
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Abu Yazid and Heart Sufi in Basrah

Narrated by Sheikh Shamsuddin at-Tabrizi that one day when Shaikh Bayazid Bastami was on his way to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage, he visited a Sufi in Basrah. Directly and without further ado, Sufi was welcomed him with a question: "What do you want O Abu Yazid?".
Shaykh Abu Yazid was soon explained: "I just stopped by for a moment, because I want to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca"."Enough bekalmu for this trip?" Asked the saint."Pretty" said Sheikh Abu Yazid."How many?" The saint asked again."200 dirhams" said Sheikh Abu Yazid.
The saint was later seriously suggest to Sheikh Abu Yazid, "Just give me the money to me, and my heart bertawaflah around seven times".
Turns Sheikh Abu Yazid was still calm, even obedient and submit it to the 200 dirhams Sufi without any sense the slightest hesitation. Furthermore, the saint was revealed: "O Abu Yazid, my heart is the house of God, and the temple is also the house of God. It's just the difference between the temple and my heart is, that God never enter the temple since he founded, while he was never out of my heart since it was built by him ".
Shaykh Abu Yazid just bowed his head, and the saint even then returned the money to him and said: "Never mind, just continue your noble journey towards the temple" command.
Shaikh Bayazid Bastami is a super grand guardian very familiar in the hearts of penimba mysticism, especially the philosophical Sufism. He died around the year 261 H. As Shaikh Shamsuddin at-Tabrizi (who narrates the story above) is also a large guardian (died 645 AH), which has been widely bestows spiritual inspiration and motivation to a great guardian of the caliber of Sheikh Jalaluddin al-Rumi , the initiators of the Order Mawlawiyyah (died 672 AH).

See Abu Yazid

 ... .Seandainya Abu Yazid once you see it, it is more beneficial to you than seeing Allah seventy times ....
Narrated that Abu Turab an-Nakhsyabi amazed at the youth, and he approached him and perform his duties. While the young man busy with worship. Then one day Abu Turab said to him, "If you look at Abu Yazid." Then, when ash Turab repeated statement, "If you see AbuYazid" to him, the boy became upset and immediately said, "Woe to you, what should I Yazid do with the ashes? "
See attitude, Abu Turab turbulent life, he was angry and can not help himself so that says, "Woe to you, you have deceived Allah. Suppose you saw Abu Yazid once, it is more beneficial to you than seeing Allah seventy times. "The lads were stunned by saying Abu Turab and deny it by asking," How is this possible? "Abu Turab said," Woe to you, you see God SWT only from the side, and he showed himself unto him according to your ability. Whereas if you look at Abu Yazid Allah, then he will show himself in accordance with the ability of Abu Yazid. "
The youth also understand the words of Abu Turab, then he said, "Take me to him." At the end of the story, Abu Turab and the boy stood on a hill to wait Abu Yazid out of the woods are full of wild animals. Then Abu Yazid passing in front of them while carrying a bird on his shoulder. Then Abu Turab said to the youth, "That's him Abu Yazid, look."
When the young man saw him, he passed out immediately anyway. Then Abu Turab wiggled his body, but it turns out he had died. Then Abu Turab and Abu Yazid tried to bury it. While the funeral procession, Abu Turab said to Abu Yazid, "O my lord, to see you make him dead." Abu Yazid said, "No, but your friend in the correct position. In his heart dwells a secret that can not be revealed by himself, and when he saw us, did he reveal the secrets of his heart so that he felt heavy to bear because he was at a low level students. Because of the burden that he died.
Source: Revival 'Ulumuddin work of Imam Al-Ghazali

 True greatness of man

"My lord, you are allowed to walk on water!" The students said admiringly Bayazid al-Busthami.

"It was not anything. A piece of wood is also allowed, "replied Bayazid.

"But you also fly in space."

"Similarly, the birds," Bayazid pointed to the sky.

"You are also able to travel to the Kaaba in one night."

"Every strong rover will be able to go from India to Demavand in one night," replied Bayazid.

"Then, what greatness of a real man?" The students wanted to know.

"True man," said Bayazid, "are those that are able to fix his heart is not in something other than God."

 Abu Yazid And Dog Black

Guests who come, not only dominated by men, but also women mystics who studied him. They want air-taqarrub to God as passed by the Kiai. Among them are successful, some are failing in the middle of the road. All that, says Kiai Yazid, it depends on the diligence of each. He only directs and guides; it all depends on his decision nevertheless.
Because to-â € ™ goody-ness that ultimately the community is really assume that Kiai Yazid is a person who should be a role model or role model. Not only that. The Sufis also respect the depths of the Kiai. Sufis too much to invite discussion, consultation, deliberation and discuss spiritual matters are complicated-complicated. Nglangut. Attending and presenting. Split and unite.
The depth of flavor Kiai, for example, she may feel lonely or "outs" when gathered with the crowd. Elsewhere, the Kiai really feel crowded, even though he was alone. That is, all the flavor was covered by her alluring appearance, protect, protect, teach, and associate with many people.
One day, Kiai Yazid was walking down a street. He was alone. No one else invited students. He is being to placate his footsteps footing; do not know where the destination with certainty. He flow. Then to enjoy her he was walking in the street deserted lonely nan.
Suddenly from the front there is a black dog running around. Kiai Yazid felt calm, unthinkable that the dog would be imminent. E? .ternyata Knew was imminent; next to him. Kiai see Yazid klins spontan- reflexes and immediately raised his royal robes. The action was so fast and it is not clear whether because -barangkali- worry: lest contact with dog saliva unclean!
But how shocked the Kiai as soon as he heard The Black Dog were nearby had protested: "My body is dry and I did not do anything wrong!"
The sound heard as the Black Dog, Kiai Yazid still dazed: is he talking to him ?! Or is it just a mere feelings and illusions? The Kiai is silent with contemplation-contemplation.
Not had time to talk, The Black Dog continuing chatter: "If my body wet, you menyucinya enough water mixed with ground seven times, then finished the problems between us. But if you roll up the cloak as a Parsi (pride), you will not be clean though thou wash with seven oceans though! "
After making sure that the voice was actually the sound of The Black Dog nearby, Kiai Yazid realized kekhilafannya. Spontaneously anyway, he could feel the disappointment and sadness Si Dog Black humiliation. He also realizes that it has made a big mistake; he had insulted God's fellow creatures for no apparent reason.
"Yes, you are correct Black Dog," Kiai said Yazid, "You dirty indeed outwardly, but inwardly I was dirty. Therefore, let us be friends and together we are both trying to be clean! "
Kiai expression Yazid was, of course, is an expression of seduction that The Black Dog will forgive mistakes. If the animals were going to be friends with, of course volunteered that he would forgive his mistakes.
"You do not deserve to walk together with me and be my friend! Therefore, everyone refuses presence and welcoming presence. Anyone who met me would melempariku with stones, but anyone who met would welcome you as a king among the mystics. I never keep a piece of bone, but you have a sack of grain for food tomorrow! "Said Si Dog Black calmly.
Kiai Yazid was pensive with guilt at The Black Dog. Once seen, it turns out The Black Dog had left him alone in the deserted streets. The Black Dog had gone to the former heart-wrenching words the Kiai.
"God, I do not deserve friends and walk with a dog belongs to You! So, how can I walk with You Eternity and Eternal? Almighty God has given instruction to the noblest among Thy creatures who insulted among all! "Said SyekhYazid to his Lord in a quiet place it.
Then, Syekh Yazid with the staggering pace continued on his way. He stepped toward his school. He has missed all of the students were waiting for his teaching.
The uniqueness and to- ecentric late Kiai Yazid had been seen since the first. To his students, he is not always taught in his school, but also invited to respond directly to read the verses of the sprawling nature of the universe. Many lessons learned from the students of the Kiai; learning both theoretically and practically in relation to divinity.
One day, Syaikh Yazid was invited to walk around with some of his students. Road they are going through narrow and from the opposite direction came a dog. Having observed closely, it turns out he is not The Black Dog who once protested. He Si Dog Yellow worse than The Black Dog. So seeing The Yellow Dog was seen hastily -probably because no matter the importance of the Syekh Yazid immediately commanding his disciples in order to give way to the Yellow Dog Si.
"Hi my students, all of them stand aside, do nothing to disturb The Yellow Dogs are coming through it! Give him the way, because he was really there is an important purpose until he ran with haste, "said Syekh Yazid told her students.
The subject-matter of his students obey the command Syekh. After that, The Yellow Dog Syekh passes in front of Yazid and his students with a quiet, undisturbed. At first glance, The Yellow Dog SyekhYazid gave his respect by nodding his head as an expression of gratitude. Understandably, the streets are being passed it is very narrow, so there must be a budge one; The group Syekh Yazid or Yellow Dog.
The Yellow Dog has passed. But there seems to be one of the students who protested against Yazid Syekhi his teacher and said: "Allah Almighty has glorified man above all His creatures. Meanwhile, the Syekh is king among the Sufis, but with the height of his dignity and his obedient disciples still give way to an ugly dog ​​earlier. Is it appropriate to act like that ?! "
Syekh Yazid replied: "Young man, the dog had secretly been said to me:" What is my sin and whether the reward at the beginning of the incident first, so I dressed the dog's skin and you are wearing a robe of honor as the king among the mystics (Sufis)? " That which to my mind and that's why I give way to him. "
Syekh Yazid heard such an explanation, the students nod. It is a sign that they understand why they act this way teachers. All were silent. They are no longer denied. They also continue to carry on his journey.

 Abu Yazid Al Busthami - King of The Mystical

 Abu Yazid bin Surusyan Thoifur bin Isa al-Busthami, born in Bustham located in the eastern part of the Persian Sea. Bustham died in the year 261 AH / 874 CE He was one Sulton Aulia, who is also one of Sheikh that exist in the pedigree in thoriqoh thoriqoh Sadziliyah and several others. Grandfather Abu Yazid is the religion of Zoroaster. His father was one of the prominent people in Bustham.
Abu Yazid life extraordinary started since he was still in the womb. "Every time I bribed halal food which I doubt," his mother often said to Abu Yazid, "you are still in the womb rebelled and did not stop before the food was kumuntahkan back". The statement was confirmed by Abu Yazid himself. After reaching the time, the mother of Abu Yazid sent to school to learn Al-Qur-an. One day the teacher explained the meaning of the letter Luqman verse of which reads, "give thanks to Me and to your parents." This verse is very thrilling Abu Yazid, he then put the slate and said to the teacher, "allow me to go home, have words to speak to my mother". The teacher gives permission, Abu Yazid and then go home. His mother greeted with the words, "Thoifur, why are you home? Do you get a prize or is there something special happened? ". "No," replied Abu Yazid, "my studies until the verse where Allah commanded that I worship Him and to thee, O mother. But I can not take care of two houses at the same time. This verse is very troubled me. Then, O Mother, ask me to God that I be yours alone or I hand over to God alone so that I can live for Him alone ". "My son" her mother replied, "I submit to God you and me to release you from all obligation to me. Go and be a servant of God.
Later on Abu Yazid said, "The obligation which was originally thought as an obligation of the lightest, it is the most important obligation. Namely the obligation to devote to my mother. In dutiful to my mother, that kuperoleh everything I'm looking for, that everything can be understood only through acts of self-discipline and devotion to Allah. Of events is as follows: On one night, the mother asked for water to me. Then I will take it, it turns out in our crock there was no water. I saw in the jug, but even then the empty jugs. Therefore, I went to the river and fill the jug with water. When I got home, my mom was asleep ". The night air was cold. Pitcher was still in rangkulanku. When she awakened, she drank the water that I brought later mendo'akanku. That time saw the jug to me how it has made a stiff hand. "Why are you still holding the jug?" My mother asked. "I'm afraid the mother waking me alone complacent", I replied. Then she said to me, "Let the door half open". Throughout the night I was on guard so that the door was still in a state of half-open, and that I do not neglect my mother's command. Until finally dawn seen through the door, so it was often done many times ".
Abu Zayid self-discipline with continuous and fast during the day and bertirakat all night. He studied under the guidance of one hundred thirteen spiritual teacher and have benefited from any lessons they provide. Among his teachers there was a man named Sadiq. When Abu Yazid was sitting in front of him, suddenly Sadiq said to him, "Abu Yazid, bring books in the window". "The window? Which window? "Asked Abu Yazid." It has been a long time you learn here and never see that window? "" No ", replied Abu Yazid," does it matter to the window. When menghadapmu, closed my eyes to other things. I did not come here to see everything there is here "." If so, "said the teacher," return to Bustham. Lesson has been completed ".
Abu Yazid heard that somewhere there is a great teacher. Abu Yazid came from far to see him. When it was close, Abu Yazid see how the teacher is the famous spat in the direction of Makkah (mean insulting Makkah), because it immediately he turned his steps. "If he did have obtained all the progress from the path of Allah", Abu Yazid said the teacher that, "surely he would not be breaking the law as he does". It was narrated that Abu Yazid home just forty steps of a mosque, he never spit in the direction of the road and respect the mosque. Whenever Abu Yazid arrived in front of a mosque, some time he will stand still and cry. "Why do you always act this way?" Asked one man to him. "I feel myself as a woman who is menstruating. I was embarrassed to enter and contaminate the mosque, "he replied. (Look at the prayer Adam or the prayer of Jonah as "Laa ilaha ila anta Subhanaka inni florets minadholimin" There is no god but thou O Allah, I have included people who dholim. Or see prayer Abunawas, 'O Allah if you put me into heaven, it is not appropriate I was in it. But if I was you put in hell, I'm not going to hold, I will not be strong, O God, then accept only taubatku).
One time Abu Yazid in the way, he took a camel as mounts and bearers of his supply. "The animals are poor, how heavy the burden you bear. Really cruel! ", Someone shouted. After some time I hear this appeal, finally Abu Yazid said, "O young man, in fact not the camel's load bearing". Then the young man examine whether the load was actually located on the back of the camel. Then he believes after seeing it floating load one inch above the back of a camel, and the animal is not in the slightest burden. "Almighty God, truly amazing!" Said the young man. "If I hide the fact that the truth about me, you would declaim to me", said Abu Yazid him. "But if I explain the fact that you, you can not understand it. How should my attitude to you? "
Abu Yazid tells, "With a look that certainly I look at God as He delivered me from all His creatures, illuminate me with his light, opened the wonders of His secrets and show his greatness to me. After staring Allah I will look at myself and contemplate the secret as well as the nature of the self. Light me is dark compared to the light of his greatness myself very small when compared with His greatness, glory myself just vanity vain when compared to his glory. Holy in God everything was in me all dirty and blackened. When kurenungi back, then I shall know that I am alive because of God's light. I realized my glory comes from the glory and His greatness. Whatever I've done, simply because the power of His omnipotence. Whatever has been seen by the eye due to appear, in fact through him. I looked in the eyes of justice and reality. Kebaktianku everything comes from God, not from myself, was this time I thought that I was devoted to him.
Adorn myself with the One You, so that when thy servants looked highly respected by them is thy riches. And they will see the Creator's eyes, not myself ". His wish was granted. Placed his generosity crown on my head, and he helped me beat my body. After that, he said, "go see my servants that". Then I go on anyway endless wanderings in the ocean without the edge of it for a while, I said, "No man ever to reach the glory that is higher than I have achieved this. There can be no higher level than this ". But when kutajamkan view turns my head still on your feet a prophet. I realized then, that the final level that can be achieved by humans sacred just as the initial stage of prophethood. Regarding the last level of prophethood can not be imagined. Then my soul penetrate everywhere in the kingdom of God. Heaven and hell were shown to my soul but he does not care. What can block and make it matter?.
All the soul that is not Prophet met not cared about. When my soul reaches the human soul beloved of God, the Prophet Muhammad, it seems to me a hundred thousand conflagrations no brimmed and a thousand light curtain. Had kujejakkan feet into the lake of fire first, surely I scorched perish. I was so daunted and confused so that I became lost. But no matter how much I wanted, I did not dare look at the pole camp Prophet Muhammad. Although I have met with God, but I did not dare meet with the Prophet Muhammad. Then Abu Yazid said, "O Allah, everything which has been seen by me is myself. For me there is no road leading to you while I was still there. I can not penetrate this ego, what should I do? "Then came the command," To remove the keakuanmu We follow lover, Muhammad. Wipe your eyes with dust his feet and follow his footsteps. I then plunge into the lake of fire that sank the endless and myself into curtains of light that surrounds Rasululah Muhammad Saw. And then there I saw myself, I saw the Prophet Muhammad. I'm stranded and I saw Abu Yazid said, "I was dust foot Muhammad, then I will follow his footsteps of Saw.
One day Abu Yazid walk around with some of his students. Road they are going through narrow and from the opposite direction came a dog. Abu Yazid kepinggir aside to give way to the animal. One of the students are not approving Abu Yazid and said, "Allah Almighty has glorified man above all His creatures. Abu Yazid is "King among mystics", but with the height of his dignity and his obedient disciples still give way to a dog. Is it appropriate to act like that? "Abu Yazid said," Young man, the dog had secretly been said to me, 'Are my sins and whether the reward at the beginning of the incident so I dressed the dog's skin and you are wearing a robe of honor as the king among the mystics? '. That which to my mind and that's why I gave way to him ".
There was a hermit among the famous sacred figures in Bustham that has many followers and admirers, but he himself always follow lessons given by Abu Yazid. Diligently he listened to lectures Abu Yazid and sat with his friends. One day he said to Abu Yazid, "today even thirty years I fasted and prayed the prayer all night so I never slept. But the knowledge that you convey this has ever touched my heart. However I believe that knowledge and happy to listen to lectures you lecture ". "Though you fasted day and night for three hundred years, the slightest of this lecture you will not be able to biodiversity". "Why?" Asked the student. "Because your eyes are covered by yourself", replied Abu Yazid. "What shall I do?", Asked the students as well. "If I say, surely you do not want to accept it", replied Abu Yazid. "I'll take!. Tell me that I do as you petuahkan ". "All right!", Replied Abu Yazid. "Today, too, Shave his beard and hair. Uninstall the clothes you're wearing and replace it with a loincloth made of fleece. Hang the bag of peanuts dilehermu, then go to a crowded place. Collect as many children as possible and tell them, "I'll give you a nut to each person who slapped my head". In the same way go around the city, particularly to the places where people already know you. That is what you must do. " "God Almighty! There is no god except Allah ", the student said after hearing the words of Abu Yazid it. "If a heathen say the words that undoubtedly he became a Muslim," said Abu Yazid. "But by saying the same words that you have to Allah". "Why so?" Asked the student. "Because you feel that you are too noble to do as I said earlier. Then you trigger those words to indicate that you are an important, and not for the glory of God. Thus you would not have to Allah? ". "The advice-your advice was not able kulaksanakan. Give other suggestions, "the student mind. "That may I suggest", Abu Yazid asserted. "I can not carry it out", the student has to repeat his words. "Did not I tell you that you will not be able to carry it out and you will not obey my words," said Abu Yazid. (Iron must be heated to be used as a sword, dirty stone must be polished in order to be a diamond. "Rub diamond faith with Laa illaha ilallah". 'Jadidu Imanakum bi Laa illaha ilallah').
"You can walk on water", people said to Abu Yazid. "A piece of kayupun can do it", replied Abu Yazid. "You can fly in the sky". "A bird can do it". "You can go to the Kaaba in one night". "Everyone magic can travel from India to Demavand in one night". "Then what is to be done by real human beings?", They asked Abu Yazid. Abu Yazid said, "A true man would not be linking him to other than Allah.
Such khusyuknya Abu Yazid in devotion to God, so that every day when reprimanded by his students, who always accompany it for 20 years, he will be asked, "My son, who is your name?" One time the disciples said to Abu Yazid, "Teacher, do you poke -olokkanku. Has 20 years I have served you, but, every day you ask my name ". "My son," Abu Yazid said, "I do not make fun-olokkanmu. But his name has filled my heart and has designated the names of the others. Every time I hear a name of the other, immediately the name was forgotten by me ".
Abu Yazid tells: One day while sitting, a thought came into my mind that I was Shaykh and holy figures of this era. But as soon as it occurred to me, I soon realized that I have committed a grave sin. I then got up and went to Khurazan. At a stopover I stopped and vowed not to leave the place before God sent someone to open my heart. Three days and three nights I stayed at the stopover. On the fourth day I saw the one-eyed man with a camel ride is coming to the stopover place. After observing closely, it seemed to me the signs of divine consciousness in him. I hinted that the camels and camel stopped immediately bend its front legs. The one-eyed man looked at me. "So far you call me", he said, "just to open the eyes are closed and opened the locked door and to drown Bustham population with Abu Yazid?" "I fell limp. Then I asked him, "Where did you come from?" "Since you swear it was thousands of miles were done my", then he added, "Beware of Abu Yazid, Keep your heart!" Having said this, she turned away from me and left that place. Reject them just because of their rebellion. Everything I do is dust. To any actions that are not pleasing to Thee Thy mercy limpahkanlah. Wash dust from the disbelief in me because I will have washed the dust impudence as claimed complies with thee. Then Abu Yazid last breath with the name of God in the year 261 H / 874 AD

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