Rotation Month
Only, when the solar year there are about 365-366 days a year, in Hijriyah only amounted to about 354-355 days. According Izzudin, this difference is due to the consistency in the calculation of the Hijrah calendar.The average number of days in the year hijriyah between 29-30 days. While in BC totaling of 28-31 days. This is what distinguishes the number of days between the years AD with Hijriyah.In the system of the Islamic calendar, a day or date begins when sunset at the venue. Islamic calendar is built based on the average silkus sinodic month, has 12 months of the year. By using sinodic month cycle, the number of days in a year is (12 x 29.53059 days = 354.36708 days). This is what explains the matter of one calendar year Hijri about 11 days shorter than the tally of the year in the Gregorian calendar.In fact, the cycle varies sinodic month. The number of days in a month in the Islamic calendar depends on the position of the Moon, the Earth and the sun. Which reached 30 months of age corresponds to the day of the new moon (new moon) in point apooge, ie the furthest distance between the moon and the earth, and at the same time, the Earth is at its closest distance to the sun (perihelion).Meanwhile, a month lasts 29 days to coincide with the time of the new moon in perige (closest distance to Earth's moon) the Earth is in the farthest point from the Sun (aphelion). It seems that the age of the moon is not fixed but changeable (between 29 to 30 days) in accordance with the third position of the heavenly bodies (Moon, Earth and Sun).Determination of the beginning of the month was marked by the emergence of the first sighting Crescent (crescent) after the new moon (conjunction or ijtimak). In this phase, the Moon sets shortly after the setting sun, so that the position of the new moon is on the western horizon. If the moon can not be seen on the 29th, then the number of days in that month rounded up to 30 days. There are no special rules any months that have 29 days, and which has 30 days. It all depends on the sighting of the new moon.
Hijri calendarUmar bin Khattab, when it became caliph, aspires to unite all Muslims under the shade of Islam. One way is to make the Islamic calendar. So in the year 637 or 16th year of Hijra, the second caliph impose new calendar based migration of Prophet Muhammad The calendar then popularly known hijriyah calendar or the Islamic calendar.Earlier, the Arab community using calendar based major events happening around them. One example, the attack on the Kaaba King Abraha called the Year of the Elephant.For Omar, as revealed by Husain Haekal in Umar bin Khattab, the Prophet migrated events much bigger than the events of other Arab nations. However, the determination of the calendar hijriyah remain in dialogue with the other companions. At first appeared a lot of opinions and debate. There is a suggestion that the Islamic year begins with the birth of Prophet MuhammadThe proposal was approved by many friends. Because previously often a group of respect for people who are very influential in a way to make the day of his birth as the beginning of the year or calendar calculation. For example, calendar AD is known by the Arab community with MilaIn year term. MilaIn means the year of birth, referring to the birth of the Prophet Isa AS.However, despite the many friends who agree with the proposal, the Caliph Umar rejected. There is also proposed that the event be the beginning of the Ascension of Hijrah calendar. Meanwhile, others suggested that the appointment of Muhammad to be Apostles when receiving a revelation in the Cave of Hira, and so forth. All this proposal was rejected by Umar bin Khattab. After going through a rigorous deliberation, Ali bin Abi Talib suggested that the Islamic calendar begins with the Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina. And this proposal was agreed by all the companions, including Umar bin Khattab.According to Cak Nur, greeting Nurcholish Madjid, moved that an activity or activities. While the birth is not the activity, but rather something that is received passively. In addition, he said, commemorating the birth of a person in which there are elements of the cult of the man.Therefore, Umar rejected the proposal of the Islamic calendar starts from the birth of the Prophet. He gave the reason that the Prophet when the birth has not been a prophet, but the ordinary people. History proves, glorious achievements Prophet achieved after hijra.Many commentators who stated, the letter ad-Duha [93], paragraph 5, "And one day your Lord surely give his gift to you, then (heart) you become satisfied," is victories promised by God after the migration. And indeed, when the Prophet died in the year 10 AH, he became the prophet of the most successful in the history of mankind.Therefore, Umar was very confident that the calendar hijriyah better than the Persian and Byzantine calendar. Lies the obvious merits, which is based on the greatest event in human history that changed the people of ignorance into civilized beings. In migration, according to Omar, there is aid to the Messenger of Allah and His religion.Hijriyah one calendar year starting from the arrival of the Prophet in Medina, namely in the year 622 AD Thus, AD 622 is referred to as the year 1 AH. As written by John L Esposito in the Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, Hijra calendar later became part of the principles in the midst of the Muslims.Once set the calendar hijriyah unity of the Muslims at that time stronger. Haekal said that the determination of the calendar year of Hijra (637 AD), the heroes of Islam are doing conquests in the various regions and bring victory. Of which in the region of Madain and Baitul Maqdis.
The dating system which is used in the World
The world community knows some kinds of calendars and calendar systems. There are at least four calendar system, namely the Islamic calendar, AD, Saka, and China. Each calendar is built using counting mechanisms are different from each other.Islamic calendar or the Islamic calendar, for example, using the lunar calendar system (Qomariyah) which refers to cyclic month. Gregorian calendar using the solar calendar calculation basis (syamsiyah) which refers to the circulation cycle of the sun.While the Saka calendar and Chinese calendar using calendar system syamsiyah and Qomariyah or often referred to as the luni-solar calendar.
• Hijri CalendarIn determining the date or month pertaining to worship or other important days, Muslims based on the Hijri calendar system. In fact, in many predominantly Muslim countries, the Islamic calendar is used as a daily calendar system.This calendar is called the Islamic calendar, because the first year is the calendar year in which the events of his Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, namely in the year 622 AD (CE). However, the determination of when to start the new year 1 AH carried out six years after the death of the prophet, or 17 years after the Hijrah, ie, during the reign of Caliph Umar bin Khattab.However, the system underlying the calculation of the Islamic calendar has been around since pre-Islamic times, and the system is revised in the 9th year after the Pilgrimage of the Prophet. Revision of the system is carried out after the revelation of God, verses 36-37 Surat At-Tawbah, which forbids adding days (intercalation) on the calendar system.
• Calendar ADSaid AD (abbreviated M) and BC (abbreviated BC) usually refer to dates or the year according to the Gregorian calendar. Beginning in AD refers to the year which is considered as the year of birth of Prophet Isa al-Masih, because the calendar is called Masihiyah. In contrast, the terms BCE (BCE) refers to the period prior to that year.Most non-Christians usually use the abbreviation M and SM without reference to the Christian connotations. While their use internationally in English, the term Christian is called using the Latin Anno Domini (AD), which means the year of our Lord, and BC called Before Christ (BC) which means Before Christ.In addition to English, also known appellation Common Era (CE) which means 'General Era' and Before Common Era (BCE) which means 'Before Common Era.' The second term is usually used when there are writers who do not want to use the name of the Christian year.Dating system which refers to the beginning of the solar year is beginning to be adopted in Western Europe in the 8th century. This system was designed 525 years, yet not so widely used until the 11th century until the 14th. In 1422, Portugal became the latest European country to apply this calendar system. After that, all countries in the world recognize and use this convention to facilitate communication.Although year-on-1 is regarded as the birth of Jesus, but the historical evidence is too little to support it. Experts date the birth of Jesus are manifold, from 18 BC to 7 BC.Historians do not know 0-1 years M is the first year AD system and exactly a year earlier was the year 1 BC. In the calculation of science, especially in the astronomical calendar year, this is problematic because BCE is calculated using the number 0, and therefore there is a difference of one year between the two systems.
• Year SakaSaka calendar is a calendar that originated from India. This calendar is a calendar syamsiyah Qomariyah (solar moon) or luni solar calendar. Is not only used by the Hindu community in India, the Saka calendar is still used by the Hindu community in Bali, Indonesia, especially to determine the day of their religious holidays.Saka calendar system is often also referred to as penanggalanSaliwahana. This title refers to a famous name from southern India, Saliwahana, which beat the Saka. But other sources mention precisely the Saka under the leadership of King Kaniskha I who won the battle. The incident occurred in March of the year 78 AD.Since the year 78 AD that determined the dates or calculation Saka year, which is one year, also had the same 12 months and the first month is called Caitramasa, in conjunction with the March of AD. Since then, the life of the state, society and religion in India rearranged. Therefore warning Saka New Year meaningless as the day of resurrection, the day of the renewal, the unity (unity), the tolerance, the peace once the national harmony.Regarding the Saka no mention that they include ethnic Turks or Tatars. But there is also a mention that they include the Aryans of the tribe of Scythia. Another source mentions that they are in fact the Greeks (in Sanskrit called Yavana ruling in Bactria (now Afghanistan).
• Calendar ChinaAs well as the Saka calendar, the Chinese calendar also uses // luni solar calendar system .// According to legend, the Chinese calendar developed since the third before Christ. Experts agree on the Chinese calendar as the benchmark date of the most recently used in the world. This calendar is a creation of the government said Huang Di or the Yellow Emperor, who reigned about 2698-2599 BC.The earliest archaeological evidence of the Chinese calendar is found on a piece of ancient manuscripts believed to be from the second year BC or during the Shang dynasty in power, which exposes luni solar year which is typically 12 months but sometimes for months-13, still more months 14th. Additions number of months in the calendar year to make sure the new year events still held in one season, as the Gregorian calendar to put one extra day in February every four years.In China today, the Chinese calendar is only used to mark the celebration of the Chinese as the Chinese New Year, Duan Wu festival, and celebration Kuih Moon, as well as in the field of astrology, such as choosing the appropriate year to enter into marriage or inaugurate the opening of the new building. As for the daily activities, the Chinese refer to the matter of the Gregorian calendar.
Other Systems Other Countries CalendarAlthough predominantly Muslim, but it does not guarantee and month calendar system used in common. Under these conditions until now underway in several Muslim countries such as Libya, Iran, Afghanistan, Oman, and Indonesia.
• LibyaA country located in North Africa region is one example of a country which applies a different calendar system than we know today. In the existing customs and are widely used, we know the names of the months of January, February, March, April, May and beyond. However, in this case Libya have separate names not owned by other countries. The use of other names that have the own reasons, namely to remove the influence of the ancient Greeks and Romans are known as a nation of idolaters.Libya using Ayyin name Nar instead of January. An-Nawwar replacement in February, Ar-Rabi '(March), Ath-Thair (April), Al-Mak (May), Ash-Shaif (June), Nasir (July), Hanibal (August), Al-Fatih (September ), At-Tumur (October), Al-Harst (November) and Al-Kanunsebagai replacement of December.Another problem in another month anyway. In the use of year, Libya also has a style of its own. When all use the solar year or the year AH, Libya makes other policies. In the matter of years, Libya did not use the Hijri year, but wearing Min died Ar-Rasul SAW Matter of years instead of Hijrah of the Prophet, but calculated from the death of him.Libyan leader Muammar Qadafi had explained that the death of the Prophet SAW is a very important event that should be recorded in history. Kewafatan Prophet Muhammad is the dissolution of the revelations of Allah because there is no prophet after. Therefore, according to Qadafi, kewafatan Prophet deserves to be remembered in history and serve as a benchmark year.Although Libya has another month names, but names such as the Islamic month of Muharram, Safar and so still be used to mark the warnings Islamic holidays. As for the year, Libya only use Maeshi years and years of the death of the Prophet
• OmanSultanate of Oman and month using calendar system based on the Islamic calendar is based on the calculation of the circulation of the earth or the moon against Indonesia call Qomariyah calendar. While the Gregorian calendar is still used, but limited among immigrants or immigrants of Indian or European countries.
• IndonesiaCountries in Southeast Asia is predominantly Muslim and month using calendar system which refers to the Gregorian calendar, like most countries in the world. While the Islamic calendar is used informally, which is only used to mark the anniversary of the great days of Islam in the Gregorian calendar.
• IranAlthough the name of the Hegira, but the calendar system in Iran is different from the Hegira calendar system that we know so far. Iran is the Muslim lunar calendar Solar calendar (Hijri calendar with the sun calculation). While we know the Islamic calendar uses lunar (Qomariyah). Besides prevailing in Iran, the calendar is also used in Afghanistan and Tajikistan as fellow Persian ethnic group.King Cyrus the Iranian calendar was created 530 years BC, and made more accurate in the early 12th century by mathematician and astronomer who is also a writer, Omar Khayyam (1050-1122). New Year (Nawruz) always falls in early spring. The names of the months are Farwardin, Ordibehest, Khordad, Tir, Mordad, Shahriwar, Mehr, Aban, Azar, Dey, Bahman and Esfand. The first six months of 31 days and the next five months 30 days. Last month, Esfand, 29 days (in normal) or 30 days (leap year every four years).Compared with other solar calendar, calendars Iran best suited to the season. 1st Farwardin always March 21 (early spring), the date 1 Tir always June 22 (early summer), 1st Mehr always 23 September (early autumn), and the 1st of Dey always December 22 (early winter). After the Iranians converted to Islam, the Prophet migrated (622) used as Year One, but the calendar fixed by the sun.
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