
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

When the Prophet Muhammad SAW bewitched

Narrated in Saheeh Bukhaari: when the Prophet was bewitched, bewitched by Labid bin Ahshom, a Jew who send magic to the Prophet and Allah Almighty saw, Maha Keeping the Prophet, let the magic that came to the Prophet, but tahtal- murokabak " under the supervision of Allah, magic like what could penetrate the most beloved of Allah, but Allah let the magic was about the Prophet, "ibrotan li ummati" ibroh for his people, then when the magic was exposed in a few days God has sent Gabriel and one other angel told the Prophet, that you are affected by magic, and that whose bewitching you is Labid bin Ahshom and magic was placed at that wells, near Agnes Munawarah, then Rasul SAW out with the Companions and pulled magic from the well and throw it away, then said sayyidatuna A'ishah: O Messenger  the magic indeed that can make carrying harm for you, if not discarded, left in the wells, the Apostle said: "innallah" truly God taking care of this magic but what I worry about when the magic was not destroyed, will bring harm for others, when the Prophet was in the care of God, would be sent magic by the whole witch on earth, would not be able to bring harm, because he was seen by the eyes of Allah SWT, and he SAW forgive Labid bin Ahshom, people who bewitched him, Jews were allowed by the Prophet and forgiven, his character so beautifully SAW wa barak'alaih.
Narrated in Saheeh Bukhaari, when it comes Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab, Rasul SAW happened to be teaching the Nisa, women, women noisy sound at the time, so Sayyidina Umar entered everything was silent, then Rasul SAW smiled, then said Umar bin Khattab: what you have seen a smile to your teeth, because if Rasul SAW was not the sound of his laugh SAW, rarely to be seen teeth exception really happy, why do you like this O Messenger of Allah? What makes you smile said Sayyidina Umar, the Prophet said, was still a fuss here women, when you enter all silent O Umar, then said Umar bin Khattab, O Messenger of inappropriate they were more worried and scared me, is appropriate that they respect you even more then Umar said: O you why you are more afraid of me than Allah? then they say this; O Umar, you are an assertive and authoritative while the Prophet gentle and compassionate, Rasul SAW added smiled again, and said: for the sake of Allah O Umar if Shaytaan come cross paths with you at anything on the road, Shaytaan it will find a way out of another hill, not to cross paths with you O Umar ra wa ardhoh.
It shows that the firmness Umar not with emotion and passion, he is the authoritative and very firm, but not by his own desires, because of what? because the Shaytaan away from him. Al-Imam Nawawi in his book Sharh Nawawi 'ala Muslim shohihul mensyarahkan meaning of this hadith, that it is not impossible, indeed awake Ma'sum namely the nature of sinful deeds, certainly for the Prophet and Messenger, but not impossible for other than the Prophets and Messengers, and things like this, said Imam Nawawi, not just at Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab, but a lot of the Companions other, ra wa ardhohum, but history up is Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab, but many of the Companions of the big no longer approachable by Shaithon because the basic strength of their faith, because the light of God glowing in their souls.
so teriwayatkan in one of history tsiqoh, that one of the Companions said: I never turned my heart when I pray since I embraced Islam, since conversion to Islam was never her turn to other than Allah while praying, inikan certainly not bound to the soul that is sacred only , but are tied to the teacher, the counselor as noble-noble counselor, as noble-noble teacher, Sayyidina Muhammad wa barak'alaih that by looking at his face, came to the Companions increase kekhusu'annya, as narrated by Abu Hurairah ra wa ardhoh, "yes Messenger idza roainaaka rooqqod quluubina "O Messenger of Allah if we see your face, lifted us to kekhusu'an more" saw the human face of the most gracious, the most khusu man ', the most gentle man, Sayyidina wa wa Maulana Muhammad barak'alaih.
Narrated in Saheeh Bukhaari, when one of the companions of the Bedouin is the hamlet, being crammed Rasul SAW together with the Companions, pulling pleased the Prophet with his hard, and said, O Muhammad, give me part of the shodaqoh that of Allah, pull rida way hard that saw the former red in the neckProphet Muhammad, he turned and smiled at the man and ordered his companions to give shodaqoh to the person, such as beautiful-beautiful manners. Al-Imam Ibn Hajar in his book fathul-baari bi commentary shohihul-bukhori explained that the meaning of the incident was not the village that do brash and exciting turban of the Prophet to ask shodaqoh, except for the Apostle was almost into his house, had almost entered into home, then these people are afraid Apostles into the house, he could not ask  his shodaqoh, he pulled the shirt of the Prophet Muhammad, the Apostle smiled and Rasul SAW ordered the Companions to give him, so beautifully manners Nabiyyuna syafii'una Muhammad wa wa barracks 'alaih.
events this noble, shown by Allah, to the Companions ra wa ardhohum, so they are more familiar with the tenderness of God, and God does not break the news that glorious future he alone, but to connect and communicate from time-to date, even until today, 14 centuries from the time of the death of the Prophet, the glory of character he is, still perpetuated by Allah, so that illuminate our souls at night and successors, he inherits the glory khusu ', the glories tawadhu, the glories of the longing for God, the Companions minal-muhajirin and Anshor at the time, passed on the next generation and uninterruptible.

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