when
it could be slightly drawn in our minds with the recent events that
have occurred. Java style of recitation of the Qur'an. Initiative
ministers of religion, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, read the Koran with
macapat song could make ordinary initially tense atmosphere. His decision sparked pros and cons. And certainly enliven social media. Well how about the recitation of the Qur'an persitiwa difference in the time of Uthman. Naturally larger and potentially lead to conflict in society.In the midst of such chaos, Uthman issued a policy that managed to create an atmosphere subsided and calm. Uthman collect figures ﷺ friend of the Prophet. Discussions with them. finding solutions to the major events they are facing. Finally out a uniform policy for recitation of the Qur'an. Ditetapkanlah one qiraat (reading) which finished the back to the people. The qiraat then be written and distributed to all parts of Islam. Not only that, Uthman close the gap disputes by burning different mus-haf (Kitab al-Mashahif. 1 / 211-214).Measures taken Uthman is an extraordinary decision. The attitude he took to calm. Not even warm the atmosphere and cause divisions. Ibn Abi Dawud narrated that Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "Do not go overboard in addressing the (policy) Uthman. Do you talk about him, except that fine. By Allah, what he did to the mus-haf Koran was decided after consultation with us (friends) ".Ali continued, Uthman asked us, "What do you think about disputes this reading? It's
up to the news to me people say, 'Qiraatku better than qiraat you read'
... ... We also handed over to him by asking, "How is your solution?"
Uthman said, "I think we need to unite reading in the mus-haf uniform. So that no groups. There is no dispute ". We respond, "What's a nice solution". Ali asserted, "By Allah, if I became caliph, would I do as the Uthman '.Officers Writer KoranUtman bin Affan somebody making anhu form a team of experts to carry out the task of writing the Koran. A tough task because of what they write will be read billions of people until the Day of Judgment.Some
say these officers joined the team 5: Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah ibn
az-Zubair, Abdullah ibn al-Abbas, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As, and
Abdurrahman bin al-Harith. There is also a stated 12 people. They were from Quraysh and the Ansar. Including Ubay ibn Ka'b. While the majority of scholars argue, they are a team of 4. Comprising: Zaid bin Thabit Ansari. Then Abdullah ibn az-Zubair, Said bin al-Alsh, and Abdurrahman bin al-Harith bin Hisham. Three last name is Quraysh.Ibn
Hajar said: "The incident occurred at the end of the year 24 H until
the beginning of the year 25 AH That was the time mentioned by
historians. The year in which the release of Armenia. But Ibn al-Jarir and Ibn al-Athir has a different opinion. According
to them the events of unification reading (al-jam'u al-Ottoman)
occurred in the year 30 AH Opinions more precise it is the first ". (al-Mashahif, 1 / 205,217,220).Preparation methods Mush-hafThe
first step taken in the writing Uthman Koran was send someone to the
Mother of the Faithful Hafsa bint Umar ibn al-Khattab somebody making
anha. He asked a mus-haf Koran, which were recorded at the time of Abu Bakr. The team of authors also make the mus-haf as a reference in the line of duty. Then they rewrite on the orders of Uthman.Uthman said to the three Quraishi author. "If you disagree with Zaid bin Thabit on any case in the Qur'an, then write with oral Quraish. Because the Koran was revealed to the oral Quraysh ".Az-Zuhri said, "They differ in at-Taabuut or at-Taabuuh (التابوت والتابوة). The authors argue at-Taabuut Quraysh. While Zaid choose at-Taabuuh. This distinction came to Uthman. Then Uthman ordered, 'Write at-Taabuut. Since he came down with his verbal Quraysh. '"(Reported by at-Bukhari, Fadha-il Koran, 4604).Only in this word they disagree. They disagree whether written ta 'maftuhah or ta' marbuthah.After the writing is completed, Commander of the Faithful of the Ottoman bin Affan send them to areas of the caliphate. Interestingly, along with the new mus-haf he sent someone who has the same reading with the majority of locals reading. Then that person teach the region's population.Then Uthman ordered that the mus-haf different eliminated by burning. So that the roots of the dispute in the Koran problem really clean tercabuti. The companions Uthman was approved policy. As the sayings of Ali bin Abi Talib, "By Allah, if I became caliph, would I do as the Uthman '.Mus-haf collected and then burned or washed with water until the ink-smudged ink (Manahilu Irfan, 1/259, 261).In the history of Imam al-Bukhari described. After writing the mus-haf completed, the mus-haf Othman returns a reference to Hafsah. Then sends the mus-haf new to the whole territory. He also ordered that a new addition to the mus-haf burned. So that the community of the Muslims united in the mus-haf Ottoman. See
unity, somebody making Abdullah bin Mas'ud 'anhu who initially rejected
the mus-haf Ottoman and do not want to burn the mus-hafnya, had changed
his mind. He acknowledged mistakes views. Then helped do the same thing with people. Race was united (Reported by al-Bukhari in Fadha-il Koran, 4604).
policy pursued bin Affan somebody making anhu in uniting the recitation
of the Qur'an is smart policy, bold and precise. Until now we feel how the Koran which he interchanges so universal. Penetrate the barriers of ethnicity, region, and language. Vacate the chest of the Muslims in all corners of the world. Not to cause jealousy. Unity was realized and careful man into the field.
What Uthman charge can be accepted all Muslims. Whereas before they have different readings. This is true leadership. He unites people who previously split. Instead of issuing the policy which heats the atmosphere in the midst ketanangan and unity.
Mush-haf sum Ottoman First
After completing rewriting the Koran, Uthman ordered that the new mus-haf sent to areas caliphate. The scholars differed how many mus-haf written Uthman. Opinions illustrious mention that the mus-haf Koran propagated into five. Sent to Mecca, Medina, Kufa, Sham, and one held by him alone. That is known as the mus-haf al-imam.
Abu Amr ad-Dani said, "Most scholars claim that the mus-haf is numbered four. Sent to Kufa, Basra, and Sham. Then one more Uthman himself holding ".
Abi Dawud said, "I heard Abu Hatim as-Sajistani said, 'When Uthman
Koran rewrote the event jam'ul Quran, he reproduce the mus-haf to seven.
Sent to Mecca, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Basra, Kufa, and another remained in Medina.
The most powerful opinion stating that the Koran is doubled to six. Four of them were sent to Mecca, Syria, Kufa and Basra. One mus-haf remain in Medina. Mus-haf was called al-Madani al-'Aam. And one of Uthman's own handlers. Mus-haf is called al-Madani al-Khaas or al-mus-haf al-Imam (al-Itqan, 1/189).
Events Lessons From Ja'ul Quran
A leader should issue a policy that unites people at a time when they were broken to pieces. Not otherwise heat up and break down people when they calm conditions.
Mus-haf Ottoman be a middle ground and unifying.
Government monitor and disseminate the mus-haf Koran.
solution contained Qur'anic verses in the Koran worn unused, or
writings in books and papers is to be burned as what Uthman and another
friend agreed. So that the verses of the Koran are not insulting thrown in the trash. Or used as a wrap and sockets something that is not in accordance with his glory.
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