
Tuesday, September 8, 2015


In the Quran al-Kahf, Allah tells the story of the past three, namely Ashabul Kahf story, the story of Prophet Musa and meeting Khidzir prophet as well as the story of Dhu'l-Qarnayn. Kahf Ashabul story gets more attention by being used as the name of the letter in which there are three such stories. It is certainly not a coincidence, but because the story Ashabul Kahf, as also the story in the Koran other, is not a mere tale, but also there are a lot of lessons (ibrah) therein.
ashab-kahfi-15 "(Remember) when the young men fled for refuge into a cave and then they prayed," Our Lord! Give us mercy from Thyself, and shape for us straight in the affairs of our (this). " (Surat al-Kahf: 10).
At length book Qishashul Anbiya starting on page 566 narrates as follows:
Dikala Umar served as Commander of the Faithful, never came to him some of the rabbis. They told the Caliph, "O Caliph Umar, you are the holder of authority after Muhammad and his companions, Abu Bakr. We want to ask some important issues to you. If you can give an answer to us, then we would understand that Islam is the true religion and Muhammad was truly a prophet. Conversely, if you can not give an answer, it means that Islam is a false religion and Mohammed was not a prophet.
"Please ask about anything you want," said the Caliph Umar.
"Explain to us about the master key (lock) latches sky, is it?" Asked the pastors that, begin the questions.
"Explain to us about the existence of a cemetery that runs along its inhabitants, does it?
Show us about a creature that can give a warning to his people, but he is not a human being and not a genie!
Explain to us about the five types of creatures that can walk on the earth's surface, but the creatures were not born from the womb of the mother or parent!
Tell us what was said by quail (gemak) when she was singing!
What does the rooster dikala he was crowing!
What does the horse when he was neigh?
What does the frog at a time when he is speaking?
What does the donkey when he was neigh?
What does the sparrow when he was singing? "
Caliph Umar bowed his head to think for a moment, then said, "For Omar, if he answered 'do not know' to questions that are not known the answer, it is not a shameful thing!"
Caliph Umar hear answers like that, rabbis were asked to stand leap for joy, saying, "Now we bear witness that Muhammad is not a prophet, and Islam is false!"
Salman Al-Farisi who was present, immediately stood up and said to the rabbis was: "You wait a minute!"
He quickly went to the house of Ali bin Abi Talib. After the meeting, Salman said: "O Abal Hasan, save Islam!"
Imam Ali r.a. puzzled, then asked: "Why?"
Salman then tell me what is being faced by the Caliph Umar bin Khattab. Imam Ali immediately went to the house of the Caliph Umar, running lenggang wear Burdah (a piece of cloth covering the back or neck) relics of the Prophet Muhammad. When Umar saw Ali bin Abi Talib came, he got up from his seat and hurried to hug him, he thanks ,: "Yes Abal Hasan, each no great hardship, you always call you!"
Once face to face with the priests who were waiting for that answer, Ali ibn Abi Talib herkata, "Have you asked about anything you want. Prophet has taught me a thousand kinds of knowledge, and each type of science that has a thousand branches of science! "
Rabbis were then repeated their questions. Before answering, Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "I want to propose a requirement to you, that if it later turns out I've answered the questions you as it is in the Torah, you are so willing to embrace our religion and faith!"
"Oh good!" They replied.
"Now ask one by one," said Ali bin Abi Talib.
They began to ask, "What is holding lock (padlock) that fasten the gates of heaven?"
"Holding the key," said Ali bin Abi Talib, "Allah is shirk. For all of God's servants, whether male or female, if he bersyirik to God, charity will not be able to rise to the presence of God! "
The rabbi asked, "Son of whether the key that can open the gates of heaven?"
Ali replied, "Son of the key is testimony (shahada) that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!"
The rabbi looked at one another among them, saying, "The man was right!" They asked further, "Explain to us about the existence of a grave that can run alongside its inhabitants!"
"The grave is a shark (hut) that swallowed Jonah son of Matta," said Ali bin Abi Talib. "Jonah US carried around seven oceans!"
Priests were to continue the question again, "Explain to us about being able to give a warning to people, but the creature was not human and not a genie!"
Ali replied, "The thing is that the ants of Solomon AS son of Prophet David AS, ant said to his people, 'O ants, enter into the residence you, so as not to be trampled by Solomon and forces her in a state they were not aware! "
The rabbi was to continue the question, "Tell us about the five types of creatures that walk on the earth's surface, but not a single one among the creatures that are born from the womb of his mother or parent!"
Ali replied, "Five things that are, first, Adam. Second, Eve. Third, the camel of Prophet Salih. Fourth, Lamb Abraham. Fifth, Moses' cane (which was transformed into a snake). "
Two of the three rabbis after hearing the answers and explanations given by Imam Ali then say, "We testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!"
(Masha Allah)
But another priest, got up and said to Ali, "O Ali, the hearts of my friends has been plagued by something like faith and conviction regarding the truth of Islam. Now there is one more thing I wanted to ask to you. "
"Ask whatever you want," said Ali.
"Try to explain to me about the number of people who in ancient times has been dead for 309 years, then revived by God. How tale about them? "Asked the minister.
Ali bin Ali Talib replied, "Hi rabbi, they are the inhabitants of the cave. Saga about them had been told by Allah to His Messenger. If you wish, I will read them the story. "
The rabbi said, "I've heard a lot about you guys Qur'an it! If you really know, try to mention their names, the name of their fathers, their city names, the name of their king, their dog's name, the name of the mountain as well as their cave, and all their stories from beginning to end! "
Ali ibn Abi Talib then fix the seat, knees bent fore stomach, then and heavy with Burdah tied to his waist. Then he said,
"O Jewish brothers, beloved Prophet Muhammad has told me that the story takes place in the Roman country, in a city called Aphesus, also called by the name of Tharsus. But the name of the city in ancient times was Aphesus (Ephese). Only when Islam came, the city was renamed Tharsus (Tarse, now located in the territory of Turkey). Former inhabitants of the land have a good king. After the king's death, the news of his death heard by a Persian king named Diqyanius. He was a pagan king very arrogant and tyrannical. He came storming of the land with the power of his army, and finally overran the town Aphesus. By him the city was made the capital of the kingdom, and then built a palace. "
The new there, rabbis who asked it stands, kept asking, "If you really knew me try to explain the shape of the Palace, how foyer and the room-the room!"
Ali explained,
"O Jewish brothers, the king was to build a very magnificent palace, made of marble. The length of the farsakh (+/- 8 km) and its width was one farsakh. Pillars which amounted to a thousand pieces, all made of gold, and the lights were numbered a thousand pieces, also all made of gold. The lights were hanging on chains made of silver. Every night the fire was lit by a kind of scented oil. On the east portico made holes as much light as a hundred pieces, as well as in the west. So the sun from sunrise to sunset start can always illuminate the foyer.
The king also made a throne of gold. Length is 80 feet and the width 40 feet. On his right is available to 80 chairs, all made of gold. That's where the royal commanders were sitting. His left is also provided 80 chairs made of gold, to sit the papatih and other high authorities. The king sat on a throne wearing a crown on his head. "
Pastor concerned until there stood up again and said,
"If you really know, trying to explain to me than whether the crown was made?"
"O Jewish brothers," said Imam Ali explains, "the king's crown is made of pieces of gold, legged 9 pieces, and each leg studded pearl that reflects light like the stars illuminate the darkness of night. The king also has 50 servants, consisting of children of the commanders. Everything wears a sash and a red silk shirt. Their pants are also made of green silk. All decorated with ankle very beautiful. Each was given a stick made of gold. They should stand behind the king. Besides them, the king also raised 6 people, consisting of scholars children, to serve as ministers or assistants. King does not take any decision without consulting first with them. Six assistants were always located on either side of the king, three people standing at the right hand and the three other men standing on the left. "
The minister who asked it to stand up again, and said, "O Ali, if you say it right, try to say the name of six people who became the king's servants!"
In response, the Imam Ali r.a. replied,
"My beloved Prophet Muhammad told me that three people were standing to the right of the king, each named Tamlikha, Miksalmina, and Mikhaslimina.
The three assistants who stand on the left, each named Martelius, Casitius and Sidemius. King is always negotiate with them on all matters.
Each day after the king sat in the porch of the palace surrounded by all the commanders and the leaders, three servants go to the king. One of them bring a golden cup full of pure fragrance. A longer carry the silver cup filled with water pollen. Being the seorangnya longer carry the bird. The person who brought this bird then a sound cue, and the bird flew over the cup containing water flower essence. The bird dabbling in it and after that he waved his wings and feathers, until the juice runs out of the flower-sprinkled all around the place.
Then the bird carrier had a sound cue again. The bird flew anyway. Then landed on top of the cup that contains pure fragrance. While dabbling in it, the bird was flapping wings and feathers, until the pure fragrance is in the cup runs sprinkled into the surrounding area. The bird carrier voice beckoned again. The bird flew and perched on the crown of the king, as he spread both wings fragrant over the king's head.
Thus the king was on the throne of power for thirty years. During that time he has never attacked any disease, never felt headaches, abdominal pain, fever, drooling, spittle or runny nose. After the king felt himself so strong and healthy, he began arrogant, lawless and tyrannical. He claim to themselves as "god" and no longer willing to acknowledge the existence of Allah.
The king then summoned the leading men of his people. Those who are obedient and subservient to him, given clothes and various other prizes. But anyone who does not want to obey or not willing to follow his will, he would soon be killed. Therefore, everyone is forced to affirm his will. In the long term, everyone obey the king, until he is worshiped and adored. They are no longer revere and worship Allah.
On a day-year anniversary celebration, the king sitting on a throne wearing a crown on his head, suddenly came a warrior told, that there are entry of foreign troops into the territory invaded the kingdom, with the intention of going to launch a war against the king. Thus the king was sad and confused, until unwittingly crown which he was wearing fell on the head. Then the king himself fell bounced from the top of the throne. One aide who was standing at the right hand -a smart named Tamlikha- attention to the state of the king with all the mind. He thought, then said to himself, "If Diqyanius it really god as he claimed, he would not be sad, do not sleep, do not urinate or bowel. These are not the attributes of God.
Six assistants every day the king was always held a meeting at one of them in turn. On one day it was the turn Tamlikha receive visits five of his friends. They gathered at the home Tamlikha to eat and drink, but Tamlikha itself does not come eating and drinking. His friends ask, 'Hi Tamlikha, why do you not want to eat and do not want to drink?'
'Friends,' said Tamlikha, 'my heart was worry by something that makes me not want to eat and do not want to drink, do not want to sleep.'
His friends chase, 'What is troubling your heart, O Tamlikha?'
'For a long time I think about the sky, "said Tamlikha explained. 'I then asked myself,' Who appointed him to the top as a roof that is always safe and well-maintained, without hanger from the top and without any pillars that sustain it from below? Who runs the sun and moon in the sky? Who will decorate the sky studded with stars? 'Then I think also this earth,' Who is stretched and spread her on the horizon? Who hold the giant mountains to not waver, does not jiggle and not tilted? 'I am also a long time to think about myself,' Who will get me as a baby from the belly of my mother? Who is maintaining life and feed me? Everything was certainly nothing to make, and certainly not Diqyanius' ... "
Friends Tamlikha and knees in front of him. Two feet Tamlikha kiss and said, 'Hi Tamlikha in our hearts now feels something like that in your heart. Therefore, let you show me the way out for us all! '
'Brothers,' replied Tamlikha, 'neither of us could not find any sense in addition to having fled the tyrannical king, went to the King the Creator of Heaven and Earth!'
'We agree with you,' said his friends.
Tamlikha stood up, continuing to move away to sell palm fruit, and finally managed to get the money as much as 3 dirhams. The money was then tuck in his shirt pocket. Then departed driving horses along with five of his friends.
After walking 3 miles away from town, Tamlikha said to his friends, 'Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now in spite of the king of the world and of his power. Now you come down from the horse and let us walk. Hopefully Allah will facilitate our business as well as provide a way out. They dismounted respectively. Then walk the 7 farsakh, until their feet bleed because of unusual swelling walk that far.
Suddenly there came a shepherd greet them. To shepherd it they ask, 'Hi herders, do you have drinking water or milk?'
'I have all that you want,' replied the shepherd. 'But I see all your faces like nobility. I guess it must have escaped you. Trying to tell me how the story of your journey it! '
'Ah ..., hard men,' they replied. 'We have embraced a religion, we should not lie. Are we going to survive if we tell the truth? '' Yes, 'replied the shepherd.
Tamlikha and friends and tell all that happened to them. Hearing their story, the shepherd immediately to his knees in front of them, and kissing their feet, he said, 'In my heart now feels something like that in your heart. You alone first stop here. I want to restore goats to the owner. I'll be right back again to you. '
Tamlikha with his friends stopped. The shepherd immediately went to restore herds goats. Soon he came back on foot, followed by his dog. "Ashabul cave Kahf
Ashabul cave Kahf
Imam Ali's story time up there, the rabbi asks jumped up again and said, "O Ali, if you really know, try to specify whether the dog's color and what is his name?"
"O Jewish brothers," said Ali bin Abi Talib, "The dog was blackish in color and named Qithmir. When the six escapees saw a dog, are each said to his friend, we are worried that the dog will dismantle our secret! They asked the shepherd dog that was driven only with stones.
The dog was looking at Tamlikha and friends, and sat on two hind legs, stretched, and say the words fluently and clearly:
'Men, why are you going to send me away, and I testify there is no god but Allah, no partner to Him anything. Let me take care of you from the enemy, and in doing so I put myself to God. '
The dog was finally left alone. They then go. Herders had invited them up a hill. Then together they approached a cave. "
Rabbi who asked the tale, to wake up from his seat and said, "What is the name of the mountain, and if the name of the cave?"
Imam Ali explains, "The mountain was named Naglus and the name of the cave is Washid, also called Kheram name!"
Ali ibn Abi Talib to continue the story,
"All of a sudden in front of the cave grew fruit trees and eye-jetted memancur once. They eat fruits and drinking water are available on the spot. After arriving at night, they enter the refuge in the cave. Medium dogs who had been following them, guard sat poking her two front legs to obstruct the entrance of the cave.
Then Allah ordered the angel of death in order to kill them. To each one of them Allah depute two Angels to flip through their body from right to left.
God then commanded the sun so that at the time of issue biased emits light into the cave from the right, and when almost set so that the light began to leave them on the left.
Once upon a time the king had just finished feasting Diqyanius he asked about six assistants. He got the answer, that they were fleeing.
Diqyanius king was very upset. Together with 80,000 horsemen he quickly set off to scour the footsteps of six assistants who fled. He climbed up the hill, then approached the cave. He saw six assistants who fled was sleeping lying in the cave. He did not hesitate and make sure that the six men were truly was sleeping.
To his followers he said, 'If I'm going to punish them, I will drop no greater condemnation of their actions that have tortured themselves in the cave. Call stonemasons so that they soon come here! '
After the masons had arrived, they were ordered shut door of the cave with rocks and Jish (a kind of cement materials). Completed, the king said to his followers,
"Say to those who are in the cave, when actually they do not lie in order for help to their Lord in heaven, so that they are removed from the place.,
In the sealed cave, they have lived for 309 years.
(Subhanallah ...)
After a very long time had passed, Allah restore their lives.
By the time the sun had started to emit light, they feel as if waking up from sleep each. One says to the other, 'Last night we forgot to worship God, let's go to the spring!'
Once they were outside the cave, suddenly they saw a spring that had dried back and trees that had already become dry everything. Allah makes them start to feel hungry. They asked each other, 'Who among us is capable and willing to go to the city to bring the money to be able to get food? But who will go to the town later that caution really, not to buy food that is cooked with fat-pig. '
Tamlikha then said, 'Brothers, I alone who set out to get food. But, O shepherds, give me your shirt and take the clothes! '
After Tamlikha dressed shepherd, he headed to the city. Along the way he passed places that had never known, through streets that had never known. Arriving near the town gate, he saw the green flag fluttering in the sky that read, 'There is no god but God and Jesus is the Prophet of God.'
Tamlikha paused looking at the flag was rubbing his eyes, then said himself, 'I thought I was still sleeping!' After a somewhat longer view and watch the flag, he proceeded to enter the city. He saw a lot of people are reading the Bible. He met with people who had never known. Upon arrival in a market he asked a hawker of bread, 'Hi bakers, if the name of your town is this?'
'Aphesus,' said the baker.
'Who is the king of your name? "Asked Tamlikha again.
'Abdurrahman,' replied the baker.
'If what you say is true,' said Tamlikha, 'my business is really strange! Take this money and give food to me! '
Seeing the money, baker keheran-amazement. Since the money was money brought Tamlikha ancient times, which is bigger and heavier. "
Rabbi who asked it then stood up again and said to Ali ibn Abi Talib,
"Hi Ali, when actually you know, trying to explain to me how long it's value for money compared with new money!"
Imam Ali explains, "The money that was taken by Tamlikha compared with new money, are each equal to ten drachmas old and two-thirds of the new coin!"
Imam Ali then continued her story,
"Bread Seller and said to Tamlikha, 'Ah, how lucky I am! Apparently, you just found a treasure! Give the rest of the money was to me! Otherwise, you will be confronted me to the king! '
'I did not find the treasure,' deny Tamlikha. 'This money can me three days ago from the sale of palm fruit for three dirhams! I then left the city because people all worship Diqyanius! '
Baker was angry. Then he said, 'Is it after you find treasures still not willing to give up the rest of your money to me? Anyway you have to mention an ungodly king who claimed themselves as gods, when the king had been dead for more than 300 years ago! If so you want to make fun of me? '
Tamlikha then arrested. Then taken away to the king. The new king is a person who can think and be fair. The king asked the people who brought Tamlikha, 'What is the story about this person?' 'He found a treasure,' replied the people who took him.
To Tamlikha, King said,
'You need not be afraid! Prophet Isa AS command that we just picked up only one-fifth of the treasure. Throw that one-fifth of it to me, and then you will be saved. '
Tamlikha replied, 'Sire, I did not find the treasure! I am a resident of this city! '
The king asked, keheran-amazement, 'You people of this city?'
'Yes. True, 'said Tamlikha.
'Is there anyone you know? "Asked the king again.
'Yes, no,' replied Tamlikha.
'Mention his name,' the king's command.
Tamlikha mention the names of approximately 1,000 people, but no one was known by the name of the king or by others who were present to listen. They said. 'Ah ..., these are not the names of the people who live in our day. But, if you have a house in this city? '
'Yes, sir,' replied Tamlikha.
'Send one with me!'
The king then ordered several people accompanying Tamlikha go. By Tamlikha they are invited to get to a house in the city's highest. Once there, Tamlikha say to those who deliver, 'This is my house!'
Then a knock on the door. Come out a man who is very elderly. Eyebrows under his brow has become white and wrinkled almost cover the eyes because it was too old. He startled fear, then ask the people who come, 'You have no need anything?'
Tamlikha envoy accompanying the king replied, 'That young man was admitted to this house is his house!'
The old man was angry, look to Tamlikha. As he watched, he asked, 'What is your name?' 'I Tamlikha children Philistines!'
The old man then said, 'Try try again!' Tamlikha mention his name again. Suddenly the old man to his knees at the feet Tamlikha he say: 'This is datukku! By Allah, he is one among those who fled from Diqyanius, king of lawlessness. "Then the continuation with a voice of emotion, 'He fled for refuge to the Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. Our prophet, Isa AS, formerly have told their stories to us and said that they would come back to life! '
The events that occurred in the old man's house and then reported to the king. On horseback, the king immediately came to the place Tamlikha browsing parents' home earlier. After seeing Tamlikha, the king immediately dismounted. Tamlikha by the king lifted onto the shoulders, while the crowd abuzz Tamlikha kiss the hands and feet, wondering,
'Tamlikha Hi, how are your friends?'
Tamlikha let them know that all his friends are still in the cave.
At that time the town Aphesus taken care of by two people of nobility. A Muslim and a Christian religion others. Two people royals with his followers each went brings Tamlikha way to the cave, "said Imam Ali continued.
"Friends Tamlikha everything is still in the cave. Arriving near the cave, Tamlikha said to two nobles and their followers, 'I'm afraid that until my friends heard the sound of hooves, or gemerincingnya weapons. They must suspect Diqyanius come and they would die all. Therefore, you stop right here. Let me alone that will meet and tell them! '
All stop waiting and Tamlikha entered alone into a cave. See Tamlikha came, his friends stand for joy and hugged tightly Tamlikha. Tamlikha to them say, 'Praise and gratitude be to Allah who has saved you from Diqyanius!'
Tamlikha retorted, 'There is a matter of what the Diqyanius? Do you know, how long have you lived here? '
'We stayed a day or a few days,' they replied.
'No!' Deny Tamlikha. 'You've lived here for 309 years! Diqyanius long dead world! Generation after generation has passed one after another, and the city's population has faith in the Almighty Allah! They now come to meet you! '
Friends Tamlikha said, 'Hi Tamlikha, do you want us to make these people that shocked the entire universe?'
'So what do you want?' Tamlikha asked.
'Lift your hands up and we will do that as well,' they replied.
All seven of them raised their hands up, then pray,
'O God, to the truth that You have shown us about the idiosyncrasies that we are experiencing now, please take back our lives without the knowledge of other people!'
Allah granted them. Then ordered the Angel of Death revoke their lives. Then Allah eliminate entrance to the cave without a trace. Two people were waiting nobles soon came toward the cave, circled for seven days to search for the door, but without success. Unable to find a hole or another entrance into the cave. At that time the two nobles had become convinced about how great the power of God. Two nobles looked at all the events experienced by the inhabitants of the cave, as shown God's warning to them.
Muslim nobility and said, 'They died in an embrace our religion! I would build a place of worship at the entrance of the cave. '

Medium nobles who are Christians say anyway, 'They died in an embrace our religion! I will build a convent at the entrance of the cave. '
Two people were quarreling nobles, and after going through the dispute weapon, eventually defeated by the Christian nobility noble religion of Islam. "
At that Imam Ali bin Abi Talib to stop telling the story of the cave dwellers. Then said to the rabbi who asked the tale,
"That, O Jews, what has happened in their story. By Allah, now I want to ask you, if all that I tell you that in accordance with what is stated in the Torah you? "
Rabbi replied, "Yes Abal Hasan, you do not add and subtract, even though a single letter! Now you do not call myself a Jew, because I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His Messenger. I also testified, too, that you are the person most knowledgeable among this people! "
Subhanallah ..
(That tale about the inhabitants of the cave (Ashhabul Kahf), excerpts from the book Qishasul Anbiya listed in the book Fadha 'ilul khamsah Minas Shihahis Sittah, writing As Sayyid Murtaza Al Huseiniy Al Faruz Aabaad, in showing the amount of knowledge gained Imam Ali bin Abi Talib of the Prophet Muhammad)

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