
Friday, May 15, 2015

Tawasin (8): Thasin Al Tawhid (Oneness)
1. He - Allah, the Ever Living (al-Hayy).2. God is the One, Unique, Alone, and "witnesses" as the One.3. Simultaneously, the Esa and testimony on Unification (Tawhid) is One, is "in Him" ​​and "from him".4. From His coming separation distance (creature) other than the union of his, and it can be represented this way:

Tawhid separated from God, and the symbol "wahdaniyah" is denoted by "Alif" () long, with a number of "dal" () in it. As for the "Alif" (the) is a substance, and "dal" (the) as nature.]
5. Knowledge Tauhid is an overview of self consciousness, and thus perlambangnya this:

This is the "Alif" () His purba- Substances ("Alif" long) with "aleph - aleph" () the other, which is a creature beings, and who live on the "Alif" main ().]
6. Tawheed is the nature of beings who recite ketauhidannya subject, and not the nature of the object that tersaksikan One.
7. If I were being told "I", can I make him also saying "I"? Tauhidku come from me, and not of Him. He sacred [munazzah] from me and Tauhidku.
8. When I say: "Tawheed back to" he "who said," then I made (Tawheed) as a creature.
9. If I say: "No, it comes Tawheed dar i tersaksikan the Object," then is there a relationship which links a lawyer-One (Tawheed) into a statement about the Unification?
10. If I say: "Yes, Tawhid is the relationship that links the object to the subject," then I have directed this to a provision of reason!

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