Get out of self hood, shun self hood (YOUR EGO), and gave it everything to God, be a doorman heart, always obey His commandments, honor His prohibitions, by removing all that is forbidden him. Do not let your self hood enter your heart, after your waste. Self hood expel from the heart, it must be accompanied by the defense against him, and refused compliance to him in all circumstances. Allow it entered into the heart, means willing to serve him, and nucleated with him. So, do not want all that is not God's will. Everything that is not the will of God's will, is self hood, which is a jungle of ignorance, and it perish you, and the cause of his alienation. Therefore, keep the commandment of God, flee from his ban, give it all always to Him in everything that has been assigned him, and do not allied with Him. Do not be willed away, so as not classified Pagans.
Allah says: "Those who expect meets (Liqa ') with his Lord, let do good works and not ally Him." (Surah Kahf 18.Al: 110)
shirk not only idolatry. Indulgence of lust, and equate everything in the world and the Hereafter with Allah, also shirk. Because besides Allah is not God. When you immerse in something other than God meant you to ascribing partners to Him. Therefore, beware, do not be complacent. So with aloof, will gained security. Do not assume and claim all entities or maqam-mu ( yours level ), thanks to you alone. So, if you're a resident, or in certain circumstances, do not talk about it to others. Because the fate changes that occur from day to day, the majesty of God manifest, and God mediates His servants and caution them. It could be that you been talked, go away from you, and who you think is immortal, changed, until you were humiliated in front of which you spoke. Keep this knowledge in your heart, and do the talk about with others. So if it continues to manifest, it will bring advances in knowledge, nur, awareness and views.
Allah says: "Everything that we nasakhkan, or We made forgotten, We bring a better thereof, or which seemed to. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things." (QS 2.Al Baqarah: 106)
Do not assume God is powerless in something, do not assume his statutes are not perfect, and not the slightest doubt of His promise. In this case there is a sublime example of the Prophet of Allah. Verses and surahs revealed to him, and practiced, echoed in the mosques, and contained in the books. About wisdom and spiritual state has, he often said that his heart is often covered with clouds, and he took refuge in Allah seventy times a day. It is related also, that in the day he was taken from one thing to another as much as a hundred times, until he is at the highest station of the closeness with God. He was ordered to seek refuge in Allah, because the best of a servant, namely shelter and turn to God. Because, with this, there is recognition of sin and guilt, and this is that there are two kinds of quality in a servant, in all circumstances of life, and it has a heritage of Adam., The 'father' of man, and God's choice.
Adam said: "O our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if you do not forgive us, and have mercy on us, surely we will be among the losers." (QS. 7.Al-A'raf: 23). Then there came to him a light instructions and knowledge of repentance, as a result, and the wisdom behind this event, which will not be revealed without this; then Allah turned to them with compassion, so that they may repent.
And God restore it to it all, and keep out of wilayat it at a higher rank, and he was blessed with the station in the world and the hereafter. Then the world takes on a life of this place and his descendants, are hereafter as the back and their eternal resting place. Then, follow the Prophet Muhammad., Beloved and chosen by God, and his ancestors, Adam, his choice - both are beloved of God - in the case admit mistakes and take refuge in Him from sin, and in the case of bertawadhu ( taqwa ) / obey and low profile 'in all circumstances life.
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