
Sunday, September 20, 2015

First writing In Lauh Mahfuz

Muhammad said, "When God created Qalam, then seized, Allah ordered to attend Qalam seized.
God said to Qalam, "O Qalam".
Qalam said, "I welcome your call and I'm ready to accept your commands Ya Robbi"
God gave the command, "Write first bismillahirrahmanirrahimi".
When Qalam writes "ba" light shining out of it everything in malakut from 'Throne to earth. Qalam said, "Ya Robbi! What is the "ba" This? "
God answered, "This is bariun liummati Ba Muhammadin (liberator to men!)"
Allah ordered Qalam also wrote "sin".

 Allah ordered Qalam also wrote "mim".

 When Qalam write it, get out of it glow brighter and shinier than light "ba" and "sin" that illuminates the things which the 'Throne to earth. Qalam astonishment confounded in a thousand years. After that, ask Qalam, "Ya Robbi, Is this light?"

 Allah Swt answered
"This is Nur Muhammad 'alaihissolatu peace. He is my lover, my choice and my Prophet. This Sayyid all prophets and apostles. And I have not created anything, unless it ".

When Qalam hear the wantedto greet him at Nur Muhammad 'alahisshallatu blessings, then ask idzin do. Then Qalam said, "Assalamu 'alaika (greetings to you) Rasulalloh O - O and O Nurallah Habiballaah.

 He said, "O Qolam! you have to convey greetings to my beloved Prophet and when it does not currently exist, and when he comes he would surely say your peace, so I said to you about it. Greetings from me to you, O Qolam ".
Allah ordered Qolam write Allah Ar-Rahman Al-Rahim. Qolam said, "Ya Robbi, Are these names for you?"
Allah the Most High said, "I - God - for as-sābiq, I - Ar-Rahman - to al-muqtasidin and I - Ar-Rahim - to al-'asin and az-zalimin".
In some evidence that As-sābiq mentioned is the one who benefits most often - far exceed the disadvantages. Al-Muqtasidin are the advantages and disadvantages compared to. Al-'Asin is that the disadvantages far outweigh the good that was done.

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