Sufi Road: Tawhid and Marifatullah
According to Shaykh Ibn Ata Allah al-Sakandari, yet brooding indepth will realize that all beings actually menauhidkan Allah through subtle breath. If not, they will get the punishment. At
any particles, ranging in size from sub-atomic (quantum) to atomic,
contained in the universe there is a secret names of God. With these secrets, all understand and recognize the oneness of God. Allah has said,Only to Allah prostrate (obedient) all that is in the heavens and on
earth, either of their own accord or were forced (and prostration
anyway) their shadows in the morning and evening (Sura 13:15).So,
all creatures of God in all positions mentauhidkan accordance with
rububiyah God and in accordance with the forms specified in ubudiyah
actualize their monotheism. Further Sheikhsaid that some experts makrifat found that exalt the actual hymn with
depth confidential nature of the sanctity of his thoughts in the area of
natural wonders jabarut malakut and natural softness.While the salik, celebrate with Dhikr in qolbu sea. The pupils celebrate with qolbunya in a sea of mind. The Lovers celebrate with his soul in a sea of longing. The Arif celebrate with her in the ocean sirr faerie. And
people Siddiq exalt with his sirr depth in the light of the sacred
secret that circulated among the various meanings Asmaasma and his
properties along with firmness in the alternation of time. And he is the servant of Allah exalt in a sea of purification withsirr secrecy al-Asrar with regard Him, in His kebaqaan.Sheikh Muhammad al-Nafis Banjari [8] in the context of monotheism
split into four ocean makrifatullah makrifat, the following descriptions
for each stage ma'rifat monotheism with personal interpretation,
namely:· Tawhid Af'al as pengesaan against Allah of all kinds of deeds. Then only with conviction and witnessing course everything that happens in nature is derived from Allah.· Tawhid al-Asma was pengesaan Allah is above every name. When that manifests named, then all naming basically returned to God. Allah Almighty as Isim A'dham which is the origin of all the names of both the imaginary or not. Because the name of the Almighty "God" here, God introduces himself.· Tawhid As nature, is pengesaan God of all nature. In
this sense, the human being can be in Tawheed maqam as-nature with look
and memusyadahkan with the eyes of the heart and the belief that all
the properties that can be attached to the Essence of God, such as
Qudrah (Power of Attorney), will of god (the Will), 'Ilm (Knowing), hayah (Life), Sama (hearing), Basar (Saw), and Kalam (Speechless) is really God's qualities. Therefore, only God who has these properties. All properties are attached to the creature must be understood metaphorically, and not in the actual context as a loan.· Tauhid az-Essence means the Oneness of God in Essence. Maqam
Tauhid Az- Essence by Sheikh al-Banjari is the highest maqam,
therefore, became the last terminal of memandangan and musyahadah the
arifin. In such a context, the way the Oneness of God in Essence is with regard to matakepala and matahati that nowhich is manifest in this universe but Allah Alone. Tawhid
Af'al in the sense of Sheikh al-Banjari be much talk about the will of
Allah that manifest as a human endeavor and the laws that destiny. Is then fate experienced by a person called good or bad, then that is
the will of Allah, that which is realized to all beings have free will
to pick and choose, withknowledge
of the rules and conditions that have been attached to it as being the
synthesis of which is placed in a space-time continuum relative. Tawhid is Af'alThe introduction of the ocean, in the ocean this search salik as God's
will to be closer to the door to repentance and forgiveness of God
purifies himself, brushed his early fences with obedience to Him and
leave disobedience to Him, approachingHim for His menauhidkan, charitable to him in order to gain His pleasure. If
I project into the system qolbu the previous reviews have seven
dominant characteristic, then this is a salik Ocean Af'al have to fight
for me-metamorphosis-the nafs ammara qolbunya of domination, toward
lawammah, towards mulhammah, and achieve peace with the nafs muthmainnah
,In Ocean Asthma-asthma, then veils unfold with each degree and circumstances. He
who reveals, little by little will be melathifahkan itself into
kelathifahan Supreme Qudus enters his field of divine spirit (qolbu
domination by the spirits who know God). Ocean-Asthma
Asthma is the ocean Munajat and Application, spoken by God that "And
for Allah that some names that aik (al-Asma al-Husna) then bermohonlah
him by calling names (Surah 7: 180). "In this ocean salik will be tested with Khauf and king, sincerity,
contentment, poverty, asceticism, and other spiritual circumstances.At the edge of the ocean-Asthma Asthma is a sea of glittering longing for light flicker mercy and compassion of God. Longing
Ocean or Ocean of Compassion or Ocean of Divine Love, glaring light of
the Beloved creates ripples that fining quickly, creating longings into
the deepest secrets. Longing is the door into the ocean expanse of ocean Confidentiality.Tawhid
as-nature is the ocean or ocean Elimination Secrecy in the ocean
because it is all being required to negate all the attributes of
selfhood as a creature, all the passion and desire, longing and whatever
is left attached to being no more than a grace and guidance affection His alone, then what is left of Longing Ocean or OceanDivine Love is self disclaimer. What
is inherent in all beings is a manifestation of mercy and His
compassion bestowed, as a divine tool that loan and will be returned to
him. Who then abusing all loans God, then he should be held accountable in front of him. Qolbu dominated divine merahasiaan confidentiality sirr dominated by torch light puritymenyemburat of blinding sheen of the ocean's most secret sirr al-asrar the ocean Purification of Tawheed Az-Essence.The level of Tawheed az-Essence of everything nobody except him, this is the oceanServitude or the ocean Purification / Without Color as levelsThe highest spiritual with the totality without connection. A level withoutnames, because all nature, all the names, and all af'al gone.Even in the level of this servanthood, all descriptions of monotheism onlyGod can be carried by The Independent, "Knowing God by God". This ismaqam of the Prophet Muhammad, the station without borders, maqam KebingungankebingunanDivine. Maqam
where all new termusnahkan in the proximity of the essentials as
proximity is not in terms of space and time, place and position. The maqam is also all the confusion, all negation, purified again as witnessed by the pre-existence. When salik purified in Ocean Servitude, then he terbaqakan in Him. Its existence is existence as a servant of Allah. Thus, in this Servitude Ocean weep all the hearts that dominated most secret secret (Sirr al-asrar),I cried not because of my love for you and your love to me,or longing that bubbled and churned who are unablebear and express.But, I was crying because I will never be able to embrace you.You've declared Yourself Alone that "all beings willperish if you are putting your face. "You also say, "There is nothing similar to you."So, how can I without you,Though already kuhancurleburkan myself for you.I cry because I will never be able to blend with you.Therefore,Yourself just revealed by Yourself AloneHe only revealed by Thy Self DiaMuThou thy only revealed by EngkauMu Alone,Therefore,You The Independent is Thou Who OwnWhat You Own You All I Need is LoveYou are The One You the OneYou Which One are You the One.Then in a blinding sheen tranquility PemurnianMu Ocean,let me look at you with your love,a mere servant of the ridhaMu,like Muhammad who became Abdullah lover.Decomposition monotheism carried out by Sheikh al-Banjari is basedon the steps Order of mysticism is more systematic. Therefore,pentauhidan actually is confidential and the spirit of supreme knowledge, then ineach level is broken down into Tawheed Af'al, Asthma-asthma, properties andEssence, the salik expected to feel and witness monotheismmore formal and specific, which is obtained from the fourth sailed the oceanThe Tawhid. The end result, if no irregularities are verybasic, actually similar to the experience of other Sufi makrifatnamely the notion that the end of makrifat is solely mentauhidkanGod as the Almighty with more testimony and faithsteady as a servant of God.
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