
Tuesday, September 8, 2015


"It is the Prophet see traces of saliva that dries diarah mecca, then it really makes him one sad, until you see the scars of grief on the face he saw, standing up and clean it with his finger and said:" If one of you stand up to prayer, indeed he God was speaking to him "(Sahih Bukhari)
243301_10150202689124195_3266471_oSuch the beauty of the character of the Prophet in his manners to God. Keeping the Lord of the Al Amin secure feeling very perfect. We understand that maintaining people's feelings is a good deed, it was the most perfect act is also keeping God's feelings.
As we read the hadith, the Prophet PBUH saw no trace of saliva that dries up in front of the mosque walls. His face changed "..hatta ru'iya FII wajhihi", then transformed his face with grief. In another hadith history of his tears flowing until you see the sadness on his face imprint.
What happens O apostle to make you sad? then when the Prophet stood up he cleans traces of saliva it with the fingers - fingers, he then said "inna ahadakum idza qaama ilaa shalaatihi innahu yunaaji rabbahu fa", if you are conducting your prayer is talking to God is Allah. Thus the Prophet keep the feeling of God and keep adab to his Lord.
Surely people who spit in the direction of the qibla was not the intention to spit in God or mecca spat inside the mosque. Certainly not deliberately but it works very very disliked by the Prophet. Until narrated by Al Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani in his book Fath Bari bisyarah Sahih Bukhari that the history of hadith other by Imam Ibn Hibban and Imam Abu Daud, when the Prophet saw a spit in the direction of qibla in the mosque, saying "there is no good to pray for you" , Because of what? because he does not keep to the Lord of the Alamin manners when he faces God. Therefore the audience, it has a spiritual prayer not only dhahirnya just reading and movement but have spiritual. Spiritual prayer that is facing Allah.
His Dhahir facing the qiblat with perfect the pilar with his dhahir as well as the words of the Prophet history of Sahih Bukhari "kama shalluu ra'aytumuuniy ushalliy" Pray you as you see me praying. Then it his dhahir but his spiritual is facing God.
When someone has learned - the perfect dhahir in prayer and prayer in the guidance of Islam, after which he studied and understood how great prayer is to God. That seconds - second greatest in all of our lives, from our birth until we are buried in the earth there is no second - exceeding the precious seconds when we in prayer.
Ladies - the presence, charity grand reward is not given to the people - the people of the exception previously granted to this people facing the Greatness of Allah. Therefore, if we think about when we will part with this life we ​​will get into the grave where we are not for 1, 2 days, 1, 2 years but thousands of years perhaps our own, alone in thousands of years. Can not talk to anyone, can not contact anyone, alone. Not one day instead of two days people do not like to live, one week did not meet with anyone, what if thousands of years did not see what - what? thousands of years he was alone and did not see the man, do not look natural, not seeing the sun, not the other.
But the worry is Sahih Bukhari history that is shown to ahlul kubur it where its place, shown to him later. If his place in heaven is shown his place in Paradise and he increasingly longing for heaven. If his place in prison, he had seen before he entered her. This is the eternal regret, this is the eternal loss.
Ladies - the presence, if we contemplate will come a time later that you will part with all your friends and shared so and so (for example). One of our friends, I'm just going along with him later on for thousands of years. We are going to start thinking now, how do so and so it is good for us because it is only one - the only one of our friends.
When we died, we will be accompanied Mercy of Allah or otherwise. This is the Light of the Supreme Court that will accompany us for thousands of years when we are separated from all friends, in spite of everything what we Think the world. Of course the audience - the presence of this we pray that we are not forgotten by God when all brothers forgot to us. While there is no one else who would love to accompany us in the grave.
They will sit buried and escorted us 1, 2 hours later they left us. They live there do not want to accompany us for many - years let alone thousands of years. That's when the Supreme There remains Ada. While all mortal has left us, the Most There remains Ada. The name that you bermunajat and you prostrate to Him (Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will welcome you as a guest of his sublime.
And that's when God as narrated in Sahih Bukhari, the Prophet PBUH said in one of his sermons, he said, "so many things - things that have not been seen before is now seen at this time in my place until heaven and hell was I saw today", said Sang Prophet. "...", That we have revealed to you that you will get your grave ordeal in each - each. What ordeal?
Tiadalah someone died exception was visited by the Angel and asked "ma fi ilmuka hadzarrajul?", The angel was asked what knowledge against this man ..? (Prophet Muhammad SAW?). These grave questions in the many versions but the most authentic versions of the first question is "what do you think and knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad" (this is the most authentic version, more than 7X narrated in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).
Ladies - the presence of the glorified Allah, Lucky people - those who love the Prophet Muhammad. Prophet said that if a person is a believer he replies "innahu Prophet Muhammad ja ana bayyinaatu wal bil Huda, fa wa Amanna bihi ajibna", he is the Prophet Muhammad, he came to us with the guidance and truth and we followed him. Then the angel said, "qad arafna innaka Nim shaalihan innaka believer believer", we know now that you have the righteous, sleep and rest await trial akbar.
And the - the sinner and besides people - people .. when asked "who and how knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad," he said, "I do not know". His remarks did not know the difficulty and torture to initiate a grand assembly.
Ladies - the presence, surely death comes to us all who live. All gathered here will be lucky to meet death and those who missed God. "Man ahabba Liqa 'God ahabballah liqa'ah", anyone who longs encounter God, God was longing to see him. Of course we always bermunajat and hope in our lives and we do not pass away except in a state of longing for God.
Ladies - the presence of the glorified Allah, the Prophet is the bearer of a perfect guidance in welfare. So great guidance and the enormity of the Prophet which he conveyed the sublime guidance, he refused to teach every night. When the Companions asked the Prophet to make assemblies him every night, he refused. 23:15 "mukhofatan Assaaammmah 'Alaina", afraid of his companions were bored with the guidance that he conveyed (as narrated in Sahih Bukhari). So great, the most perfect moral, that is by looking at his face calm the hearts of the Companions because it faces the coolest and most friendly. He still does not want to convey too often for fear they'll get bored. How wonderful guidance of Prophet Mohammad SAW.
Ladies - the presence of the glorified Allah, peace be upon him and he taught many of the deeds - deeds perfect in organizing the Companions and Muslims. Narrated in Sahih Bukhari, the Prophet for - for gifts to people - a lot of people who err and sin, then Sayyidina Sa'ad radiyallahu anhum "O Messenger of a'thirrajul innahu believer" (O Prophet give this person because he is a good man believers righteous).
Prophet did not give, give other people a lot longer sin then Sa'ad ra said "O Messenger of Allah innahu believer", is the person you passed just a good person, you're wrong berries, which are given a lot of people who deviate, even given people who do not do much good. Then the Prophet said: "O Sa'd wa inni athaithurrajul rajul ahab ilayya minhu, khashyathan an yakubbahullahu finnar ..!", O Sa'd, I have to give that person and I would love others, I give this person that God does not threw it in the fire of hell so he better than his actions.
Thus, the perfect guidance of the Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, when in Surah 'Abasa, Ibn Umm Maktoum (blind) radiyallahu anhu interrupted the Prophet when speaking to a magnifying - magnifying Quraysh. Prophet is explaining Islam and invite them to Islam, Ibn Umm Maktoum who had converted to Islam interrupted the Prophet, the Prophet frowned. Then there came the word of God "'Abasa watawallaa, anjaahul a'ma" QS. 'Abasa: 1-2 (he (Muhammad) scowled and turned away ...) when it comes a blind due to Allah though - would rebuke the Prophet.
This is not wrongdoing on he himself saw, deeds Prophet true, because it is not appropriate that a Muslim interrupted a Prophet, and the Prophet did not reproach Ibn Umm Maktoum with reproach and speech but the Prophet just pout alone while the Prophet knew Ibn Umm Maktoum blind (not seen) then pout him one would not offend him.
Thus the beauty of manners the Prophet to show the Sahaba others that interrupted the Prophet is wrong, until he pouted but he also did not want to hurt the feelings of Ibn Umm Maktoum blind, the apostle did not give anything - anything and cemberutnya not seen by Ibn Umm Maktoum.
And what about the warning verses? The verse reprimand addressed to magistrates - magnifying Quraysh that God appreciate the faith of a poor blind rather than magnifying - magnifying Quraysh increasingly arrogant and kufr.
Thus the audience - the presence, wonderful guidance of Nabiyyuna Muhammad. About the emergence of questions will be used as the argument of Saheeh hadith the Prophet touching Sayyidatuna radiyallahu Aisha anha then Apostle prays without wudoo again. It is used in part to pierce the fatwa of Imam Shafi'i with this fatwa, saying that the hadith hadeeth (classed as saheeh by Abu Dawud and others) that the Apostle touched his wife and then prayed without wudoo again (meaning touch with the woman does not invalidate ablution).
This hadith audience - the presence of said Saheeh by Abu Dawud and others but didhaifkan by Imam Bukhari. We know that in the Muhadits fatwa if one person Muhaddits said authentic and one of the other hadith scholars say is weak, it is seen that says a weak whom? higher or lower degree.
If for example, a Muslim Imam and authentic hadith there is another hadith experts say a weak then certainly Imam Muslim hadith can still be maintained because the Muslim Imam higher than the hadith experts. But if the mendhaifkan is Imam Bukhari (the highest rank in the hadith) then it was over fatwa authentic hadith which says, continues to be a weak since didhaifkan by Imam Bukhari.
Imam Bukhari hadith mendhaifkan it as narrators Ibrahim Attaymiy not meet and hear from Aisha anha radiyallahu, so sanadnya disconnected so haditsnya mursal and hadith it can not be used proposition.
Thus the audience - the presence, coupled Imam Shafi'i said hadith it is mansukh (removed) by the decline in the word of God who ordered berwudhu if touching a woman.
Ladies - the presence of the glorified Allah, Allah has given us the purest guidance brought by Nabiyyuna Muhammad. Therefore, do not despair in the study. We see the Companions ra, they are studying to place very far to get one hadith.
Sahih Bukhari history Sayyidina Jabir bin Abdillah radiyallahu anhu out of Medina within 1 month trip to the land of Sham. to hear one hadith the Prophet which he had never heard of. He went to Abdullah bin Al Anshariy radiyallahu Unais anhu. Came there 1 month trip, 1 month trip was the 30 day 30 night means 30X rest because only a camel wearing only vehicle. 30X break he do this trip in order to achieve Abdullah bin Unais in the land of Sham. Then Abdullah bin Unais said "yes ibni Abdillah far you have come here - far from Medina only to one hadith alone .. ??".
Then said Jabir ra "I'm afraid he died before hearing one hadith that", when Jabir ibni Abdillah out thousands of hadith. But if one hadith that he had not heard, it comes with a 1-month trip to hear one hadith of the Prophet Muhammad and the fear of death before hearing the hadith. So greedy them to glory and guidance of Prophet Muhammad.
We bermunajat to Allah, may Allah fix our souls of all the humiliation, fixing our feelings of wrongdoing. Ya Rahman Rahim Yes, this is our life, this is our feeling, this is the day - the day we were sinful. Rabbiy we lifted our hands denounce our state so that you fix our life better and better,
Rabbiy we denounce day - the day we were fraught with difficulty and You are the Supreme Fix thy servants from age to age in the world and who have died, Ya Ya Rahman Rahim, fix our situation for the sake of Thy Name majesty of the Most Noble, for the sake of Purity Your name, Most Luminous, for the sake of Thy Supreme Bestows Immortality Generosity all times and ages,
Rabbiy make sure all the names we are present will never see the fires of hell, and also to all who hear than this noble cause be upon forgiveness of it and we, Ya Rahman Ya Raheem wipe away the sins of the father mother us from all their sins, wipe out sin - sin them to all of us is no longer carry sin exception to this assembly has forgiven you.
Ya Ya Ya Rahman Rahim Dzaljalali wal ikram, when we have dirunkan into our graves, Rabbiy Rabbiy do you forget us when everybody forgot us and make our final breath is breath peak end our desire thy presence,
Ya Ya Rahman Rahim Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite together) Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Ya Allah ..
Faquuluuu jamii'an (recite together) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah
Yes ayyatuhannafsul Muthmainah, irji'ii ilaa rabbiki raadhiyatan mardhiyah, fadkhulii FII i'baadii, wadkhulii jannatii (QS. Al Fajr: 27-30) O people - people who were given a quiet life by God ..!. Who are the people who were given a quiet life? People who are passionate chant the Name of God and eulogize - glorifying God's name. Return to Your God in all its glory and cover - cover the pleasure of Allah, leave misguidance. Try to get close to it - a noble thing in a state of blessing and go into a group of people - those who glorified God. And enter into the paradise of God.
Rabbiy sure this verse to witness our entry into your heaven, O God, Washallallahu Nabiyyil Ummiy ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi Shohbihi wa wa Sallam

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