Three absolute terms for a believer, in all circumstances, namely:
(1) must keep the commandments of God,
(2) should refrain from any unlawful,
(3) should be pleased with the providence of the Almighty.
So a believer, at least, have three things. Means, he must decide for this, and talk to yourself about it and bind organs with this.
Follow (Sunnah) with full faith, do not change the way that, Obey Allah and His Messenger, do not break; uphold higher the monotheism and not associating partners with Him; purify He constantly and do not ascribe any evil thing to him. Maintain His truth and do not hesitate in the slightest. Always be patient and do not show impatience. Beristiqomahlah; hopefully to him, do not upset, but be patient. Work in obedience and not broken to-split.Love each other and do mutual grudge. Turn away from evil and do not be tarnished by it. Polish yourself with obedience to your Lord; do not move away from the doors of thy Lord; do not turn away from Him.
Immediately repent and return to Him. Do not be weary in pleading to your Khaliq , both day and night; (if you apply here) undoubtedly grace viewpoint was seen thee, then you happy, deprived of the fire of hell and live happily in heaven, meet God, enjoy His mercy, together angel in heaven and live in it forever; riding white horses, exult with hurhur eyed white and various scents, and melodies slave-slave women, with other gifts; Venerable along with the prophets, the Siddiq , the martyrs, and the righteous in heaven high.
When a servant of God to experience the hardships of life, then first of all he was trying to cope with his own effort. When he failed to seek help to others, especially to the king, ruler, wealthy; or if he is sick, his doctorate.
If this also fails, then he turned to khaliqnya, God Almighty, the Most Powerful, and pray to Him with humility and praise. If he is able to handle it himself, then he would turn to his neighbor, nor when he succeeded because of his neighbor, then he would turn to the Khaliq.
Then if you do not also gain help of God, then gave himself to God, and continue to do so, beg, pray humble themselves, praising, pleading with anxious.
However, Allah is Most Great and Almighty let him weary in prayer and not grant it, until he was so disappointed in all earthly means. Then his will manifest through it, and the servant of God is gone from all worldly means, all the activities and efforts of the world, and rests on the spiritual.
In this ranking, not visible to him, besides the will of Almighty God again Almighty, and he came on the Unity of God, called Hakk ul Yakin ranks (* the highest confidence level gain after watching the eyes and the eyes of the heart). That in essence, nothing is doing everything except Allah; no driving was also a stop, but Him; no good, evil, there are also disadvantages and advantages, no benefits, no give no fight back, no beginning, no end, no life and death, no glory and humiliation, there is no abundance and poverty, but because GOD.
Then in the presence of God, he like a baby in the hands of a nurse, like corpses washed, and like a ball on a stick polo players, spinning and rolling from state to state, and he felt helpless. As such, he was separated from himself, and immerse themselves in the will of God. So do not be seen unless the Lord and His will, not to be heard and not understood, except He. If you see something, then that something is His will; when he heard or knows something, then he heard his word, and to know through his knowledge.
So bless him with his gifts, and fortunate through closeness to Him, and through this closeness, he became noble, pleasure, happy, and satisfied with his promise, and relying on his word. He was reluctant and refuse any other than Allah, he missed and always his remembrance; increasingly to firmed belief in Him, the Almighty, the Most Powerful. He relies on his, got instructions from him, dressed him nur science, and Venerable by His knowledge. Are heard and remembered was from Him. Then all of gratitude, praise, and worship directed to Him.If you ignore the creation, then: "May Allah have mercy," God spare you of self hood, "May God have mercy," He shut down your will; "May God have mercy," then God have you in life (new).
Now you blessed eternal life; enriched with eternal riches; nan blessed with ease and happiness eternal, blessed, endowed science does not know ignorance; protected from fear; glorified, until he insulted again; near by to God always, always Venerable; always be purified; then takes on a fulfilling all expectations you, and Ibaan pleaded the manifest to you; until you're so Venerable, unique, and incomparable; hidden and secrecy .
So, be you a replacement (successor to the trail and the road, red) Apostles, Prophets and the Siddiq. You're the place to peak, and the trustees who are still alive will around you. All the difficulties solved through you, and the fields harvesting through your pray ; and it will cease through your pray, every calamity that befell the people in remote villages also, the rulers and the ruled, leaders and followers, and all of creation. Thus you become a police agent (if I may call it that) for cities and communities.
People are rushing around come to you, bringing gifts and presents, and served to you, in all of life, with the permission of the Creator of everything. Their tongues constantly busy with prayer and thanksgiving to you, wherever they are. No two people believers quarrel about you. OI, the best among the inhabitants of the earth, this is the grace of God, and God is the owner of all grace.When you look at this world, are in their hands (experts in the world), with all the trimmings, and deceit, with everything could turn it off, which looks soft touch, whereas, in fact deadly to the touch it, outwit them, and make them ignore not use to deceit and false promises - if you see all this - behave like people who see someone follow her instincts, self-effacing, and therefore, emit a foul odor. When (in such situations) you reluctant to pay attention to rot, and cover the nose of the stench, so did you apply to the world; when you see it, don't look eyesight from all falsehood, and close the nose of decay lust, so you're safe from him and all the hokey-charged, are yours toward you immediately, and you enjoy it.
The loss accord with his will, characterized by the clack- determine themselves, not aim, because none of the goals was appropriated, except one, that is God. Thus, the will of God manifest in you, so that when his will in action, then be passive organs, the liver was calm, the mind was bright, just be radiance face and spiritual, and you overcome thanks to the material needs related to the Creator of all things. Power always movement your hand, tongue Immortality always calling your name, Lord of nature teach you, and clothed you with nur ( light )Nya and spiritual fashion, and get you aligned with the wisdom of experts who have precede .combine personal will to the will of God, is a sin.
If they fail, carried away by the deception feelings and fears, then Allah Almighty to help them with compassion, to remind them that they are aware of and take refuge in the Lord, because none will absolutely clean of sin, except the angels. The angels are always sacred in the will, the Prophet always free of self hood, being the jinn and humans are burdened moral responsibility, not protected. Naturally, the trustees are protected from self hood, and the substitute of dirtiness will. Although they can not be considered to be free of these two evils, because it is impossible for them to tend to these two weaknesses, but Allah bestow His mercy and make them aware.And from (the view) man, with the command of God, and of self hood, with his command, until you become the ark of His knowledge. The disappearance of the human self, marked by the termination itself completely from them, and the liberation of the soul from all their expectations. Signs disappearance itself from all lust is, throw all efforts to obtain the means of dealing with their worldly and benefits for the sake of something, avoid wasting; and did not move for the sake of personal interests, and not rely on yourself in matters relating to you, do not protect or help yourself, but surrender everything only to God, because He is the owner of everything from beginning to end; as His power, when you were still breastfed.
The loss accord with his will, characterized by the clack-pernahan determine themselves, ain't aim, ain't needed , because none of the goals was appropriated, except one, that is God. Thus, the will of God manifest in you, so that when his will in action, then be passive organs, the liver was calm, the mind was bright, just radiance face and spiritual, and you overcome thanks to the material needs related to the Creator of all things. Power always move your hand, tongue Immortality always calling your name, Lord of nature teach you, andclothed you with nurNya and spiritual fashion, and get you aligned with the wisdom of experts who have precede.combined personal will to the will of God, is a sin.
If they fail, carried away by the deception feelings and fears, then Allah Almighty to help them with compassion, to remind them that they are aware of and take refuge in the Lord, because none will absolutely clean of sin, except the angels. The angels are always sacred in the will, the Prophet always free of self hood, being the jinn and humans are burdened moral responsibility, not protected. Naturally, the trustees are protected from self hood, and the substitute of dirtiness will. Although they can not be considered to be free of these two evils, because it is impossible for them to tend to these two weaknesses, but Allah bestow His mercy and make them aware.
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