
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunnah, Pillars and Compulsory Haji

السَّلاَمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
نَوَيْتُ التَّعَلُّمَ وَالتَّعْلِيْمَ، وَالنَّفْعَ وَالاِنْتِفَاعَ، وَالْمُذَاكِرَةَ وَالتَّذْكِيْرَ،
وَالإِفَادَةَ وَالاِسْتِفَادَةَ، وِالْحِثُّ عَلَى تَمَسُّكِ بِكِتَابِ الله،
وَبِسُنَّةِ رَسُوْلِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلَّم،
وَالدُّعَاءَ إِلَى الْهُدَى، وَالدِّلالَةَ عَلَى الْخَيْرِ،
اِبْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ الله وَمَرْضَاتِهِ وَقُرْبِهِ وَثَوَابِهِ
Said al Habib Ahmad bin Zein al Ethiopia in the book arisalatul Jami'ah

 سُنَنُ الْحَجِّ ] وَأمَّا السُّنَنُ: فَكُلُّ مَا سِوَى الأرْكَانِ وَالْوَاجِبَاتِ؛ فَمَنْ تَرَكَ رُكْنَاً لَمْ يَصِحَّ حَجُّهُ. وَلاَ يَحِلُّ مِنْ إِحْرَامِهِ حَتَّى يَأْتِيَ بِهِ. وَلاَ يَجْبُرُهُ دَمٌ وَلاَ غَيْرُهُ

The sunna sunna Hajj then all that is in addition to the pillars and obligatory Hajj pilgrimage job there are 3 kinds pillars, obligatory and the sunna. Regarding the Sunnah, what - what other than mandatory and pillars of Hajj then it is sunnah, there is sunna related to the obligatory Hajj there is sunna related to the pillars of Hajj, for example in sunahkan after ikhram with bath using scented oils, use a cloth ikhram white and so, when we are in sunahkan wukuf to start from ba'da Dhuhr until after the new Isha until Arafat out into the desert to a place where we are not under the hood, we live in the sun and pray there, and others. Also when tawaf sunahkan itiba ', put a cloth ikhram us at the top, put the left and the right is open, do tromel or also called street in place, as well as in sunahkan harwalah Sa'i example, differ between Romel and Harwalah that when we Harwalah such as brisk walking half running, while Romel was so walking in place and badanya rather high up and also in sunahkan when we Sa'i sunnah of the holy hadats hadats small and large, also pray throughout the tawaf and sa 'I.
When shaving also sunah- his Sunnah, for example we shaved from the right and the left, then the top and pray when we shave, as well as mandatory pilgrimage for example mabit in Muzdalifah in sunahkan to mabitnya along the approaching dawn from midnight until approaching dawn, in sunahkan when we mabit in mina all night mabitnya we throw good jumrah it jumrah Aqabah course, threw a right hand, facing toward Mecca to pray Kaaba when throwing and when after throwing jumrah, it all is sunna associated with the pillars and obligatory Hajj.

لَبَّيْكَ اللّٰهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ. لَبَّيْكَ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ. اِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَاْلمُلْكَ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَكَ.
Its meaning is' ana muqimun ta'atika li ya rabb iqomatan ba'da iqomah ijabatan ba'da approval ''

O Allah I stand firm to be obedient to you from the obligation to the obligations of the other, answering your call, O God of the answers to the other answers. Then it is one of the meanings than Talbiyah, there is another sunna stand-alone is thawaf qudum, tawaf of arrival when the new entrance of the city Mecca and sunna stand-alone is sunnah to enter the city of Mecca during the day instead of night, entered from above, enter Haram of Babusalam and others, it is an example of the sunna -sunah
فَمَنْ تَرَكَ رُكْنَاً لَمْ يَصِحَّ حَجُّهُ
People leaving pillars certainly not valid Hajj then he should do the pillar 6
ولا يحل من إحرامه
he should not be Tahalul of ikhramnya until he completed all the pillars, it means he should not be doing that at forbade when ikhram until all the pillars of Hajj is completed, if the pillars of Hajj has not been completed then it should not be tahalul early, when it's he like the few well then he may tahalul early, but tahalul sani he can not do it unless he is fully complete
ولا يجبره دم ولا غيره
Hajj pillar whose name can not be closed or patched with a dam or another, the pillars of Hajj can only be resolved by implementing rukunya
وثلاثة من الأركان لا تفوته ما دام حيا, وهي: الطواف. والسعي. والحلق. ومن ترك شيئا من الواجبات صح حجه ولزمه دم, وعليه إثم إن لم يعذر.
ومن ترك شيئا من السنن فلا شيء عليه ولكن تفوته الفضيلة
There are three pillars of the pillars of Hajj fixed we can do throughout our lives although of course we have not allowed tahalul, has not been allowed to do in forbade when ikhram, what is it? that there are three, the first is tawaf, sa'i second, and the third is shaving. If people already ikhram after the last wukuf he was doing obligatory Hajj in Muzdalifah and Mina she has not had time to go home, have not been shaved and have not had tawaf and sa'i then he came home, the man was not why not do what is in its obligations such as shaving, at any time for tawaf of course he must return to Mecca, and Sa'i also like that he must return to Mecca as a razor he could be done in any place
ومن ترك شيئا من الواجبات صح حجه ولزمه دم,
Who left one of the obligatory Hajj, his Hajj is valid but he is obliged to pay for the dam, the dam instead of a goat if he can not then he is fasting 10 days in which he did three days of fasting there, until after selasai pilgrimage he carried The next seven after his return according to the Shafi'i schools. If he did 10 days of fasting, if he could not cut the goat and the money was fit - barely her home so she could do 10 days in Indonesia or in any country for him to replace than the dam Hajj, mandatory pilgrimage that was left behind. If the live deliberately sin if he leave them all on purpose, no udzur he can throw jumrah but he could not throw jumrah, he could mabit in Mina, but he could not mabit in Mina then he sin and of compulsory draft, but if he udzur not possible and has to be placed somewhere away from Mina Mina, which they call a true Jadid is Muzdalifah, then we are obliged to pay for the dam and we do not sin because we do not have the power to move from their place
ومن ترك شيئا من السنن فلا شيء عليه
Who left the Sunnah then there is nothing that required it, meaning that if there is sunna he lived his Hajj is valid not required to pay the dam but the loss of fadhilah Hajj
ويحرم ستر رأس الرجل ووجه المرأة المحرمين أو بعضهما, وإزالة الظفر والشعر, ودهن شعر الرأس واللحية, وتطييب جميع البدن. ويحرم عقد النكاح, والجماع ومقدماته, وإتلاف كل حيوان بري وحشي مأكول. والمرأة كالرجل في المحرمات
We proceed from the last discussion of Hajj things that are things that forbade when ikhram
1. is a head covering specifically for men - men, that women may, cowl it can also be finished by putting something over his head like kopyah or just put her hands with prolonged for a long time at the top of his head, there are some people who make umbrellas in put the hilt in the umbrella of the umbrella the above so there is the handle, if the jurisprudence that it remains in the call by closing the head because there are parts that stick in our heads if anyone wants with an umbrella then just hold in the hand and also hooked up with cowl it occurs in most men without realizing he was asleep because of the cold he closed his head when he has not tahalul still in a state of ikhram yes covered then it can be affected by the dam of course if he knows and consciously, that did not know and did not realize then what - what for him and covered his face as we already know, the face is of a menumbuhnya hair to the chin from ear to ear when he heard and certainly that cover the face then somewhat exaggerated bottom slightly upwards, it means that shut it in exaggerating a little, the woman when using mukena the above beard under the lip is not located in the neck, lying mukena there on the chin rather than under the chin because if under the chin was not the face that someone women wear mukena under the chin and then he used to pray or tawaf it is not legitimate to pray and thawafnya

وإزالة الظفر والشعر
Which in unlawful when ikhram also was cut, bite, or peeling nails and hair, which are intended to nail is what grows at the tip of the toes and fingers, either we bite, scissors or with another, men - men and women and also cut, revoke or by any other means, including hair burn, in the mean hair is the hair on our bodies
ودهن شعر الرأس واللحية
And we banned oiling the hair on the head and also in beard and also may not use scented oils throughout the body, so that needs to be done when someone he wants ikhram intention for Hajj or Umrah the sunnah wearing it on the body before the intention, if it is the intention then should not be haraam, so we use in the body is not in the clothes that we are useful in that outfit perfume we wear the clothes while before we intention ikhram and clothes us off later after completion example of our intention ikram we use we include people who use oil fragrant unknowingly then you should wear them in the body do not in clothes or in clothes
ويحرم عقد النكاح
and also forbidden to perform the marriage ceremony والجماع ومقدماته and also relates to the wife or the beginning of the relationship was sexual intercourse such as touching the skin, touches the skin, the skin immediately see skin between husband and wife from the knee to the navel وإتلاف كل حيوان بري وحشي مأكول
Also not to be hunting land animals wild is allowed in eating, if we for example, cut the chicken that we maintain that it is not anything, for example, we cut wild animals for example such as deer والمرأة كالرجل في المحرمات, women are equal to men in terms of which forbade when he ikhram means other than the last, besides cowl walahua'lam
May we be given the benefit and gets blessing from Allah SWT
Amiinn yes Rabal 'alamin
Wasalamu'alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh
Jasaltu Itsnain Majelis Rasulullah
Masjid Raya Almunawar Jewel, 14 September 2015


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