
Sunday, May 31, 2015

ADVICE Fom IBNU ATHAILLAH about repentance and THE GRACE (Bahjat An-Nufus)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

اللهُم َّصلِّ علٰى سَيِّدنا مُحَمّدٍ عبدِكَ وَنبيِّكَ ورسولِكَ النَّبيِّ الاُمِيّ وَعلٰى اٰلهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وسَلِّم تسليماً بقدرِ عظمةِ ذاَتِكَ في كـُلِّ وَقتٍ وَحيـنٍ
"How many things are hidden in you! If you will look closely then it would seem. And the most dangerous thing is the sin of doubt to Allah SWT. Therefore, feel free to sustenance means hesitate to Essence of the Giver of sustenance. And indeed, the world is too lowly for you to worry about!If you have a high attention you will certainly worry about something bigger, namely the problem of the hereafter. People who worry about things that are small, then forgetting something bigger, then it means he is the most stupid.Therefore, do kewajiba to practice their religion and all of God's commandments. He was going to run what became his obligations to you. If the beetle, lizard-gecko, and the worms just given sustenance by God, what might you be forgotten?Allah Almighty says, "Bring your family to pray and be patient in doing it. We do not require sustenance from you. It is we who give sustenance. Good reply will be given to the righteous. "(Surah Ta Ha: 132)If you see anyone worried because sustenance, then know that in fact he is far from God. If anyone says to you, "Tomorrow you do not have to work! Enough you do this alone! I'll give you $ 2 million, "surely you will believe and obey his orders. In fact, he was being indigent, can not benefit or madarat. Then, why do you feel enough with God Mahakaya and majesty, which ensures rezekimu throughout life?Allah says, "There is no living creature on this earth except Allah that guarantee sustenance. He knows the animal shelter and storage. All written in a Clear Book (Lawh Mahfuz). "(Surah Hud [11]: 6)
--- Ibn Atha'illah in Bahjat An-Nufus

 It is not to be underestimated wird but ignorant people. Starting Al-Waarid was obtained in the Hereafter. While Al-Wirdu it folded it with the world because terlipatnya village. And sepatut-sepatut something someone concerned with is something you can not replace the presence of Al-Wirdu that God requires wird for you, while Al-Waarid you who invoke from God. And where is something that God demands it from you (when compared) of something that started from whom it your goal to something of it. "In science there Sufism Al-Wirdu term, where in the Indonesian language is often referred to by the words" wird ". Al-Wirdu it is: "All the righteous deeds that a person closer to Allah the Most Magnificent and Forgiving."Or in other definisiyang is as follows: "All righteous deeds that terisilah all the time with him and prevented all members with why the fall into anything that is not good."
So it is with Al-Wirdu righteous deeds are what are considered good worship or to seek the pleasure of Allah and to menghampirkan to Allah swtIs it nature outwardly righteous deeds or nature bathiniah. When the righteous deeds that are set to do it at certain times, means terisilah times with things that are good and far all our members in doing everything that is unwanted by religion.
For example of Al-Wirdu is, as set Duha prayer on time, establish reading the Koran day and night the many, teaches theology at certain times willingly without charge, so the evening prayer cycles and so on. Then fill the time with pious practice is continuous, determined and confident, so never lived, and if the stay diqadha '. Its so it is called Al-Wirdu or wird.
Examples of inner nature, such as at a particular time whether at day or night we tafakur remember all the sins that we have done, we ask forgiveness of Allah swt and our remembrance remembrance of Allah hearts and expects keridhaanNya.
II. Sufism is a second term which we see in the Word of Wisdom This is the word "Al-Waarid". Who referred to him is:"Something comes over the slave inner form of things smooth and nur, it becomes lapanglah her chest and her heart shine."
That is the reason righteous deeds that we do so we never leave, is the way in which Allah will bring (bestowed) into the hearts of His servants nur-nur which can not be seen by eyes and reached by a feeling, but the bright, our hearts have been delegated divinity so that our faith openly see the essence of the wisdom of the virtual nature of this and our hearts shine with her. That this is called "Al-Waarid". So if Al-Wirdu a human amaliah and 'ubudiyahnya to Allah, then Al-Waarid means glory of God given to man by charity shalehnya blessing it.
III. Al-Wirdu should concern us humans as servants of God. Because it is a situation for two reasons:
(1). Al-Wirdu that occasion, just a special time and place in this world, not in the Hereafter. Therefore, if the world is still there, then there is still work kesempatanlah Al-Wirdu or wird, which is still a chance to read the Quran, bersalawat, prayer, remembrance, berwaqaf, charity and so on. But for the sake of this world no longer exists, ataudemi age we are, or after time to receive worship is not there anymore, then there is no meaning all the aforesaid wird.
Therefore it is appropriate for us to multiply worship that is committed and in this world as long as there was a chance, because we are still alive. But when times are expected to be able to worship in it have passed and haveescape or age we had to run its course, then it must not be possible to pursue and replace righteous deeds that has eluded it.
III. (2) Rights of God for us is Al-Wirdu it. While we are on the right of Allah is a reward and a gift from Him on righteous deeds we do it. Because it is more appropriate and feasible is that we carry out God's right over us, because then surely Allah Almighty to His nature Budget will pay attention to us. And it would be inappropriate and not taxable in place, we put ourselves pleading to God that God gives kurniaNya on us while right-His right not concern us seriously and we do not practice it.
If so the importance of Al-Wirdu as roads over the coming Al-Waarid, is clear to us that those who underestimate Al-Wirdu, do not take seriously or leave altogether are fools and the ignorant, downright ignorant , For the people it was not until the science or not to feel the feelings on the belief wisdom contained in the Al-Wirdu it.
But if his feelings to the Al-Wirdu responded that it raises the sanctity of inner and brings the light of faith, confident and makrifat, surely he would not have despised and underestimate Al-Wirdu it. Therefore, just missed solely and just wanted to get Al-Waarid of God but do not want to jointly seek streets are ignorant and stupid.
IV. This is why we see the great scholars and servants of God are always in istiqamah pious, diligent and continuous, in charity and worship, so the times they are silent on the invitation filled deeds of virtue.
For example, Al-Junaid al-Baghdadi mewiridkan sunnah prayer until he came out he spirit of the two legs, then pray that he stop. And a lot of evidence for us about istiqamahnya the scholars and their perseverance in charity. Said Abu Talib al-Makky r.a .:
"Perpetuate wird-wird is the party of morals of people who believe, and the people who are experts of worship, and perpetuate wirid it is adding a sign of faith and believe."
In one hadith, Aisha Saiyidah r.a. has been asked, the Prophet charity s.a.w. Aisha said: "Charity is Sustainable prophet!" And on another lafaz Aisha said: "The practice of the Prophet when practice something, he adorn his practice, and he set practice it (is continuous)."Therefore, in a famous hadith the Prophet said:
"The best of charity in Allah Ta'ala is a charity that is continuous, even a little."

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