In the Book of Sir Al Asrar chapter two, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani explain the link between the Spirit, Soul and Life Mission.
Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani wrote that the first reply that was created is the Spirit of Allah Ta'ala. Then the Spirit of the later "downgraded" to the soul, then finally "downgraded" to the body. The combination of Spirit, Soul and body was in the Qur'an referred to as "Insan". The process of creation and this decline, which according to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani understood dr purposes of paragraphs:
"Verily We have created INSAN in the best possible shape. Then We revealed it to the lowest of the low (Asfala safilin)" [Qur'an 94: 4-5]
This understanding will also closely related to the rules of Dignity Seven headliner at the school of Ibn Arabi --salah successor of which is Al Jilli author of Insan Kamil, Al Jilli itself is thariqah Qadariyah followers who pioneered Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani own
Originally Ruh derived natural pass Nur or haqiqah Muhammadiyah Beautiful Names that accumulation therein, or which is usually called the Dignity Dignity Wahdaniyah Seven. After Dignity Wahdaniyah, "fell" down there Wahidah dignity in the concept of dignity is seven, which would have included Al Kull Natural nafs (soul Overall, or Nafs Wahidah written reply preformance Sura 4: 1) and also Natural 'Aql Al Kull (' Aql Awwal overall) which is in conjunction with the Natural Nafs Al Kull TSB.
Then the Spirit descend past the angelic realm, there --menurut Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani-- Spirit is given "clothes" or the devices which are made of Nur (divine light), be nafs (soul), that in it there Ruh. This is where Spirit became nafs (soul) Sulthan, and then Soul On to live up (by the Spirit) into natural bodies of the next
Then the soul --beserta Ar Ruh in dalamnya-- incorporated into natural bodies in mulk (corporeal nature, natural materials). Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani wrote that the body is the house of the soul, as the sheath for the keris. He also is continuing that every soul has a nickname that is different, aka some referred to as "name-soul".
Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani jg wrote, in his native Ruh already contained the seeds, which must be grown into a tree piety, or "syajaratun tayyibah" in the Qur'an. In the course there will be the root of the seed, the tree will be, will be going to the leaves and the fruit will reply it all together in the seed, therefore Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani call this seed as seed monotheism (tawhid also means menyepadu). The seed must be grown into "syajaratun thayybah" in the course of mysticism: no roots, no stems, no leaves, and certainly no fruit.
"Do you not see how God has made a good sentence parable like a good tree, its roots are firm and its branches. The tree gives its fruit in every season by the permission of their Lord" [Qur'an 14: 24-25]
Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani jg wrote that the spirit within the soul is located in the nucleus of Qalb. It was there that God created a space that in Surah 24:35 known as Zaujajah, Imam Hakim Tirmidhi say that this is meant Zaujajah Qalb that clear glass ball. In this Zaujajah space, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani will write their Sirr (literal meaning: secret) that in which there is the Spirit, which is the axis of a direct relationship between God and His servants, active Spirit in his Qalb Sirr is that in the Quran later called Ruh al Quds.
"... That's what they have written (kataba) in Qalb Al Iman and they are strengthened by the Spirit of His side (Ghost Quds)." [Qur'an 58: 22]
Furthermore Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani AL Sirr said that his Spirit in this Qalb will be delivered duties and affairs which vary from person to person. Everyone should know the tasks and objectives in the creation of this universe. This is what referred to as "life mission" special and unique for each person. In carrying righteous deeds that contained in the "mission in life", the Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani compare it like buying and selling that no losers with Allaah (Sura 35:29). Where the provisions of righteous deeds in "life mission" was, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani quoting:
"And every man that had we set deeds as (fixed) necklace on her neck." (Surah 17:31).
by Rezha Rochadi on Monday, June 7, 2010 at 6:08 pm
Above disinggung2 matter of dignity 7, following the order of dignity 7 TSB:
1. Ahadiyah (Nature is the Essence of Allah Almighty who Ghaibul unseen Mutlaq)
2. Wahdaniyah (Nur Muhammadiyah, the term Wahdatul Being taken dr word "Wahdah" This, in it manifests Sempura / tajalli God asthma or asthma-Asmaul Husna. From these embryos Muhammadiyah Nur entire universe --baik bathin-- born or created. )
3. Wahidiyah (taken Dr. term nafs Wahidah written reply in Sura 4: 1, the Sufis call it Nafs Al Kull or Univesal soul, every human nafs taken 'majority' of certain parts of this Nafs Al Kull)
Of Dignity 1-3 character Qadim
4. Natural Jabarut (Natural ar-Ruh Insan)
5. Natural Malakut (nafs nature is Insan)
6. Nature Mulk (Natural body was Insan)
Muhdats nature of Dignity 4-6 (renewable or terciptakan in time)
Combined perfect 4-6 in human beings who produce the next dignity:
7. Insan Kamil (which in totality is perfect obedience ubudiyah His body on Shariah Born in Nature Mulk, perfect Malakut Nafsnya in nature, and it is perfectly guided directly by the Ruh Al Quds of Natural Jabarut. Insan Kamil is this which is called Ardh fil true Caliph)
[OPTIONAL] The process of creation of the universe cosmology according to the Hadiths of the Prophet who is given to Imam Ali.
Essence of Allah created his own Nur. From his own Nur Nur created Muhammadiyah.
Of Nur Muhammadiyah created 4 parts:
1. Pen
2. Lawh Mahfouz
3. The Throne
4. From the section throughout the last quarter of this recreated 4 sub-sections
4.1. Malaikat2 bearers of the Throne
4.2. Kursy (which supports the Throne)
4.3 All other malaikat2
4.4 From parts throughout the last quarter of this created another four sub-sections:
4.4.1. Sky (seven layers)
4.4.2. Al-Ardh (Earth-Earth)
4.4.3 Jin and fire
4.4.4. Of parts throughout the last quarter of this created another four sub-sections: The whole nur Faith for the Mu'minin Nur Science in Qalb Nur Shiddiqien (RQ?) Other Cahaya2 in the natural world.
It can be seen that there are four levels of transcription of each level is split into 4 parts.
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