
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kafir According to Al Quran and the Hadith

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Kafir (Arabic: كافر infidel; كفار plural kuffar) literally means those who hide or deny the truth. In cultural terms it is used in Islam to refer to people who are in the grace of God (as opposed to syakir word, which means people are grateful). [1]Pagan comes from the word kufr meaning reject, reject or shut down.In the days before Islam, the term is used for the farmers who are planting seeds in a field, close / buried in the ground. So that the sentence could disbelieve dimplikasikan be "someone who is hiding or shut down". In the language of Islam, infidels a word used for someone who reject or do not convert to Islam.So according to Islamic law,heathen man consists of several meanings, namely:People who are not Muslims or people who do not want to read syahadat.Orang Islam who do not want salat.Orang Islam who do not want puasa.Orang Islam who do not want to tithe.In the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, the word kafir and its variations are used in several different usage [2]:Kufr at-tawhid (monotheism Reject): Addressed to those who deny that God is satu.Sesungguhnya disbelievers, the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. (Al-Baqarah verse 6) Kufr al-ni`mah (ingratitude): Addressed to those who do not want to give thanks to TuhanKarena it, remember you told me surely I recall (also) to you, and be grateful to Me, and do not you deny (favors) -ku (la takfurun). (Al-Baqarah verse 152) Kufr at-tabarri (escape) Indeed, there have been good role models for you in Abraham and those with him; when they said to their people: "We disassociate ourselves than you and than what you worship besides Allah, we deny (disbelief) mu (Kafarna bikum) ..." (Al-Mumtahanah paragraph 4) Kufr al-juhud: Denying sesuatu..maka when there came to them what they already know, they then reject (kafaru) to him. (Al-Baqarah verse 89) Kufr at-taghtiyah (plant / bury something)
اعلموا أنما الحياة الدنيا لعب ولهو وزينة وتفاخر بينكم وتكاثر في الأموال والأولاد كمثل غيث أعجب الكفار نباته ثم يهيج فتراه مصفرا ثم يكون حطاما وفي الآخرة عذاب شديد ومغفرة من الله ورضوان وما الحياة الدنيا إلا متاع الغرور [57:20]
Know, that the life of this world but play and amusement, pomp and bermegah- among yourselves, pride-pride of riches and children, such as rain-crop planting admirable farmers (kuffar). (Al-Hadid 20)
HEATHEN division in IslamInfidels in the Islamic Shari'a there are four kinds:
First: Pagan Dzimmy, ie pagans who pay the jizya (tribute) collected each year in return bolehnya they live in the land of the Muslims. Infidel like this should not be killed while he was still obey the rules imposed on them.Many postulate that show it include the word Allah Al-Aziz Al-Hakim:قاتلوا الذين لا يؤمنون بالله ولا باليوم الآخر ولا يحرمون ما حرم الله ورسوله ولا يدينون دين الحق من الذين أوتوا الكتاب حتى يعطوا الجزية عن يد وهم صاغرون"Fight those who believe not in Allah and (also) the day then and they do not forbid what has been forbidden by Allah and His messenger and not the religion that is true (Islam), (ie people) given the Book to them, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission they are in a state of shogirun (abject, low, obedient) ". (QS. At-Tawbah: 29).And in the hadith narrated by Muslim Prophet Buraidah shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam said:كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم إذا أمر أميرا على جيش أو سرية أوصاه في خاصته بتقوى الله ومن معه من المسلمين خيرا ثم قال أغزوا باسم الله في سبيل الله قاتلوا من كفر بالله أغزوا ولا تغلوا ولا تغدروا ولا تمثلوا ولا تقتلوا وليدا وإذا لقيت عدوك من المشركين فادعهم إلى ثلاث خصال فأيتهن ما أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم ثم ادعهم إلى الإسلام فإن أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم فإن هم أبوا فسلهم الجزية فإن هم أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم فإن هم أبوا فاستعن بالله وقاتلهم"It is the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam when he lifted amir / troop leadership he will provide special for her so fear Allah and (testament to) people with kindness. Then he said: "Fight for you in the way of God with the name of Allah, kill who disbelieve in Allah, fight you and do not steal the spoils of war, and do not betray the promise and do not do tamtsil (mutilate or damage the corpse), and do not kill a small child and when you meet your enemies of polytheists dakwailah them to the three cases, what they are responsible of the three cases was then accept it from them and hold (hands) against them; summon them to Islam if they accept then accept it from them and hold (hands) against them, if they refuse then ask the jizya (tribute) from them, and if they gave then accept it from them and hold (hands) against them, if they reject it then ask God's help to fight them ".And in the hadith Al-Mughiroh bin Shu'bah Bukhary history he said:أمرنا رسول ربنا صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أن نقاتلكم حتى تعبدوا الله وحده أو تؤدوا الجزية"We are governed by our Rabb Rasul shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa sallam alihi to fight you till you worship Allah only, or you pay the Jizya".
Second: Pagan Mu'ahad, ie the pagans that there was an agreement between them and the Muslims not to fight within the agreed time. And infidels like this also should not be killed as long as they carry out the agreement that has been made.
Allah Jalla Dzikruhu says:
فما استقاموا لكم فاستقيموا لهم إن الله يحب المتقين"So long as they apply istiqomah to you, let you apply istiqomah (also) against them. Indeed, Allah loves those who do right ". (QS. At-Tawbah: 7).
And God said:
إلا الذين عاهدتم من المشركين ثم لم ينقصوكم شيئا ولم يظاهروا عليكم أحدا فأتموا إليهم عهدهم إلى مدتهم إن الله يحب المتقين"Unless the idolaters that you have entered into an agreement (with them) and they do not detract from you anything (of the agreement) and not (also) they help someone who is hostile to you, then to them it fulfill its promise to the time limit. Indeed, Allah loves those who do right ". (QS. At-Tawbah: 4).
and Allah Jallat 'Azhomatuhu affirmed in His word:
وإن نكثوا أيمانهم من بعد عهدهم وطعنوا في دينكم فقاتلوا أئمة الكفر إنهم لا أيمان لهم لعلهم ينتهون"But if they break the oath (promise) it after their covenant, and revile your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, for indeed they are the ones who can not hold his promise, so that they stop". (QS. At-Tawbah: 12).
And shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa alihi wa sallam said in the hadith of' Abdullah bin 'Amr Bukhary history:
من قتل معاهدا لم يرح رائحة الجنة وإن ريحها توجد من مسيرة أربعين عاما"Who killed the infidels Mu'ahad he will not smell heaven and heaven is real smell wafted from the forty-year journey".
Third: Pagan musta'man, ie disbelievers who received security guarantees from the Muslims or the majority of the Muslims. Pagan type is also not to be killed as long as they are in security.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says:
وإن أحد من المشركين استجارك فأجره حتى يسمع كلام الله ثم أبلغه مأمنه ذلك بأنهم قوم لا يعلمون"And if one amongst the Pagans ask thee protection, then protect it so that he could hear the word of God, then, Send it to a safe place for him. That is because they are a people who do not know ". (QS. At-Tawbah: 6).
And in the hadeeth of 'Ali bin Abi Tholib radi' anhu, the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa sallam alihi asserts:
ذمة المسلمين واحدة يسعى بها أدناهم"Dhimma (appointments, security and responsibility) of the Muslims is one, cultivated by people who are at the bottom (even)". (HSR. Bukhary-Muslim).
Imam An-Nawawy said rahimahullah: "Who wants to dzimmah here is Safe (jaminam security). Meaning that the Safe Muslims to infidels is a legitimate (recognized), then who granted him safe from a Muslim then forbidden on (Muslim) others bother him as long as he is still in the best would be ".
And in the hadith of Umm Hani` Bukhary history he said:
يا رسول الله زعم ابن أمي أنه قاتل رجلا قد أجرته فلان بن هبيرة فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قد أجرنا من أجرت يا أم هانئ"O Messenger of her children (ie 'Ali bin Abi Tholib-pen.) Think that he may kill people I protected (ie) the Fulan bin Hubairah. So the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam said: "We have to protect those who protect thee, O Umm Hani`".
Fourth: Kafir Harby, ie infidels addition to the three above. This type disyari'atkan infidels to be combated with the provisions stipulated in the Shari'ah.Thus the division of infidels by scholars such as Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'iy, Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen,' Abdullah Al-Bassam and others. And for those who examine the books of fiqh from various schools will find the true division of ini.Demikianlah division disbelievers have distinguished in the description of the scholars like Imam Four, Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Tamiyah, Ibn al-Qayyim and others. And from contemporary scholars such as Shaykh Ibn Baz (d. 1420 AH), Sheikh Al-Albany (d. 1420 AH), Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'iy (d. 1422 AH), Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (w. 1421 H), Shaykh Salih Al-Fauzan, Shaikh 'Abdullah Al-Bassam (d. 1424 H) and others. And for anyone who examines books of various schools of jurisprudence will find truth in this division without dispute.And should we emphasize here, that three infidels above, ie infidel dhimmis, mu'ahad and musta`man is included soul that is forbidden to be killed as they had been then, and as affirmed in His word,"And do you kill the soul which Allah has forbidden (to kill) but by something (cause) is right." (Qur'an, Al-An'am: 151)Shaikh said 'Abdurrahman bin Nasir As-Sa'dy rahimahullah, "and said," And do you kill the soul which Allah has forbidden (to kill) but by something (cause) is right "he is the soul of Muslims, both men and women , small and large, and (soul) infidel protected by treaties and attachment. "And said Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Utsaimîn rahimahullah, "and the soul which is forbidden by God is the soul of awake, the soul of a Muslim (kafir) dhimmi, mu'ahad and mus`tamin." [11]And said our teacher, Shaykh Salih Al-Fauzan hafizhohullah, "The soul that is forbidden by God is the soul of the faithful. And likewise mu'ahad soul, although he infidels but God forbid kill the soul believers and also forbids killing souls of mu'ahad of the kuffar that there is an agreement with the Muslims in the dhimma or security problems. Dhimma is they pay the jizya or those who enter our country with security guarantees. Should not kill and transgressed against them, because they are in the dhimma of the Muslims and the security of Muslims. Dhimma should not betray the Muslims, because it came in the hadith "Who killed the infidels mu'ahad he will not smell heaven.". "[12]And here are some of the statements of the scholars of the people.Said Ibn 'Abddil Barr (d. 463 H) rahimahullah, "And I do not know there is disagreement among scholars that the one who gives security to a disbeliever harby the form of a statement that is understood that he gave security, it has been (tied) perfect security guarantees for him. And most of the scholars argue that although merely a gesture, however understood, then it is counted as well as the security of the statement. "[13]And Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "The (pagan) musta`man, he is the one that goes to the state of the Muslims not to settle him. They have four kinds; (1) delegates, (2) traders, (3) those who ask for protection to be confronted him Islam and the Qur'an, if they want, they get into (Islam), and if they want, they to their country, (4) as well as those who have urination in the form of visits and in others. Law against them is not to be boycotted, should not be killed, should not be levied jizya from him, and against those who seek protection in order to be shown to them Islam and the Qur'an, if they entered (Islam), then the (desired ), if they want to get back to safety (country, Ed.), they are allowed to come back. "[14]Said Imam Ash-Syaukany (d. 1250 H) rahimahullah, "Mu'ahad is an infidel harby who entered the Islamic country with a security guarantee, the unclean to Muslims to kill him until he returned to his security (nation) without any disagreement in among the followers of Islam. "[15]And many more sayings of the scholars in this issue, is very long to mention entirely. However, we will close the discussion of the distribution of these infidels with several fatwas of the scholars this century, apart from what has been mentioned. Wallahul Musta'an.Fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz About Annoying Tourists and Foreign GuestsIn his collection of fatwas volume 8 page 229, he asked,"What the law persecutes foreign tourists and guests in the lands of Islam?".He replied,"It should not be, should not persecute anyone. Whether it tourists or workers, because they are musta'man (those who received security guarantees from the government). They entered with a security guarantee, then it should not persecute them. But the government should be advised so that prohibit anything that is inappropriate to be shown. As for persecuting them, then it should not be. As for the individual human being, there is no right for them to kill, beat and hurt them (the tourists), even their obligation to raise the matter (which needs to be fixed in their view, -pent.) To the government, because they are meant to persecute persecute those who have entered with a security guarantee. Then it should not persecute them but their case was appointed to the person who is able to resist the entry of them or restrain them from kemungkaran that zhohir. As advised and preach to them to Islam or leave kemungkaran if they had been Muslims, then that's the case you want. The arguments of Shari'a include these things. Wallahul Musta'an Haula wa wa la la Quwwata Illa billah, as well as prayers and greetings may always terlimpahkan our Prophet Muhammad and to his family and his companions. "Haiah decision Kibarul cleric Saudi Arabia 13/7/1417 H"The soul that is maintained in the Islamic shariah law is all (soul) or all Muslims (infidels) were between him and the Muslims there are safety (security) as the word (of God), the Exalted:"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then the reward is Jahannam, he was in it and the eternal wrath of God to him, and cursed him and provide him a great torment". (Qur'an, An-Nisa`: 93)And (Allah) Subhanahu speaks of gentile law dzimmy killed accidentally,"And if he (the slain) of the (pagan) that there is agreement (peace) between them with you, then (let the killer) to pay blood money that is handed over to his family (the slain) as well as freeing a believing slave". (Surat an-Nisa`: 92)So if the infidel dzimmy who have security guarantees, if accidentally killed him there diyah and kaffarah, then how about if killed intentionally ?, viciousness certainly greater and greater sin. And has Shohih of shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam that he said,من قتل معاهدا لم يرح رائحة الجنة"Those who kill infidels mu'ahad then he will not smell heaven". HR. Al-Bukhary. [16]Then it should not interfere (infidel) musta`man, let alone kill as (happened to) the abominations of this great and unjust. And this is a threat that is hard for anyone who kills (infidel) mu'ahad, and surely it includes from major sins punishable by exclusion of the killer into Heaven, we seek refuge in Allah from all debasement. "Fatwa of Sheikh Al-Albany About Disrupt Foreign touristsHe said in a tape recorded, "When a Gentile of the cruise or the incoming tourists, they did not enter our country that Islamy except with the permission of a judge (ruler) Muslims. Therefore, it should not exceed the limit for him, because he is a (unbeliever) mu'ahad. Then if it happens, -and has happened more than once where a Muslim transgressed against one of them-, then the result that he will be killed or more than that, or he was in jail, or ..., or ..., thereby overshooting the limit against blood cruise like this and in Muslim countries is not reached behind a Islamy benefits, even he has menyelisihi hadith past penyebutannya,من قتل معاهدا في كنهه - أي في عهده وأمانه- فلم يرح رائحة الجنة"Who killed (disbelievers) mu'ahad in his kunhi -that in penjanjian and security guarantees to him-, then he will not smell heaven. [17]" [18]The law left the prayer is kufr? See the following discussion:We already know the deal about kafirnya scholars who oppose the obligation to pray. However, for those who left because of lazy, moreover, he still believe that prayer practices are prescribed, there is a difference of opinion among scholars, among which mengkafirkan with no mengkafirkan and whether he dibunuh1 or not.The legal issues that leave the prayer is indeed a problem khilafiyyah since time immemorial among salaful ummah, and dispute teranggap (mu'tabar). Therefore, let us not rashly accuse those who menyelisihi our opinion in this case, suppose we say Murji` (followers Murji`ah understanding, because it is not mengkafirkan person who left the prayer) or sentenced the Kharijites (Khawarij understanding followers, because mengkafirkan people leave the prayer). Legal origin in the case of a mistake that mu'tabar is one should not deny other people's opinions and reproach. Denounce someone as follows the opinion of scholars from among the Salaf (the priests known) is equal to denounce the Salaf scholars. Therefore once again we reiterate, do not we boycott and denounced our brothers in the problems that we find our scholars are also different opinions on it. Indeed, jurisprudence issues like this, we find the scholars often disagree, and they also paved for his brother for the problems it was permissible / dilapangkan for diligence.Ash-Shaykh Al-Allama Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullahu stated that the problem leave the prayer includes a very large problem that today many people fall in it (the disaster struck not fulfilled). And their priests and scholars from among the people, the past and present, disagree about the law. (Preamble book Hukmu Tarikish Salah p. 3)People who leave the obligatory prayers deliberately meant he had committed a very big sin. His sin in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is greater than the sin of killing a soul that is not kosher to be killed, or the sin of taking someone else's property is vanity, or the sin of adultery, stealing and drinking wine. Leave the prayer means exposes himself to the punishment of Allaah and His wrath. He will be humiliated by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in this world and in the afterlife. (Ash-Shalatu wa Hukmu Tarikiha, Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullahu, p. 7)Punishment in the Hereafter for those who wasted prayers expressed Allaah in His word:ما سلككم في سقر. قالوا لم نك من المصلين"Does that include you into hell Saqar?" They replied, "We were not of those prayers ...." (Al-Muddatstsir: 42-43)فويل للمصلين الذين هم عن صلاتهم ساهون"Then woe to those who pray, those who are neglectful of their prayers do ...." (Al-Ma'un: 4-5)فخلف من بعدهم خلف أضاعوا الصلاة واتبعوا الشهوات فسوف يلقون غيا"They came after them, poor substitutes who squandered prayer and indulge his lust, then later they will meet kerugian2." (Maryam: 59)Among the differences Opinions Cleric1. Abdullah bin Mubarak, Ahmad, Ishaq and Ibn Hubaib among Malikiyyah argued kafir3 people who leave the prayer deliberately although he was not against the obligation of prayer. This opinion dihikayatkan also of Ali bin Abi Talib, Ibn Abbas, and Al-Hakam ibn 'Uyainah radi' anhum. Most followers of Al-Imam ash-Shafi'i rahimahullahu also argued demikian4. (Al-Majmoo '3/19, 2/257 Al-Minhaj, Nailul Authar, 2/403)They argued with the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:فإذا انسلخ الأشهر الحرم فاقتلوا المشركين حيث وجدتموهم وخذوهم واحصروهم واقعدوا لهم كل مرصد فإن تابوا وأقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فخلوا سبيلهم إن الله غفور رحيم"If had expired months Haram, slay the idolaters wherever you find them and capture them. Besiege them and spy on the lookout. If they repent, establish regular prayer and practice regular charity, then give them the freedom to walk. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. "(At-Tawbah: 5)In the above verse Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala set three conditions must be fulfilled before a polytheist who was released from the penalty kill an infidel is repent, establish prayer, and pay zakat. If these three conditions are met means that he has become a Muslim who maintained their blood. But if not, he is not a Muslim. Thus, whoever left the prayer intentionally, does not want fulfilled, meaning not eligible to be left running, which means he may dibunuh5.Their argument of the hadith is the hadith of Jabir bin 'Abdillah radi' anhuma, he said, "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:إن بين الرجل وبين الشرك والكفر ترك الصلاة"Surely between a person and shirk and kufr is leaving the prayer." (HR. Muslim no. 242)Similarly hadith Ibn Buraidah Hushaib radi 'anhu, he said, "The Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلاة فمن تركه فقد كفر"The agreement between us and them is the prayer, so whoever left the prayer meant he disbelievers." (HR. Ahmad 5/346, At-Tirmidhi no. 2621, Ibn Majah no. 1079 and in others. Classed as saheeh ash-Shaykh al-Albani rahimahullahu in Saheeh At-Tirmidhi, Al-Mishkat no. 574 and also in Saheeh At-Targheeb wat Tarheeb p. 299) [See Tharhut Tatsrib, 1/323]In both the above hadith stated in general "leave the prayer" without any mention of "leave for opposing obligations". Means a threat in the hadith applied in general, good for people who leave the prayer as opposed to obligations or not.A tabi'in named Abdullah bin Syaqiq rahimahullahu said:كان أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يرون شيئا من الأعمال تركه كفر غير الصلاة"It is the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was not looking for anything of deeds which if left can mengkafirkan culprit except the practice of prayer." (HR. At-Tirmidhi no. 2622, classed as saheeh ash-Shaykh al-Albani rahimahullahu in Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmidhi, as well as in Saheeh at-Targheeb wat Tarheeb no. 562)Abdullah said that the Companions agreed 'people who left prayers are infidels' and they do not require 'must be accompanied by a denial of its obligations' or 'against the obligation of prayer'. Because who says it is not obligatory prayers, disbelief was obvious to everyone. (Al-Majmoo '3/19, Al-Minhaj 2/257, 1/323 Tatsrib Tharhut, Nailul Authar 2/403)2. Meanwhile, dinukilkan also the majority opinion of scholars who see no or not kafirnya people who deliberately leave the prayer. Al-Imam Abdul Haq al-Isybili rahimahullahu in his book Ash Salah wat Tahajjud (p. 96) stated, "All the Muslims of the Ahlus Sunnah, both experts hadith and besides them, argued that people who leave the prayer deliberately in a state he is believing the obligation to pray and recognize / set them, not dikafirkan. But he has done a very great sin. As for the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that Zahir said kafirnya people who leave the prayer, as well as greeting' Umar radi 'anhu and much more, they takwil as they mentakwil the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:لا يزني الزاني حين يزني وهو مؤمن ..."It is not an adulterer adultery in the state it is believed that while committing fornication." 6Similarly other hadiths are similar to this.

ُوَ الَّذِي جَعَلَكُمْ خَلَائِفَ فِي

 الْأَرْضِ فَمَن كَفَرَ فَعَلَيْهِ كُفْرُهُ وَلَا يَزِيدُ الْكَافِرِينَ كُفْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ إِلَّا مَقْتًا وَلَا يَزِيدُ الْكَافِرِينَ كُفْرُهُمْ إِلَّا خَسَارًا

He made you successors in the earth. And whoever disbelieves, then (because of) his disbelief. And the disbelief of the disbelievers is nothing to add to the wrath of his Lord, and the disbelief of the disbelievers is nothing but sheer will increase their losses. (Faathir 39

(1) (ie people) Pharaoh and (the tribe of) Thamud? (Al-Buruuj: 18)(2) and Aad, Pharaoh and the people of Lut, (Qaf: 13)(3) But Pharaoh denied and disobeyed. (An-Naazi'aat: 21)(4) (that) the people of Pharaoh. Why did they not fear Allah? "(Ash-Shuara ': 11)(5) to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they followed the command of Pharaoh, when the command of Pharaoh was no right (guide). (Surah Hud: 97)(6) Pharaoh asked: "Who is the Lord of the worlds?" (Ash-Shuara ': 23)(7) He said, "Who, then, your Lord two, O Musa ?. (Ta Ha: 49)(8) Go to Pharaoh; he has indeed transgressed all bounds. "(Ta Ha: 24)(9) He said, "What about the previous generations?" (Ta-Ha: 51)(10) "Go to Pharaoh, for he has indeed transgressed all bounds, (An-Naazi'aat: 17)(11) And Pharaoh led his people astray and did not guide them. (Ta-Ha: 79)(12) and Pharaoh, which have stakes (a lot of soldiers), (Al-Fajr: 10)(13) And there came to Pharaoh threats. (Al-Qamar: 41)(14) Go to Pharaoh, for he has indeed transgressed all bounds; (Ta-Ha: 43)(15) So We expelled them from gardens and springs, (Ash-Shuara ': 57)(16) (Pharaoh said): "These (Israelites) are really small group, (Ash-Shuara ': 54)(17) And (Pharaoh) to remove them (Moses and his followers) of earth (Egypt), but We drowned him (Pharaoh) and those who are with him entirely, (Al-Israa ': 103)(18) Then Pharaoh sent heralds to (all) the cities. (Ash-Shuara ': 53)(19) Say (unto Pharaoh): "Do you desire to clean themselves (of error)". (An-Naazi'aat: 18)(20) And Pharaoh and his troops can follow them at sunrise. (Ash-Shuara ': 60)(21) Then Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger; so We seized him remorselessly. (Al-Muzzammil: 16)(22) Pharaoh said to those around him: "Do you not hear?" (Ash-Shuara ': 25)(23) And Moses said: "O Pharaoh! I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds, (Al-Araf, 104)(24) Then Pharaoh left (the place), and then set up their tricks, then he came. (Ta-Ha: 60)(25) The leaders of the people of Pharaoh said: 'This man is a cunning sorcerer, (Al-Araf, 109)(26) to Pharaoh, Haman and Qarun; then they said: "(It) is a lying magician." (Al-Ghafir: 24)(27) Then the family of Pharaoh that he might be an enemy and a sorrow for them. Indeed, Pharaoh and Haman and their hosts were men of sin. (Al-Qasas: 8)(28) Who would expel you from your land. "(Pharaoh said):" So what do you suggest? "(Al-Araf, 110)(29) Pharaoh said: "Truly your apostle who has been sent to you absolutely crazy." (Ash-Shuara ': 27)(30) Pharaoh said (to his chiefs): "Bring me every well-versed sorcerer!" (Yunus: 79)(31) But (Pharaoh) withdrew (confiding) in his might, and said: "He is a magician or a madman." (Az-Dzaariyat: 39)(32) And Pharaoh said: "O Haman, build me a lofty tower so that I can get to the gates, (Al-Ghafir: 36)(33) of the (punishment) Pharaoh. He was a proud man, one of those who transgress. (Ad-Dukhan: 31)(34) He said, "Have you come to us to drive us out of our country (this) with your sorcery? (Ta Ha: 57)(35) We recite to you some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh for people who believe. (Al-Qasas: 3)(36) He said: "Yes, and surely you will actually include people who are near (to me)." (Al-Araf, 114)(37) And the chiefs of the people of Pharaoh (to Pharaoh): "Will you let Moses and his people to make mischief in this country (Egypt) and leave you and your gods?". He said: "We will kill their sons and let live their women, and surely we are in power over them." (Al-Araf, 127)(38) And Allah the wife of Pharaoh example for those who believe, when he said: "O my Lord! Build for me a home with You in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his doings, and save me of the people who are wrongdoers. (At-Tahrim: 11)(39) Then Pharaoh with his hosts pursued them, and then they closed the waters completely overwhelmed them. (Ta-Ha: 78)(40) Indeed, before them, try the people of Pharaoh: there came to them a noble messenger, (Ad-Dukhan: 17)

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