
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Belief in His Angels

The second article of faith is belief in Allah’s Angels. They are spirits whom Allah created out of the substance of LIGHT without mixing any of the five elements with it (viz. earth, air, water, fire and space). They are neither male or female; they have no sexual relations. Their ONLY concern is obedience to Allah’s commands and they never fail in this duty*.
Some of them have been assigned the duty of conveying Allah’s Messages to the Mursalin or “Messengers of Allah”, Allah bless them and give them peace, without any addition, deletion or omission. Some also act as special messengers in the following locations:
  • Baitu-l Ma’mur [the much frequented fane]
  • Baitu-Llah [the house of Allah or Ka’ba]
  • Baitu-l Muqaddas [the Sanctified House or Jerusalem]
Some of them descend upon the earth by day and some by night – bringing with them Allah’s Mercy and Grace upon those inhabiting the earth**. Some take their turns in bearing the ‘Arsh (Throne of Allah). Some are assigned duties in Paradise and some in Hell. Some of them inhabit the regions above us and some the regions below us. Some of them inhabit the regions of the Heavens and some the regions of the Earth. Some inhabit the oceans & the shores and some the mountains & dales.
Some frequent mosques and other places of worship where the Name of Allah is mentioned. Some attend congregational prayers and Friday Service. Some are present at all assemblies where people have gathered for Dhikr [remembrance of Allah], Hadith [narration of Prophetic traditions], Wa’z [sermons or religious discourse] or the Hajj [pilgrimage]. Some have been assigned the duty of conveying the pronouncements of salawat to the beloved Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace.
Angels possess wings in pairs of two or three or four.
جَاعِلِ الْمَلَائِكَةِ رُسُلًا أُولِي أَجْنِحَةٍ مَّثْنَىٰ وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ
ja’ili-l mala’ikati rusulan uli ajnihati-m mathna wa-thulatha wa-ruba’a
He made the angels messengers with wings, – two or three or four [35:1]
Their sustenance (i.e. food and drink) consist of:
  1. Tasbih – Glorifying Allah
    by saying for instance, Subhana-Llah or “Glory be to Allah”
  2. Tahmid – Praising Allah
    by saying for instance, Alhamduli-Llah or “Praise be to Allah”
  3. Takbir – Extolling Allah
    by saying for instance, Allahu Akbar or “Allah is Greatest”
  4. Tahlil – Declaring the Unity of Allah
    by saying for instance, La ilaha illa-Llah or “There is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah”
  5. Du’a ila-l Mu’minin – Supplicating for the believers
    by begging for Allah’s forgiveness for the sins of such believers
The highest in dignity amongst them are:
  1. Arch-Angel Jibril (Gabriel), blessings and peace be upon him
    He is entrusted with delivering Allah’s Messages to His Prophets on earth.
  2. Arch-Angel Mika’il (Michael), blessings and peace be upon him
    He is entrusted with all water (rain) and plants and is guardian thereof.
  3. Arch-Angel Israfil (Raphael), blessings and peace be upon him
    He is entrusted with blowing the Trumpet when Allah commands for it.
  4. Arch-Angel Izra’il (Azrael), blessings and peace be upon him
    Also known as the angel of death (malaku-l mawt), he is entrusted with the taking of all souls at the moment of death.
Their total number and complete excellence are known only to Allah, their Creator, the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.

* There are a couple of Prophetic narrations where a few Angels are depicted as having failed in their duties. These are all based on weak authority. Therefore these narratives should not be accepted as basis. ** Angels descending with Allah’s Mercy and Grace will not be present in places where:
  • people deliberately delay their ceremonial baths of purification [Ghusl] after sex
  • pictures and paintings (of animate objects) have been placed on walls or elevated places
  • dogs and swine are present

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