
Sunday, September 20, 2015



A. History of lifeAbu 'Ali al-Husayn Ibn Abd-Allah Ibn Sina-who dubbed al-Shaykh al-Ra'îs and known as Ibn Sina or Avicenna course -is a Persian. He was born in Safar 370 AH / 980 AD at Afsyanat August, one of the villages in Bukhara in the near Kharmaitsan. His father, named Abdullah, who is married to a local woman named Sitârah, originally from Balkh province and moved to Bukhara at the time of Ibn Sina was five years old at the time of Noah Ibn Mansur (366-387 AH). Ibn Sina has two brothers named Ali and Mahmud.Ibn Sina grow up in a family of wealthy and privileged because his father became mayor in Afsyanat before then moved to Bukhara. He grew up in a family environment adherents of Shia Isma'ilism. Father and his brothers are the followers of this sect. However, Ibn Sina adopts this. Because -sungguhpun he taught the doctrines of the sect this- she then found a shortage of intellectual and doctrinal teachings of the sect. He also lives in a bilingual environment (bilingual). 'Ibu' his language is Persian was the language of education is Arabic.In Bukhara, Ibn Sina began to receive education. By his father, he was given private lessons with a tutor to his home call. It seems that education provided to Ibn Sina by his father a very broad scale, including the study of Islam and eye kegagamaan secular study of Arabic, Greek, and Indian tradition. He started his education by learning to memorize the Koran and Arabic language and literature, including religious foundations such as fiqh. He studied fiqh to Abu Muhammad Isma'il ibn al-Husayni al-Zahid. It is estimated, Ibn Sina has completed learning the language, literature and religious foundations prior to age ten.Subsequently, he studied the sciences 'aqliyat to a friend of his father who Philosophers ie' Ali Abu Abd-Allah al-Natili. Through al-Natili, initially Ibn Sina acquainted with logic, geometry, and astronomy, as well as Greek philosophy. In subsequent years he has studied the logic of Aristotle through Organon, its geometry by studying Euclid Elements, and also astronomy and cosmology of the Almagest of Ptolemy, and could soon surpass his teacher knowledge in these sciences.Since the age of 14 or 15 years of Ibn Sina continued his education by self-taught. He read the text and description in the natural sciences, metaphysics, and medicine. He studied medicine to advanced so that one day at the age of sixteen years he has been able to teach and practice it.
 In one and a half years later, until the age of sixteen, he completes his knowledge by reviewing and control of all branches of philosophy: logic, mathematics, the natural sciences (physics), and metaphysics. At the age of sixteen years, Ibn Sina has been actively involved in the official seminars and seminars medicine, where the doctor / physician of his day came to him and asked him to give an explanation.In metaphysics Aristotle understands it much helped by the description of Al-Farabi (w.950 H.) "Maqâlat ma fi Aghrâd Ba'da al-Thabî'at" which describes it. She seems very difficult to understand the metaphysics of Aristotle before reading the description of Al-Farabi. It is said he had read Aristotle's Metaphysics forty times without understanding, to finally understand the meaning of the writings of Al-Farabi. After reading and understanding the book, Ibn Sina then not only has the readiness to understand the metaphysics of Aristotle, but then even then he contributed a deep and distinktif in defining courage.At the time of Ibn Sina was seventeen, when Abu al-Qasim bin Nuh Nuh ibn Mansur -amir Samani- dynasty ill and Ibn Sina were called to treat it with a group of other doctors and the team was able to cure him, it drove Ibn Sina became staff kingdom as a doctor. The position also gave him access to the royal library facilities. The library later remembered by Ibn Sina as "a very rich library with a collection of books. In part it is a book that is not known by most people, as he himself is not familiar with most of these books before, and even never again see afterwards. "This experience enabled him to know the contribution of writers and scholars of ancient times and modern as well as strengthen the habit of track and perform sampling to the works of derivative and repetitive do next. The experience we can imagine how incredibly valuable; at which time the literature is still in the form of manuscripts and other coffee means the new edition, and any translations or comments may mean a new work, this method can be very valuable to Ibn Sina who certainly do not want to fall into the argument that short-sighted, and would like to put what learned into a coherent framework to drive the science.Unfortunately, in the not too distant future, the library burned. Ibn Sina accused of deliberately burning it on purpose so that only he knows the rare books that have been read. More or less coincide with the event-only a few months of healing, on Rajab 387 AH / July 997 AD, Amir Noah died. At the time of Noah, at the age of seventeen, Ibn Sina authored his first and simplest titled "Maqâlat fi al-nafs' ala sunnat al-Overview" and dedicated to Amir Noah.Since the death of Amir Noah, the son of the emir of Noah, namely Mansur and Malik, fight each other for power. The power struggle goes one year seven months. Mansur then captured by the forces of his brother Malik, and then imprisoned. While in prison, Mansour was sentenced to pry his eyes, and then in a state of misery he died. At the time of Amir Malik in power,power then captured by soldiers. The Amir himself was killed along with all his family and does not know where his grave. Inside the atmosphere is very chaotic, come again "unfortunate" that completed a history of the dynasty Samani in Bukhara, the arrival of the invasion army from the center, led by a general under Sultan Mahmud Ghaznawi. The whole Bukhara fell into the hands Gaznawiyah in the year 389 AH / 999 AD

 When Ibn Sina reached the age of 21 years old, his father died. After the death of his father and in the midst of the destruction of Daula Samanids, Avicenna left Bukhara to the city Kurkanj in Khawarizm. There, he was welcomed by the vizier Abu al-Hussein al-Sahli in his court who enjoyed philosophy as well as those who devote his thoughts to philosophy. Ibn Sina was then introduced to Amir '? Li bin Ma'mun, the ruler Kurkanj under Caliph Ma'mun bin Ma'mun, who allowed him to stay in his palace. In the palace Amir? Li, Ibn Sina lived for ten years until 1012 AD / 402 AH in Kurkanj, Ibn Sina shows his involvement in scientific group along with other figures such as Al-Bairûnî (362-448 AH), Abû Sahl al -Masîhî (d. 401 AH), physicist Ibn Abi al-Khair al-Hasan Ibn al-Khammâr, andmathematician Ibn Abi Nasr al-'Arrâq. are also equally in the palace.At that time, the star of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznawi in Ghazna is shining semerlang. Sultan Mahmud wants victory rays expanding. He wants to be the greatest istanya. Therefore he then drew the scholars, philosophers, poets, and expert wisdom to court by all means. When he heard the group Kurkanj, Sultan Mahmud corresponded to the sultan Ma'mun, who brought his messenger and contains a request to send all the characters to the palace.Arriving envoy of Sultan Mahmud got Khawarizm, Amir showed a letter to the scholars whose names are listed in the letter. While three-Al-Bairûni, Al-'Arrâq, and Khammâr-expressed interest and eventually went to Ghazna, Ibn Sina and Al-Masihi with the help of Ma'mun chose to flee to the south. Al-Masihi died on the way in a storm in the desert. While Ibn Sina with difficulty could arrive in Baward, then headed Tus and Nishapur. Finally, he got to Jurjan when it was controlled by Shams al-Ma'âli Qabus bin Wasymâkir who greeted him well. This incident took place was in the year 402 AH / 1012 ADSince the Ibn Sina live in Jurjan and there-at the age of thirty-two years he met with Abd al-Wahid Abu 'Ubaid al-Juzjani which later became a disciple, accompany the next journey and simultaneously write the trail of life. There he also met with Abu Muhammad al-Shirazi that provides a home for Ibn Sina, in addition to his own house, which is used as a teaching center. Where later he wrote an essay for al-Shirazi entitled Kitab al-Irshad al-Kulliyat and Al-Mabda 'wa al-Ma'ad. In Jurjan also, in the year 402 AH / 1012 AD, Ibn Sina start writing the script of medicine essay, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb.When Sultan Qabus killed and the political situation in Jurjan turbulent, Ibn Sîna- with accompaniment by al-Juzjani-consecutive moved to Rayy, Quzwain, then to Hamadan.

 In Rayy, the richest city in northern Persia that time, Ibn Sina prince attacked treat melancholia and depression, Majd al-Dawlat (m. 387-420 AH) in the royal palace. Majd al-Dawlat is the master Buwayhid very weak in the rule. In running the government he was "set up" by his mother, Queen Dawâjir.When Sultan Mahmud Ghaznawi sent a letter of challenge, Queen Dawâjir still be responded by a letter of reply. But when his mother died in the year 1028 AD, Majd al-Dawlat no longer able to control the army and even invited Mahmud Ghaznawi, which then precisely makes it a captive. In such conditions, Ibn Sina did not wait long over again, then he fled to Quzwain.From next Quzwain he moved to Hamadan. In Hamadan, he was called to treat the disease suffered colic Amir Shams al-Dawlat (m 387-412 AH), the heads of government of the dynasty Buwayhid brother Majd al-Dawlat. There he stayed for forty days to treat the Amir Amir to recover from his illness. He arrived there at the end of the year 405 AH / 1015 AD Because of his recovery, Ibn Sina highly regarded the Amir. To the extent that Ibn Sina was given the honor of being "first minister" and one of his companions. The ministerial posts held by Ibn Sina not less than five years.Ibn Sina seems to be very firm in dealing with troops and employees are corrupt. The armed forces then conducted a demonstration to his house, slandered and detained and arrested. He was arrested and asked to Amir in order to be sentenced to death. Amir refused their demands, but to satisfy their demands amir ultimately treat waste punishment. Ibn Sina was forced into hiding in the house of Abi Sa'id bin Dakhduk for forty days. Shortly after, Amir Shams al-Dawlat sore back, and Ibn Sina again requested treat. Amir Ibn Sina then returns back to the minister.When Sham al-Dawla world died and the same 'al-Dawlat (m. 412-414 H.) succeeded his father as well as selecting the Taj al-Mulk became Wazir, Ibn Sina wrote a letter requesting asylum to Ala' al-Dawlat, amir Isfahan , The incident is known by Taj al-Mulk, which causes arrested and held in the castle Fardajan in Jarrah area about 55 miles outside the city of Hamadan. At that time, hope to get out of prison he considers it seems very thin, until he wrote the words:

 (I entered exactly as you see,while the accompanying uncertainty in terms of when to get out)However, in the castle, he completed the writing of the book Al-Hidayat, and the story of Hayy Ibn allegoriknya Yaqzan.When later there was fighting between the same 'amir al-Dawlat-Hamadan-by Ala' al-Dawlat-amir Isfahan, Ibn Sina then released by Ala 'al-Dawlat after he was imprisoned for four months. Sekeluarnya Ibn Sina from prison. He then asked for protection to Isfahan. There, he was welcomed warmly. Ibn Sina living in Isfahan for thirteen years. In Isfahan, Ibn Sina respectable life. He was present at the majlis Amir on every Friday evening, exchanging thoughts with the scholars before Amir, even accompanied Amir to the fields of battle.In a battle accompany Ala 'al-Dawlat, Ibn Sina colic disease until his intestines wound. A disease that attacked the seemingly severe. In one day, Ibn Sina experiencing abdominal pain to eight times, so that when the disease gets worse, he was forced to return to Isfahan to heal itself. Shortly thereafter, he was back again accompany Ala 'al-Dawlat. Only he does not maintain themselves and even much harm him with lust, until recently the disease recurred and she fell down, although eventually recovered.Amir accompanied in his trip to Hamadan, the disease relapsed in the street. He finally considers the treatment will not be able anymore to cure the illness. He then stop treatment and surrender to fate. He said: "Something that regulate my body is no longer able to tell me what to. Now it's all up treatment ". Ibn Sina then shower, repent, menyedekahkan hers, and freed slaves. He later died in 428 AH / 1037 AD and was buried in Hamadan.
 If we look at, then the life of Ibn Sina in terms of scientific productivity, can be divided into two phases: the first phase is the phase formation (al-tahsîl) and the productive phase (al-intâj al-'ilmî). The first phase of the learning phase begins the age of five to ten years to learn the basics of the Qur'an, religious sciences, and astronomy, as well as periods of study afterwards. At this time, Ibn Sina experienced a period dominated by the learning period of more absorbing; where the activities of Ibn Sina's more receptive and retentive. While the second phase, namely the productive phase that began at the age of twenty-one years. In this phase, Ibn Sina began a productive activity. After this period, he is actively producing works productively and synthetic.B. The works of Ibn SinaEven though Ibn Sina lot of moving from city to cityother and at every phase of its existence in a very busy area with his state job tasks daily spent almost the entire time, but he remained productive. It could be said that in every town where he lived, there is at least one essay finished. From the past 58 years of his life, thirty-seven years is a period of productivity write and give birth to his works. Counted, Ibn Sina began work at the age of 21 years, Ibn Sina continue to work day and night in between busy. Authorship Ibn Sina almost covering all branches of science with varying levels of discussion. He wrote various books ranging from works on metaphysics, logic, medicine, psychology, physics, until about literature and Arabic.Of the total number of his works, most sources say that the book by Ibn Sina only about 99-100 pieces, while some people there who noted that his work reached the number of 242 posts, even 276. Such works can be grouped, as performed by GC Anawati, into 15 groups, namely: 1) General Philosophy (General Philosophy); 2) Logic; 3) Literature; 4) sya'ir; 5) The natural sciences; 6) Psychology; 7) Medicine; 8) Chemistry; 9) Mathematics; 10) Metaphysics; 11) Tafsir al-Qur'an; 12) Sufism; 13) Morals, housekeeping, political, and Nubuwah; 14) private letters; and 15) Multi-wide

 Among some of the most important and famous works of Ibn Sina, namely:1. Kitab al-Qanun fi al-Tibb: The book of five volumes in the west known as the Canon. Book encyclopedias shaped in the medical field has become the "bible" of medicine of Europe for five centuries. Writing begins at Jurjan in tahun1012, Rayy passed in 1014, and settled in Hamadan 1015 until 1023. First edition of the book published in Rome; latin translation of Gerard of Cremona (1187), printed in Milan in 1473, at the Padus in 1476 and Venice in 1482.2. Kitab al-Shifa ' in Latin "Sanatio"): The book is written in Hamadan is a philosophical encyclopaedia based upon Aristotelian tradition modified by the influence of neo-Platonism and Islamic theology. The book consists of four parts: the logic (al-mantiq), physics (al-thabî'iyyat), mathematics (al-riyâdiyyat), and metaphysics (al-ilâhiyyat) contained in a thick book eighteen volumes. This book has been translated and published in part gradually into the various languages. Translation and publishing gradually, considering the thickness of the book and considering the needs of the universities. Translation of parts of physics and metaphysics translated into Latin and printed in Venice Italy in 1495. Next section logic, physics, and metaphysics published in Arabic in Rome in 1593. And in Paris, France in 1658, carried out the translation and publishing parts of logic alone.3. Kitab al-Najat : This book is a summary of al-Shifa. It's just that this book seems to have more value than al-Shifa 'in terms of coverage, clarity and wording. The book is translated into various languages. The first translation into Latin of the book is made by John of Spain and Gundissalinus in Venice in 1508. The second Latin translation made by Mgr. Carame in Rome in 1926 under the title "Avicennae Metaphisices Compendium". While the German translation produced by M. Horten in 1907, the French carried out by AM Goichon under the title "La Distinction", and in English by F. Rahman in 1951 under the title "Avicenna's Psychology" published by Oxford University Press.4. Kitab Al-cue wa al-Tanbihât : This book is a philosophical works of Ibn Sina's most mature and comprehensive. This book, first published in Arabic by M. Forget in 1892 in Leiden Netherlands, then translated in French by MAF. Mehren was published under the title "Traites Mistiques d'Avicenna", and other translated version by AM Goichon published in Paris in 1951 under the title "Livre des Directives et remarques." Publishing the book was later carried out in Egypt on tahqiq Dr. Sulayman Dunya, (d. 1985 AD) `Teacher Associate in philosophy, and published by Dar al-Maarif, Egypt in 1957, 1958 and 1960. In the new edition, included comments Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.His other works may be mentioned are: 1) Al-Majmoo '(Compendium); 2) The Book of Al-Hikmat al-Masyrîqiyyat; 3) al-Birr wa al-ITSM; 4) al-wa al-Mahsûl results; 5) al-Urjûzat fi al-Tibb; 6) al-Adawiyat al-Qalbiyat; 7) Kitab al-Qaulanj; 8) Majmu'at Ibn-Sina al-Kubro; 9) Danesh Nameh I alâ'i; 10) Kitab al-Insaf; 11) Kitab al-Hudud; 12) Isagoge (Al-Isaghôji); 13) Aqsâm Fi-al-'Ulum al-Aqliyyat; 14) fi treatise Sirr al-Qadar; 15) Aqsâm Fi al-'Ulum al-Aqliyat; 16) ithbat Fi al-nubuwwat; 17) Al-Azraq; 18) Tadbir al-Manar 'an al-siyasat al-Ilâhiyyat; 19) treatise al-siyasat; 20) and Tadbir Junûd wa al-al-al-'Asâkir Mamalik wa wa wa Arzâqihim Kharaj al-Mamalik; 21) Qissah Salman wa Absal; 22) treatise Hayy ibn Yaqzan; 23) Al-treatise 'ala al-Thayr wa al-Syibkat' ala al-Thayr; 24) Lisan al-'Arab; 25) Makhârij al-letter; 26) Al-treatise fi asbab Hudûts al-letter; and, 27) Al-qasidah al-'Ainiyat; 28) Kitab al-Irshad al-Kulliyat and Al-Mabda 'wa al-Ma'ad; and 29) the phrase al-Sufiyyat

 C. Setting Socio-Geographic-Political Life of Ibn SinaState of Iran where Ibn Sina was born, lives and then berkiprah- located above between India and Arabia and flanked by the Straits of Caspian and Persian Gulf. Great plains located between the Tigris and Euphrates in the east and the river Indus and Helmand in the West. He widened in the north Arabian sea to the mountains of Khorasan plateau and stretches from the north to the eastern part of the circumference of the Caspian in Jurjan to the cities of Nishapur, Tus, Merw, Herat, Balkh, Pamir and Hindu Kush mountains. In the north and east, beyond the river Amu Darya (Oxus River) flowing into the Aral Sea, there Bukhara and Samarkand in the area known as Ma Wara 'al-nahr, which is bounded by the river Jaxartes (river Syr Daria) and prairie ,When the Arab armies of Islam came to Khurasan at the end of the seventh century and the beginning of the eighth century AD, they encountered a rich area. Thin with rainfall in the highlands that is just less than 10 inches per year, some of the fertile river valleys grow wheat and rice. Some areas in the region known for oranges, apricots, peaches, pears, sugar, cotton, pistachio, pomegranate, rhubarb, melon, almond, sesame, grapes and raisins, as well as land planted with timber for their skins as medicine tooth ache. Of earth containing copper, lead, iron, mercury, silver, and gold.There are Earth-value content such as turquoise in Nishapur as well as rubies, garnets (garnet), lapis lazuli, and asbestos that can be found in Badakhstan. Khorasan craftsmen making equipment from steel, silk, iron, copper, and gold, as well as textiles, carpets, incense, raisins, and soap. Since 751 AD, when the prisoners of war were brought from China to bring art to Samarkand, skilled artisans making paper from linen, hemp, jute pieces, which gradually replaced papyrus as a writing tool. On the plateau there is also a horse breeder and the pastoral raising goats and camels, produces butter, cheese, horns, fur and leather.When the Muslims came, they came into the Transoxiania, Farghana, Kabul, Makran on the edge of the Arabian Sea, up to the Syr Daria, the east bank of the Indus, and the banks of the Punjab and Kashmir. At the time of Ibn Sina, these areas have not fully embraced Islam. Population in the area is also contributed by Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Buddhists. Of the 750, only an estimated 8% of the population of the city of Khorasan, such as Nishapur, are Muslims. The figure is still below 50% until the beginning of the third century AH / IX M, but growing to 80% by the end of the century. In rural areas and towns that are smaller as Musalla and Karkuy in Sijistan, Baihaq in Khurasan and Bukhara Varaksha west, conversion to Islam is slower due to resistance development and persistence mosque preachers and Zoroastrian fire temples until century IV H / XM and VH / XI M in some places. In Nishapur alone, some 5,000 Zoroastrians, Christians, danYahudi, adopted Islam in the year 383 AH / 993 AD in the village residence of Ibn Sina, Afsyanat which are outside Bukhara, the first mosque established + in 709 AD and 741 AD the second year Bukhara has a mosque four years after Afsyanah. The second mosque was founded in the year 771 AD, and the third was founded by a former Buddhist monks in the year 793 AD, and two more established near the market town around the XIX century ADIslam is derived from the Arabic but establish an Arab kingdom in Syria shortly after the death of the Prophet. Iran and Khorasan conquest by Islam to change the center of gravity of Islam to the eastern region and cause Abbasid revolution in th. 132 H / 750 AD, as a final Arab hegemony. Tigris in Baghdad was founded in the year 145 AH / 762 AD as the metropolis of the new Caliphate, even though no less than a century later after the revolution, Mu'tasim (m. 218-227 H), which is the eighth Abbasid caliph, divert it to the palace magnificent newly built in Samarra, a city within 60 miles of the old capital, and surrounded by 4000 the Turks charter to protect him from the hordes of Baghdad and Khurasan army that since they came to power, a force of terror for Abbas dynasty

 On the other hand, things that contributed to the collapse of the Abbasid are tribes in central Asia. Turkey Oguz linggal on both sides of the Aral Sea. Jaxartes spread down the valley, ending at the top of Bukhara and Samarkand on the banks of the lake Balkhash, there Qarluq ruled by Qara-Khan (or Ilig Khans). Qarluq suppress the Muslim areas of the Tien Shan mountains of China since 840. In the East they were Uighurs. Further to the east, there are Qara-Khitai, Cathay or China Mongols, in which his khan ruled China for two centuries (916-1125) before they were expelled. Invasion of other Mongols under Genghis Khan and Khulagu as well as from Turkey as Tamerlane in the fourteenth century would make the Middle East collapsed and could not be fully restored.In 945, the caliph in Baghdad as captives shadow Buyids commander who beat him, the leadership of the Shiite tribes Dailamiyat originating from the southern highlands of the Caspian whose power was based on the tribe has a guard of soldiers with the power center in Shiraz. The following year the Caliph made paralyzed and placed a puppet ruler in his palace.Until 1055 AD, Buwayhid reigning Abbasid caliph while being treated as prisoners in their palace. Power is held by the minister and in charge of household Caliphate and captured through the trickery of the trustees, the queen mother, the eunuch (eunuch), or the commander of the guard. The rebels, looters, sectarian army, and amir-amir disgruntled encircling the center of power.Around the beginning of the year 205 AH / 820 AD, Caliph Al Ma'mun (r. 198-218 H) witnessed generals Tahir establish autonomous dynasty in Khorasan (207 H / 822 AD). The power of the caliph at the time to act is very limited because he had to face rebels in Azerbaijan, in addition to his own brother Tahir was the chief military commander.Tahiriyah rival, whose power was centered in Nishapur, appeared Shaffariyah in Sistan (Sijistan), southern Khorasan. Until the beginning of the ninth century, the perpetrators of sectarian threat is from the Khawarij, radical opponents of any rule of Islam that exist because of what they regarded as the perpetrator "is hypocritical compromise on principle".Under blows Shaffariah and Tahiriah, strength Khawarij, can be suppressed only maker of terror gangs and vandals. But in the tenth century a new threat arises in the east of Shiites Isma'ilism and appeared miraculously to conquer Egypt and founded the Fatimid dynasty.Isma'ilism is a sect that came to be known as the Assassin. He is a Shiite seven (Sab'iyyat) who believed that the latter was Ismail (w.133 H. / 750-1 M) son of Imam Sadiq (80 H / 148 AH), a descendant of the prophet Fatima and Ali. Unlike the later twelve Shi'ite and wallow under the kindness of Buyids, or Zaydiyyah in Yemen in 897 with moderate political stance, Isma'ilism is a militant revolutionary. After the conquest of Egypt, founded the Fatimid rulers of Cairo in the year 973, founded a great university of al-Azhar as a place of learning and sending preachers their bases to the east.

 Efforts Shaffariah break the power Tahiriah seems just as thrust before the turn actually collapsed by a Samanid dynasty Ibn Sina devoted father, whose mandate remit largely supported by dihqan (ruler / landlord) ruling in Khurasan. Samaniah came from Balkh, one of four major cities in Khorasan. The founder of this dynasty was Saman-Khudat, the city authorities Soghdia Saman who converted to Islam in the eighth century AD Although Tahiriyah has stood in Khurasan, the caliphate of Baghdad, found a counter power to Samaniah. In the year 819, Al-Ma'mun gave awards to four grandchildren Saman-Khudat for services they break a rebellion by making them governor in Samarkand, Herat, Farghanah, and Shash (Tashkent). Nominally, the princes are Tahiriah follower, but when Tahiriah grow independently, Samaniah forge and test their own power through war with the authorities and local opponents. Ahmad, one of the four princes, is able to make his son, Nasr, as an autonomous prince in Samarkand, rivaling Shaffariah. Brother Nasr, rival successor Ismail, beat Tahiriyah year 837 and seated himself in Bukhara. Two years later, he gained recognition caliph Al-Mu'tamid (m. 256-279 AH), although the transition by Nasr, his brother did not receive similar recognition to Nasr died nine years later.Baghdad expectation seems that Samanids and Saffariyah can mutually destroy each other. However, it never happened. Meet the call in order to help fight Saffariyah caliph, Isma'il (892-907) destroyed their forces in a battle near Balkh in 900 and sent their leaders to be executed in Baghdad in 902. He consolidated his power by subjecting a small number of governments in Asia middle; and reform does in tax, trade, and even the position of the land, became a legend. Dynasty survive just one more century. They are Sunni with a similar model bureaucratic elaboration of Baghdad, a class structure that is rooted in the Sassanid Persians, depending on Turkish soldiers, and is expected to be a balance for dihqan. 914 at the beginning of the slave guard killed Ahmad ibn Isma'il in his tent near Bukhara-some call because he was too close to the scholar and theologian. But the policy of the intellectual, theological, and artistic Samanids not just ornaments. He is a symbol of order and stability of the dynasty which became the foundation of their legitimacy.In the era of Samanids, there was the poet Ferdowsi (939-1020) who created the epic (epic) Persia, the Shah Nameh (Book of the king), as a compliment ideals sponsor kesatraan magnifying Tus who think independently. An interesting note from this period is the journey of Ferdowsi at the age of forty-one years to the court of Mahmud Ghaznawi at the time of the fall of Samaniah (+ th.1004 M), to complete his great work, and upon arrival he received the indifference and hostility of the monarchy Sunni Turkey, which apparently did not have time to peruse the works of epic monumental is the life's work of the poet, and more like the poems of praise, the story's fantastic Persian tradition, fairy tales, and novels written by a Shia. Vizier liberal interesting Ferdowsi to the palace then fell from power. Ferdowsi story then revolves around the incident when Mahmoud appreciate the poet is not the promised dinar for each row of epic magnitude, but only with one dirham, twenty thousand picis, instead of twenty thousand gold coins that should be received.Samanids loyal to Baghdad, although apparently never pay taxes or tributes to the caliph, in addition to giving symbolic. The prince also always called himself amir, generals, and governors, never called himself caliph. Samanids send a formal report what it is doing to Baghdad and always include the name of the caliph in the coins. When Buwayhid can control Baghdad, Samanids remain loyal to the Caliphate of Baghdad and even hide those who claim Abbasids in 968 and attacked the power Buwayhid only repulsed.

 After the initial conquest of the Ismailis in Transoxiania, apparently Samanids is to maintain tribal interests in Central Asia for the sake of trade caravans. In achieving this goal they are relatively successful, affecting respect for tribal and gradually adjust their conversion to Islam. The basis of their success is the population of the territory. As a complement dihqan strength Khurasan, Samanids invite independent ruler of the land of Transoxiania. People solid border and this independent and proud to share their hospitality. Istakhiri tell a landowner in Soghd that the door is never closed for a century and a feed gave lodging one or two hundred traveler's every night. Youth or people who do not have land to join the robbers were not compact or join rebel movement, but the people of Ma Wara 'al Nahr unwavering support Ghazi, soldiers of faith, and always able to find a field of devotion in tribal leadership field. When power Samanids fall, some people follow Mahmud to India. But in their glorious past, Samanids guard the border, alternating with the help of the volunteers were organized in hundreds of Ribat, which is often funded by the Awqaf.By the time the condition is safe when it is at its borders, Samanids regime fostered the existence of ancient Persian culture in Islam, which is based on the administration of healthy, produce, trade with Russia to the north, and along the Silk Road to China. In Bukhara, Nasr bin Ahmad (r. 914-943 AD) who at the age of eight years succeeded his father martyred, given nicknames by the name al-Sa'id, were lucky. Because of his vizier a scholar and geographer capable, Abû 'Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Jayhâni (served two terms in the year 914-922, 938-941 AD), he was able to quell a mutiny by some family amir -amir young and regain the lost dynasty property rights, and build a magnificent building people's representatives in place Bukhar-Khudah ancient palace, a place with an adjacent office building for nine diwannya: vizier, treasurer, secretary of state, the police chief, the head of post , intelligence, head of estates, muhtasib, or examiner markets and morals, and the qadi or the head of the court. Some offices held by the professional bureaucrats who often still are related. The Treasury is below the vizier's office seems to be very complex. There are twenty-six list or positions in financial and military affairs, two areas which at that time very closely related. There was even a palace school to recruit slaves, who later became the model for subsequent dynasties. Nizam Al Mulk (d. 408) in memory of the ordinance with pride:It is a system that is still used at the time by Samaniah. Slaves promoted in a tiered levels to suit their long dedication, skills and their public services. So after a slave was bought, after one year he was ordered to serve on foot in the stirrup, with robes zandaniji and boots. He was not allowed to ride a horse in public or alone, and if found riding, he will be punished.After one year of service, leadership tent will speak to the housekeeper palace and gave him a report. They will then give it to the slave, a small horse with a saddle turkey wrapped in rawhide, flat bridle and stirrup leather. After serving a year with the horses and whip, the third year was given a belt to wear waist. In the fourth year they gave the slaves a quiver and container straps should be fastened when he was climbing. Fifth year, he gained the saddle and bridle were better with an asterisk on the sign along with a nice robe and a scepter to be held in the arena. In the sixth year he made a tray of cups and trophies to hang on his waist.In the seventh year he is a carrier of a judge robe. eighth year, they gave a single peak with a tent peg and put sixteen three newly purchased slaves as troops; and they gave him rank as the head of the tent and put it black fur hat decorated with silver wire and robes made in Ganja. Every year they increase the level and responsibilities, until he became a head of the group, and then housekeeper kingdom. If he developed a reputation as appropriate, capable and courageous, do steps leading, and known to be wise among peers and loyal to his master, then at the age of 35 they can make an amir and gave him the leadership in a province. Samanid palace so magnificent but can be visited by scholars and prominent people, and every summer Nasr bring troops to Herat, Samarkand or elsewhere as a maneuver.Al-Tha'âlibî al-Naisabûry (961-1038) who wrote a memoir of literary Arabic, Yatîmat al-Dahr, which is an ontology and appreciation for the Arab poet who "supported" by the power of the Samanids. He said his visit to the palace Nasr in Bukhara and a group of philosophers and writers that were found there, which then never met again. Poets, historians, scientists, and theologians allowed to be in the palace. The library, where Ibn Sina as a youth never roam, have been established. Magnifying palace, Abu Dulaf (d. 225 H / 839/840 AD), was sent as ambassador to China and write a full report about it. Among the famous people who were brought to the palace Nasr is a poet Rudaki (d. 330 AH / 940 AD), who wrote ghazals (love sayir), speech / article contains praise, and music for the lute. Rudaki founded the Persian epic form, adopting Sindbad fairytale of Pahlavi version of an Indian source and turn it into a fairytale India Kalila and Dimna in array-array Persian.As called upon, vizier Al-Jayhâni served two periods. Existence (between 922 s / d 938) is not served, the case because he was suspected of secret-leaning Shia some even say that the real belief was dualism Manikea dianutnya, if the Shia deemed not bad enough. Amir downfall greatly caused by the attack on the Shiite sympathy. Agents infiltrated the Ismailis of Khurasan accompaniment Nasr, changing palace people who are in key positions, relatives and employees, as well as affecting the prince's own to support or tolerate the Ismaili da'wa in Khurasan. Nasr decline of the throne by a cabal of Sunni employees are as a direct result. Noah, his son, then finish off the plot. History records, Noah saved his father's life, to divert the anger of people who conspired, seized the throne, forgive all players except the leaders of the failed coup and directs soldiers face Isma'ilism and sympathizers, the movement successfully pressed precisely in the year 942. residual fractions of the movement went underground.

 Noah (reigned 942-954) sponsor the historian al-Narsakhi (899-959), who wrote the history of Bukhara in Arabic in the year 943, praised the dynasty in general, and the amir in particular, as the repair order. Under Abd al-Malik (reigned 954-961) and successor Nuh ibn Mansur, a second Bal'âmi, who serve in the same office with his father, Annals Arabic Tabari translated into Persian. Quran Tafsir al-Tabari voluminous translated immediately thereafter. The works of Persian raised: about astronomy by Abu Nasr al-Qummî; about geography by Abu al-Mu'ayyad al-Balkhi (d. 332), an author of two languages ​​in patronage by Nuh ibn Mansur (976-997). The name of the latter, is the ruling prince Samanids eighth where Ibn Sina's father served. One official at the palace is Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Khwarizmi (d. 997). Essay "Mafatih al-'Ulum", a classification of sciences arab and foreign science, written in the year 976 and is dedicated to his vizier Noah. The Book of open interest on the development of knowledge of Islamic sciences and sciences of the Greek that can be accessed by Muslims through the translation of classical Greek works, especially under the Abbasids.At the time of Ibn Sina was born, Samanids lost control in some suburbs and release it on the landlord and lose control of the military governors appointed from the level of the slave army. When Ibn Sina was growing up, Bukhara itself was in the threat, and as a youth he witnessed the dynasty in which his father served have been swept away by the current of new power.

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