
Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Birth and Death of 30-Year Islamic Scholars Charismatic World

Death of a scholar is a disaster for Muslims. Because scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets, or the heir of religion and Islamic Shari'a. Nevertheless, a number of scholars died we hope will soon be reborn other scholars as the successor to fighting for Islam, that the understanding of Islam does not fade even disappear over time.
In this day and age, the effects of the death of the clergy could be felt, which is the number of them that were taken away without a word we could completely. Not to mention the superficiality of faith that gradually undermined ideologies much of the guidance of the Quran and Hadith. All this shows that the death of countless scholars disaster for the people of the prophet Muhammad.The Prophet said in a hadith:
Meaning: "Verily, Allah does not revoke the science of servants, but the repeal of the repeal of the scholars. So when God leaves no one scholar, the man lifted fools leaders, they were then given a fatwawithout knowledge, then their false and misleading "[Reported by al-Bukhari No. 100]
To commemorate the scholars who had passed away rahamatullah, manila their names and years of birth and death.1. Imam Abu Hanifa was born in 80 Hijri and death in 150 Hijra.2. Imam Malik was born in 90 Hijri and death in 179 Hijri.3. Imam Shafi'i was born in 150 Hijri and death in 204 Hijri.4. Imam Ahmad was born in 164 Hijri and the death of 241 Hijri.5. death of Imam Jauhari 292 Hijri.6. Abu Mansur al-Farabi's death in 339 Hijri.7. Sahib ibn Ibad's death in 387 Hijri.8. Avicenna's death in 428 Hijri.9. Syed Murtaza's death in 436 Hijri.10. Syed Rida's death in 446 Hijri.11. Mahyiddin Sheikh bin 'husband's death in 438.12. Imam Haramain's death in 477 Hijri.13. Sheikh Abu Hamid al-Ghazali's death in 505 Hijri.14. Abu al-Fath death in 504 Hijri.15. Zamakhsyari death in 547 Hijri.16. Imam Razi's death in 606 Hijri.17. Sheikh Umar al-Fariz's death in 636 Hijri.18. Ibn Hajib death in 646 Hijri.19. Baidhawi death in 936 Hijri.20. Tusi's death in 710 Hijri.21. Shirazi's death in 672 Hijri.22. Niimbie death in 646 Hijri.23. Taftazani death in 772 Hijri.24. Al-'alamah al-Hull's death in 726 Hijri.25. Syatibi death in 890 Hijri.26. Ibn Jauzi death in 597 Hijri.27. Abu Baqak death in 616 Hijri.28. Jalaluddin Qazwaini tahun739 hijriyah death.29. Imam Nawawi's death in 676 Hijri.30. Amidi's death in 631 Hijri.

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