
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Many ways to Allah Azza Wa Jalla Love

الْحَمْدُ للَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْن
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى نور الانوار وَسِرِّ الاَسرَارِ وَتِر يَاقِ الاَغيَارِ وَمِفتَاحِ بَابِ اليَسَارِ سَيِّدِنَا ﻭَﻣَﻮْﻟﻨَﺎ مُحَمَّدﻥِ المُختَارِ وَالِهِ الاَطهَار وَاصحَا بِهِ الاَخيَارِ عَدَدَ نِعَمِ اللهِ وَاِفضَالِهِ
سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَ لاَ اِلهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ
وَلا قُوَّةَ إلاّ بِاللهِ الْعَليِّ الْعَظيمِ

Thank God we got in early this evening Dhulhijah time, tomorrow is the first day of early Dhulhijah, our teacher had kh Ubaidilah Khalid has given a message testament of our teachers to practice the reading of limited ability, if able to 3000, if possible until 30 .000 for a month means want in cicil if one month is able to 3000 meant one day to 100 times if you want a month to 30,000 times the one-day 1000 we read than adzkar, many people who say this wird no nasnya, the Prophet never said like that but Allah says in the Qur'an والباقيات الصالحات خير if we say
سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا اله إلا الله و الله أكبر it better than anything, so we suggested to read it, if someone now says no nasnya, Rasul also no nasnya teach us dhikr such, and we need know nothing also of the Prophet forbade us to chant like that, so we do not bother if anyone asks, no nasnya, it is no nasnya '' People pious when it gives adzkar (dhikr dhikr) teaches us that we do not forgetting of Allah '' not far from God, for that we always dhikr of Allah, in the love of 3,000 or 30,000 intention is let us not sibukin our dealings with the world continuously, so we are busily engaged in dhikr, in his motorcycle dhikr, which in kendaraanya dhikr, which are all busily engaged in dhikr kerajaanya like that,
It was the first, and also we sibukan worship which night - a night like this glorious, 'adzim until Allah swears for the night - this night والفجر * وليال عشر sake of dawn, and also evening 10 Dhul hijah this, well this is the night of nights noble and tomorrow -besoknya that will be used to fast then it is a good thing there is no prohibition of the Prophet about fasting moreover we fasted at least 3 days, minimal in Haram, now this month Dzulhijah now included in the Haram, then take advantage of our time to we fast, it was the first thing, the second is yesterday we have learned how we get the love of God among them are to follow our prophet Muhammad, who both practice the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad that all three of us gathered in this place gathering because Allah where assemblies there is love of Allah, as the hadith of the Prophet he stated in the hadith Qudsi Allah says;
... وجبت محبتي للمتحابين في
والمتزاورين في
والمتجالسين في
"والمتباذلين في
'' In saying by Allah in the Hadith Qudsi, mandatory for them to get my love word of God, the first is people who love each other for Allah, love for God is not the intention here to love for Allah between men and women, this is not the point but the purpose of this hadith loving fellow creatures of Allah, love them, do not do evil, do not hurt people who love this kind if they need no difficulties we help them then this name is to love each other for Allah, then here there is love Allah and among them is والمتزاورين في people who make pilgrimages each other stay in touch between worshipers possible if the assembly sat together last home visit then there is love of Allah if we want menghidupkanya then the third word of Allah in the Hadith Qudsi والمتجالسين في people are getting God is love them is '' who sit on the panel because of Allah '' we are sitting here because of whom? , Because God, so we expect to come here so that we get the love of Allah, often listening to the teacher - our teacher if you came here intent so that we can love God, let us be loved by God, means such as people gathered in assembly This sort will get her love of Allah.
Many ways to get the love of God in them sitting in the assemblies of science, because we think if we think, we are not a lot of worship, not like the pious as imam Shafi every night 300 raka'at, imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal so well every night seal the Koran, we do not like them, like the - the pious but most are not easy - I hope we can love God of this one thing, his diligent we are, we seat in the assembly of science we get her love of Allah, that we expect to come here.
There are pilgrims who were tired of coming to sit mengahrapkan what expects to get her love of Allah so wasilahnya much, so like it was getting love Allah then the fourth is والمتباذلين في people who are willing to sacrifice for Allah, sacrifice in the way of GOD Almighty, they are set aside the time, energy, rizkinya, to strive mensiarkan religion of Allah, for trying to turn his religion GOD Almighty, they are people - people who loved by GOD Almighty those who fight in the way of Allah sure to get her love GOD Almighty albeit with pemikiranya, although with do'anya, we help that we can sacrifice in the way of GOD Almighty then korbankanlah, let us not be stingy with the sacrifice like that which we have read there are four things that are loved by GOD Almighty, which are people who love each other as God, each other suilaturahmi for God, sitting in the assemblies of science, people who make sacrifices in the way of GOD Almighty.
Easy - I hope we can take part of his love GOD of love GOD '' in the profiled on one day there was a man named miskinah person is poor, it is hard not got what - what this story is told by AL Habib Umar, the miskinah is that job titles carpet teacher, help to anyone who likes to tease ';; O miskinah ;;, 'O miskinah,;' means the person miskinah hard, not long deceased mother no ordinary people who really teased dream he walked proudly in a beautiful place, its streets as a great man, at the call hai miskinah ;, '' O miskinah. ''; then do not peek the miskinah after 3 times on the call finally her peek, after peek then said miskinah this, saying the miskinah was now nothing now come the wealth of GOD, then asked why did you get this sort, he said this is what I dapatklan berkhidmah in informal gatherings because this is the result I get as diligent sitting at informal gatherings hopefully we get what is in getting fa qulu amiinnnn jami'an
Yes Allahh O God ...... .. ....... Ya Allah ......... ......... O God, O God, O God .................. .. ................... O God, O God ..................... .. ...................... Yes Alllah ............... .. ............ .. O God, O God ...................... Dear Allah …………………………………
لا إله إلا الله العظيم الحليم, لا إله إلا الله رب العرش العظيم, لا إله إلا الله رب السموات, ورب الأرض, ورب العرش الكريم
Jasaltu Itsnain Majelis Rasulullah
Monday, September 14, 2015, Masjid Raya Almunawar Jewel
Bagir Habib bin Yahya ~ ~

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