
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Revival pearl Ulumuddin

What is meant by essentially ascetic is rejecting something and rely on others. So whoever is leaving the world and reject excess and then he also expects hereafter ascetic in the world.
While the ascetic highest degree is if he does not want anything other than Allah even hereafter. Zuhud must be accompanied by the knowledge that the afterlife is better than the world. Amalan arising from a situation is as a complement of a desire for the Hereafter. While every charity like payments to maintain property prices as well as members of the body from all that. contrary to this sale. While the ascetic virtues demonstrated by the following paragraph:
Allah SWT. has said, "We have made what is in bwni sebagaiperhiasan to him so that we can test them who is the best among their actions". (QS. Al-Kahf: 7)
Allah SWT. has said, "He who wants benefit in the hereafter, shall we added the advantage for him, and anyone who wants the advantage in the world, then will we give to them some of the benefits the world and there will not be a part of any bagktya in the hereafter". (QS, ash-Shura: 20)
Prophet. has said, "Those who seek in the world, then Allah. will pull apart the mind and his possessions and most of the poverty there before his eyes, while the world did not come to him but assigned to him. As anyone who wishes is hereafter, then Allah, will unite the mind and maintain their property and making it all the wealth in his heart and the world will come to him in a state of subjection ".
Prophet. has said, "If you have seen someone who was blessed with a calm nature and away from the world, then hook up with him, because they'll give you a lesson".
Prophet. also has said, "If you want to be loved by God. then turn away from the earth, Allah will love you".
At the time of Haritha told the Prophet., "I am a true believer?" Prophet. said, "What do you know about the nature of faith? Then Haritsa replied," Myself has been away from the world so that the stone and gold are the same to me. As if I had seen heaven and hell, and as if witnessing the Throne of my Lord ".
Then the Prophet. has said, "You have mengetahuinyaj then ordain. This is one example of a servant who lit his heart by God, with faith". Prophet. was asked about the word of Allah explanation, "So if people are opened by God, his heart to (accept) Islam, then he gets a light from his Lord (just as a man who had helped him." (QS. Az-Zumar : 39),
In the other word, "Whoever God wants to give him a clue He will vacate his chest to Islam". (QS. Al-An'am: 125).
Then the Prophet. replied, "Indeed, if the light goes into the liver, the breast becomes airy and open".There is someone who has said, "O Messenger of Allah, whether there is a sign that state?"Then he replied, "Yes, by abstaining from a country that is contained deceit (world) and return to the land of eternal (hereafter) and will be ready to face death will arrive".Jabirra. has said, "Verily the Prophet. berkhutbah to us and said," Whoever by words La ilaha Illallah without interfering with each other, then he will go to heaven ".Then Ali. also has said, "My father and mother who will be your ransom, O Messenger of Allah, what is not mixed with it, try to explain it to us". Then the Prophet. said, "Love the world to seek and to follow it. People who say the words of the prophets and practice the act of arrogant people. So whoever brought the phrase" Laa ilaha illa Allah "without interfering nothing of this, then wajiblah heaven for him ". In a word has been mentioned, "Generosity was included as well as confidence and not make those people who believe, while kekikirannya including doubts and do not go to heaven who is in doubt".
Among the three kinds of degrees zuhudThe first, imposing zuhud to the world and to fight against lust in the effort left him despite his liking. This is the person who impose ascetic and hopefully continue until he reaches ascetic.
Second, he is zuhud against duia voluntarily underestimated because in addition there are expected. Just like the people who are leaving one-by-two dirhams dirham and is not incriminate him, but he should pay attention to the situation himself. It also has to contain a keknrangan. Third, the highest ascetic, ie if someone is ascetic voluntarily and never feel zuhudnya, because he did not consider that he had left something because he knows that's not nothing.
So, he was like a man who was leaving the clay soil and taking jewels. He never considered it as a substitute, while the world itself when compared with the hereafter then there is no meaning.
Has said Abu Zaid ra. to Abi Musa Abdurrahman, 'About what you speak ".So she answered, 'Not another of the ascetic ".Then Abu Zaid said, "Zuhud to what?"Medium Abu Musa replied, 'Against the world ".Then Abu Zaid had freed his hand and said, "I was thinking that he was talking about something of the world, not something that he was being ascetic against him".
As someone who was leaving the world to the hereafter according to experts and owners makrifat hearts filled with testimony and mukasyafat is like a man who was barred dog who is entering the door of a king, and then he threw a piece of bread to him thus neglecting the dog and he entered the door and will get a position at the side of the king until he was carrying out his orders throughout the empire. Do not you see has got in the side of the king with a piece of bread that is being thrown to the dogs with the rewards?
The demon dog at the door of the king, which is Allah. It prevents people can enter, while the door was open and the veil lifted, while the world tendiri like a piece of bread. If you're wearing it, then deliciousness is only temporary and will expire when it is ingested, then live weight in the belly, then became foul, and should be issued in the form of dirt. If anyone is leaving it just to gain a position on the side of a king, how he needs to pay attention to?
As a comparison a cleaner world to the Hereafter less than a loaf of bread against the king of the world, because it can not be compared between something that exhausted derigan something very close, despite ongoing net a million years from a variety of turbidity. It will forward the end with annihilation. If demikain the case, then know that the highest degree is if you stay away from everything other than Allah. ridla expects his sake. Then it is done by knowing Him and recognize His position is very high. So do not count on eating, drinking, marriage, place of residence, as well as all your needs, but simply that you do not need any more to enforce bodies and feed yourself. This is essential ascetic (absolute).

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