
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Some Interesting Facts about the Devil are not You Know !!

At this time the post is still about a discussion of the devil, precisely pembasan about somethe facts relating to the Devil, following breakdown:

Home Satan / demons is the bathroom. Because of this, should not linger in the bathroom, because it can cause anxiety and slander.
Assembly gathering places devil is the market and along the way. Because the market is a transaction that is not a bit satisfied by indirection eliminating blessing, As once said by the prophet that the worst of the market place. So is the road.
Devil food is food that will be consumed at the time did not mention the name of Allah (Basmallah). Because the devil will come to eat with people who do not read Basmallah on when they want to eat.
Drinks passions devil is all intoxicating drinks. Because of intoxicating drinks can eliminate mneraskan mind and heart. And that is why Islam forbid it.
People who call or summon the devil is the one who played the flute. Because the flute in addition to neglect also be hardened.
Quran devil is poetry. The intent here is a lyric poem that neglect and are not useful at all and hardened, lazy or affect the weight to worship.
Book devil is Tato, That's why tattoos are forbidden in Islam, the reason is forbidden because people are tattooed considered kufr favors, because changing the creation. The second reason because there are hadith the prophet Saw, namely: "" Allah has cursed the woman who connects her hair and asking to connect to, women who tattoo and asking tattooed. "(HR. Bukhari no. 5933).
Hadith word devil is a lie, because that Satan really like people who lie.
Lies of the devil most of whom are women. Because as has been the Prophet said that one of the greatest slander that ever existed in this world and will remain there until doomsday is Woman.
That's Some Facts about the devil. Hopefully none of these facts are on us, because if there is? then indeed we include the factions are the losers in this world and hereafter. Because in the Hereafter we will accompany him. Hope it is useful. Wallahua'alam.
Source:Book Sirajut Thalibin

 Juz I hal.286

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