
Monday, December 8, 2014


how to treat heart disease arrogant (al-kibr), which is a sign of ignorance perpetrators, as well as about how to treat the disease darkness riya ', which is a form of liver underestimation of the majesty of God, and penolehan heart, because of ignorance, to love the position in human side. Imam Al-Haddad said, "Riya 'is a sign of ignorance culprit. Why? "

He said, "Because he has turned his worship to God to creatures, which can not benefit nor provide madharat for him."

Next we will discuss how to get out of envy, the third disease of the mother of all heart disease and immorality.

When you recall the last lesson, you will know that the arrogant will give birth to humans penolehan view, because in this condition a person to compare himself with others. He sees himself more noble and more mainstream than others. This view emerged from the arrogant and feel taller than others, which subsequently developed into riya ', wants to be seen by others. He sought and demanded the views of others to himself, demanding others glorify and mengagungkannya. He is the love of the position among men.

These circumstances, if continued to grow in self culprit, then be turned into a third disease, which is malicious.

Envy, which is immoral in the vice-vice liver, is a heavy feeling in regard favors or gifts on the side of the creature. You feel heavy when you see others gain the favor of Allah, both temporal and favors favors hereafter. Where it comes from feeling the weight of this kind? That feeling comes because you are busy to reach out and get a position among men.

If your position among men is due to the knowledge that you have, you will feel the weight when looking at someone else who is more pious and knowledgeable than yourself, because you are afraid that people will turn his view of them to him, not to you. So the disease is in the heart to the limit that you find it hard to see the blessings God has given you besides. Why? Because you do not want people to look to the person who gets the gift. You just want people looking at you.

Or, if the position that you would expect among people is the cause of wealth you possess, or the ability to ascertaining projects that bring the coffers of wealth, you will feel heavy when in front of you there are other people who also have the ability like that, because you are afraid it will make the views of people on him, not to you.

In science, position, rank, position, and at whatever it is, full of love hearts by the darkness of the position on the human side will give birth later this third disease, namely envy, heavy feeling seeing favors on the side of the creature.

When we say that vanity (al-kibr) is a sign of over ignorance, riya '(ar-riya') is a sign on stupidity, envy is indeed hostility (mu'adah) against God openly. Naudzu billah !!!

If one can accept that he was an enemy of God, the Most owners all its glory? Envy is enmity against God openly, because people who hasud as if he was against God.

"Why did you give the so and so?"

At the moment you find it hard to see any favors at someone, as if you are opposed to the thing that gave him favor, Allah. This is the danger of envy. You will always live with the dark heart, the heart feels heavy to see the good in the human side, and against God in giving His gifts to all His creatures.

Malicious has some sort. First, malicious devil (al-envy al-iblisiy). Namely hope disappearance favors from others even though it is not expected to favor his.

Someone hoping disappearance favor of another person in front of him even favor it would not be his. For example, a person's success in ascertaining the business transaction, you hope that the people that got the loss, even if you can not perform any transaction.

"Me and upon my enemies," as people say.

Satan's envy. He felt the weight saw a high position of Allah be on our father, Prophet Adam. Such envy then bring Satan to oppose God, the Most owners all its glory, by refusing to kowtow to Prophet Adam. After that, instead of should he return and repent to Allah and regretted his mistake, which, if he repents, Allah will take away his sin, because God truly vast His bounty, for Allah is precisely the devil threatens Adam and his children and grandchildren . The devil says, "He (the devil) said, 'Explain to me, is this the one that you have honored above me? If you give me respite until the Day of Judgment, He really will I lead astray the offspring, except a small sebahagian. "(Surat al-Isra: 62).

Is the devil acts against children and grandchildren Adam will return the position? Is the devil will get back the position that has been missing from her? Not !! Once-time position that will never come back to him. Due to very dark and envy her jet black that is in his heart, the devil turned on should think about how to get a change of losses they experienced, and how to regain the position that has been missing from her, to how to bring madharat against others who get gifts and position of God and how to eliminate the gift that achieved by other than himself.

This is the worst and least of all kinds of envy.

If someone blocked from sincerity and broad-mindedness and forever grieve, surely he would never feel the joy of obedience forever. There would be many people who feel the pleasure hasud supplications to God. There would be many people who feel the pleasure hasud close to God, because he is dealing with God by hostility towards him.

After explaining the nature of the first kind of envy and various malicious, ie malicious devil (al-envy al-iblisiy), caregiver goes on to explain about the various subsequent envy and the dangers of it.

Secondly, the expectation of the loss of favor from others in order to favor the switch to him. Someone hoping disappearance favor of others who are in hadapanya and he hoped that favor the switch to him. He hoped, the So and so lose the business, so he was the one then gets a big advantage. He hoped, the Fulan falling position, so that he who will obtain and replace his position.

Someone who has this kind of malicious nature hope disappearance favors from others so that he gets it. The nature of this kind is a bad thing and something that can contaminate the heart - wal-'iyadzu billah, may Allah keep us and you all thereof. But the nature of this second Malicious lower than the previous ugliness.

Third, the loss of hope for favors from others that he got it, however, if you do not get it, he's still willing if the favor of others.

Someone hoping disappearance favor of another person in front of him and was expecting to get the favor. But if there is no way to reach in order to be hers, she volunteered that favors these belong to someone else.

Such envy any kind of bad, but the levels of ugliness lighter than the previous two kinds of envy.

Fourth, ghibthah. Something that is not considered bad, but feel the weight of the favors that of the others.

"Why So and so getting this and that? But I do not expect that the Fulan loss. I just wish that I was getting like that obtained by the so and so. "

Here ghibthah. Hasad a believer is ghibthah. A believer does not envy to others, but he ghibthah.

What is the meaning ghibthah to others? Meaning, he hopes to get favors obtained as others, but do not expect the loss of the favor of others.

For this fourth kind of situation, it owned a believer. You see someone has a virtue, suppose he had memorized the Qur'an. You feel heavy because you have not memorized, then you also hoped to soon be able to memorize the Qur'an, but you do not feel the weight of the brother who had already memorized the Qur'an. Feeling the weight of the next memotivasimu to memorize the Quran so that you get exactly what he got.

You do not expect that it is missing from your brother's favor. It includes a chapter at-tanafus (each race). Allah says, "... and for that so that, should the racing." QS. Al-Muthaffifin: 26.

Ghibthah is something commendable, because this goes back to the origin of human nature, that hope to win, hope for identity, and hope to move forward.

When it comes ghibthah into your heart, not why. Problematic is the first of three kinds, namely the loss of someone hoping favor of others.

Danger in the World

As for the dangers and consequences caused by the nature hasud enormous. And not only limited in the world, but also in the hereafter.

About the dangers and consequences hasud properties in the world, first, people who hasud will always be in grief and sorrow.

Hasud people who are always in mourning for her life. Because a person who in his heart fulfilled by the dark nature of envy never like to see other people get favors from Allah. He never likes it when someone looks harmonious with his family so trying to spread slander, do not like when someone gets the favor of the good of the world, do not like when someone gets the favor in the form of science or any kindness.

Forever, when seeing someone else gets goodness, he will feel the weight accordingly, so he was hoping that it lost favor. This kind of life of poor people. He was in the dumps all his life as the gift of God is never interrupted forever to His creatures. So, as long as he saw the gifts and favors of God in His creation side, along the same instant he always grieve and grieve until the end of its life.

If there were no adverse effects due to the nature of envy in addition to this, surely suffice as evidence of bad nature of envy. This one is that the people who hasud forever grieve in the world.

Second, people who hasud not have friends. Because of its relationship with other human beings merely a mirage. People who hasud, even as though pour love of neighbor, definitely will come times when looked from her attitude and behavior shows that he was a hasud against each other so that people will stay away from him. Hasud people who do not have friends. He would live isolated though he tried to cover it up.

Third, people who hasud deterred from favor sincerity and broad-mindedness. This is true in the world before the Hereafter. Hasud people who will not feel the meaning of sincerity in conjunction with other creatures. Every time I see someone get something out of favor that God has given, his heart felt so heavy. He was depressed and therefore difficult, at a time when people are welcome to the arrival of goodness in others to feel the meaning of sincerity, because relationships are built alongside each other is a relationship based on love for the good of his neighbor. Fourth, a man who would not likely be hasud preacher who took to the road to Allah. People who would not be possible hasud serve Islam. Although attempting to commit an act that describes khidmah against Islam, he will not be able to be because in conveying kindness to all beings. Since the foundation of preaching to God is that you convey the light of faith to others. What does it mean? Meaning, you convey kindness to them. What does convey kindness to them? Meaning, you have been the reason for their happiness. And if in your heart there is envy, will undoubtedly feel heavy for their goodness in the creature. And how you can become a cause in delivering kindness to them? Shaykh Muhammad al-Sinqithi tells the true story of a funny but also ironic. He told that a non-indigenous non-Muslims living in the city of Damascus. For many years he was selling kerosene. After more than twenty years in Damascus, he felt the time to go back to his country. Then he went to someone who looks experts worship. He came to him and said, "O Lord, now my age 60 years. As long as I live in your land, the land of Islam, I have been attracted to Islam. Whether, if I get into Islam, Allah will forgive me for all that I do for this? "

The man said to him, "Sixty years you wallowing in wickedness, sin, and various contempt ... and just want to escape from it all and you want to get into heaven? It's hard ... it will not be possible ... there is no way of salvation for you! "

By then finished the problem, and it was believed it. He went back to his home in a state of grief and overcome with grief.

However, after six months had passed, passion and strong desire in his heart to honor the goodness brought him to come to Shaykh Muhammad al-Sinqithi, which tells the story.

Non-Muslims said to Shaykh Sinqithi, "Is it possible that I converted to Islam?"

"All right, now say two sentences creed!"

"Are you sure that it was possible for me?"

"You are willing to Islam as a religion and believe him?"


"Now, say two sentences creed and do not hesitate."

The non-Muslims were bersyahadat and crying afterwards.

Shaykh Sinqithi also asked him, "What makes you cry?"

"I went to a sheikh before this, or someone who seems like a sheikh, but he said to me, 'There is probably no way congratulations to you ...'." "Who is he?"

"The So and so in areas such and such ..."

Shaykh Sinqithi also visited people who had been shown by non-Muslims.

After the meeting, he asked him, "Is it true that a few months ago there was a traveler who comes to you and stated that he wanted to convert to Islam and then you say to him, 'Come on, there's no point ... you've been 60 years ....'

The man replied, "Yes."

"How could you do such a thing?"

"Allah is the place to ask for help. This man has spent 60 years in the prohibition of age, have fun with the girls and everything he wants from the world, then he'll go to heaven with us ?! This is absurd ... He will go to heaven with us ?! "

Lessons learned from this story, in this story, there are three problems, but everything is back to one issue, namely envy.

The first problem, he ("expert worship" it) do not want any favors for others.

The second problem, he believes that he go to heaven. This is the second disaster. Ujub have inherited arrogance in his heart (... he entered heaven with us ?!).

If you can guarantee that you would go to heaven?

The third problem is something that most deeply. Indeed, he felt that he obstructed loss of sinners. "How could this man drowned in the vice and I do not?" Because he was angry, why other people do immoral while he was not.

Why does this happen? No other reason is malicious.

Fifth, people who hasud deterred from favor of obedience to Allah.

If someone blocked from sincerity and broad-mindedness and forever grieve, surely he would never feel the joy of obedience forever. There would be many people who feel the pleasure hasud supplications to God. There would be many people who feel the pleasure hasud close to God, because he is dealing with God by hostility towards him. "O God, why did you give this and so and so and so and so was the ?!"

People who hasud face God with anything that is not favored him in the hearts of His servants who come to Him. These are all the effects and dangers of nature hasud.

In the afterlife, will scorch the envy of all the virtues. Envy is the cause of the coming wrath of God. Envy is utterly rejected because someone from the grace of Allah Almighty. Do you not know that envy is the cause of the expulsion of the devil?

After explaining the dangers of disease caregivers envy in the world, then the caregiver to explain the dangers of malicious later after the culprit meet Allah in the Hereafter.

In the afterlife, will scorch the envy of all the virtues. Envy is the cause of the coming wrath of God. Envy is utterly rejected because someone from the grace of Allah Almighty. Do you not know that envy is the cause of the expulsion of the devil? That is why, people who hasud be expelled from the grace of Allah.

Malicious also is the culprit because the entry into hell. Envy would be the beginning of the loss of one's faith if the perpetrator did not realize - wal 'iyadzu billah. How envy can be deprived of faith because of the culprit? Because the people who hasud always oppose and oppose Allah. "Yes Lord, why hast thou has given so and so ?!" "Why do you make it easy so and so ?!" "Why ?!" "Why? !!!"

Against his Lord, he saves a sense in her mind, "Yes Lord, indeed I do not willingly with what you decide!" If this condition sustained in him, then what is left of his faith? His faith will be lost and uprooted from their home.

O disciple, pin path to Allah, come into your heart and check. Sometimes malicious hidden in lust in the heart. How many times have you felt that you angry with someone beyond the limits of the speech that you are bringing to him just because of trivia that does not need to be said loud and not too shout about it.

Examine, perhaps in your heart you feel something heavy from the people who you mad? You envy against the one thing that appears the most minor problems but makes you stand up and throw the words that are not worth to him.

The scholars heart says, "Most bad kinds of envy is hasadnya the scholars, the prosecution of science, the preachers, and the Salikin, pin path to Allah. Why is that? Because, they are supposed to use the provision of purification heart. "

If a student of knowledge, for example, malicious prosecution against the other sciences, surely he will look forward to when the prosecutor science dihasadinya it made a mistake. And when he had made a mistake, he will be attacked with a powerful attack against him. Because of the attacks made it really is not directed against minor error itself, but rather to destroy all who come in and derived from the prosecution of science, learned men, preachers, or salik, which dihasadinya it.

Why is that? Because the real problem is the problem of envy, not a criticism of the error problem. Similarly, in the trade, sale, and commerce. "No, no, tidakk !! .... I may not believe in the so and so for ever!" Why? On the day when you lower the merchandise to market, people do not find any problem of the so and so in perniagaannya? Are there no conscious kemunngkinan them to the problem of the so and so was due to forgetfulness? Surely that cause the arrival of possibilities, why do you immediately think of no mandate or vile in perniagaannya, is because of you and the So and so is the one profession as a trader. When the competition was underway, envy arose and came.

If there is a farmer, and other farmers in addition to the agribusiness, for example, then the farmers who both made a mistake in one of the proper planting procedures to give effect to the crops produced, the first farmer will say, "No, do you believe to the so and so to perform these tasks and then, he has done this and that .... "

Who does the criticism and attacks against the peasants? Others who do not seem to farmers, in the same profession. Why? Because the farmers find it hard to see the other farmers are superior and more success from it.

How to treat envy?

First, hate against malicious nature itself. You hate this nature are to you. Acknowledge that malicious nature in you and you hate existence in you. Let God sees your heart and find hatred of envy in it. Hatred to envy to others.

Second, pray for those who you feel heavy saw her gift.

You see someone who is God-given gift to him in the form of favors or spiritual birth and heart felt heavy look that favors available to him, then say, "O God, Thy favors add to her and give her blessing in it .... Oh, God, give taufiq for him to be able to use your gifts with the best .... Ya Allah, bahagiakanlah him with thy grace in the world and the hereafter .... Ya Allah, glorify him and Gentlemen dzuriyahnya with an additional gift from your side .. .. "

Most scholars say, "Yes Rabbi, You commanded me to pray while my heart gone willingly. Maybe my tongue can speak, but my heart did not actually want it. I laughed and betray my God. I was not able to do so. I said 'Yes Rabbi, add your gift to him' are my heart says 'Never you add him'. "

Though something like this happened to you, still do. If you say 'Yes Lord, add your gift for her' and your heart says' Do not, O Lord. Never you add your gifts for him ', say,' Yes Lord, I am innocent of what is in your heart to. And the tongue is able to pronounce it, please help me on what I was no power to it (to move my heart as I was able to move lisanku to pray for goodness). I air-tawajjuh (confronts self and soul) unto thee on anything that makes your pleasure with anything that I could do it, so help me in anything that I was not able to memperbuatnya. 'May God praise you.

It is included panacea to cure envy in the hearts. You pray for the person you feel heavy look delicious at his side, and ask Allah for him to add the gift that has been given to an even greater gift.

If it's just you strengthen our position on the human side, you have a humiliating indeed deceiving with all that can menghinakannya. Thus, you have killed the real problem from within you and you eliminate them up by the roots. Some time ago, the caregiver explain the dangers of the disease in the next envy and some explanation about how to treat the disease envy. Further particulars of how the caregivers continue to treat heart disease envy, as the last lesson of the eleventh lesson, about malicious disease.

 The third way to treat diseases envy is telling people that you hasadi at the time of his absence with praise.

You tell people that you feel heavy see God's gift at his side with praise. Tell people that you hasadi in the current absence of praise for its virtues to others. As if in front of a backdrop praise thee thou reproach, which thus it is hypocrisy and partiality.

Praise at the time of his absence to people with a good compliment and strengthen our fruit of goodness-goodness it in the human heart.

Do you know in which form of treatment against the envy of this act?

It is most ideally direct treatment to the problem of envy in lust. Why do you envy? You want to have fun? You want a position in the human side? You want to have fun with the position? When you praise the ability and expertise of people who compete with you in science, commerce, industry, engineering, or whatever the field, at the time ketiadakhadirannya and tell it to others, what you actually do here? Thou middle strengthened position will belong to the person you hasadi it in the hearts of men with because the gift that God has given him.

If so, what are you doing? Surely you are middle eradicate the disease is in your heart of origin.

Why do you feel heavy look on someone's favor, why do you envy him? Because you see that favors it will be because the increase in the person's position, which will compete with your position on the human side. And if it's just you strengthen our position on the human side, you have a humiliating indeed deceiving with all that can menghinakannya. Thus, you have killed the real problem from within you and you eliminate them up by the roots.

"Who can do it ?! It's very heavy !! "

Do you want to be close to God? Do you want to become a pin path to Allah? Certainly not going to be easy to stand up and be where people who pursue the path to God.

For the first time, you will come out of this assembly with a burning passion after listening to this explanation.

"O Allah, I feel heavy on thy favors on the side of So and so. O Allah, add your gift for him and bless him her .... "

The next day, you sit down with your companions, say, "My God, so and so incredible. I'm sure, outstanding expertise in this field will benefit and bring great kindness. And I would welcome the success. "

Up to this point, may still be easier for the heart to menerimannya. However, after two or three days, and the people began to tell and praise those who praise you and tell it in front of them, began to feel cramped deceiving be heard. They praised him again, again, and again, and you say, "Right, right thus he is!" But, once again, with angry you say, "We know that he is special !!"

Why did it happen? Because of the reasons more and more people praise and tell the good of it, jugular vein feels more cramped and suffocating.

The significance of this explanation is that this was a long process, because here you are deceiving the middle against anything he likes. Thou middle eradicate this disease of the heart from the heart, which treat diseases envy.

Fourth, think about how to help the person you envy against him. You feel heavy look blessings God has given to someone. If you can help that person in favors from him, it will be able to treat the disease envy that is in your heart is more powerful and more powerful. If this can you do, Allah will look at your heart. This is to be expected and the fruit thereof.

When God looks at your heart and see that you interact with him with such interaction so that, Allah will bertajalli over you with his nur. And if God has bertajalli over you with his nur, God will give you the holiness that you did not try before. With your heart because it will make people become serene and your heart will be cause for the decline in human goodness from Allah SWT, then you will feel homesick to see any favors and gifts for other human beings. Why? Because you see tajalliyat (beam-beam omnipotence of mercy and compassion) The Grantor favors, Allah ....

O disciple, understand the meaning of this and realize. If you treat your soul with what we have mentioned in this lesson and with anything that has been described by scholars of treating heart, you will see a glow in your heart. What's rays? Namely nur and light happiness by seeing the blessings given by the Almighty Giver of the gift of His other creatures.

The significance of this is that you watch tajalliyat Allah. You see someone who favors blessed by Allah SWT.

What do you see? The picture that you see is a man and favors that come to him, while you watch the real essence tajalli Allah with His asthma Al-Moneim (The Giver favors) upon His servants. Then you have to move from darkness to nur malicious witness against tajalli Allah with His asthma Al-Moneim. Then tajalli God with his asthma Al-Moneim This makes your heart God met with asthma nur al-Moneim.

If your heart has been met with tajalli God with his asthma Al-Moneim, you will be on your own premises bertajalli his asthma al-Moneim. So at that moment God bertajalli upon you with favor wushul (to) him, that to get to the road so that I pursue this, outlines this explanation, and attend assemblies science to deliver this lesson.

After we talked, the last three lessons, about the mother of all liver disease, whether the remains something of al-kibr (vanity) in you that you do not hate. True, we need time to do mujahadah us apart from him and invoking the protection of Allah from him.

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