
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Al-Din (Religion)

The word Din or “Religion” has 3 meanings:
  1. Obedience
    Submitting to Allah’s Laws and Commands. The Noble Qur’an states:
    inna-d dina ‘inda-Llahi-l islam
    “Truly, the Religion with Allah is Islam (submission to His will)” [3:19]
  2. Practice
    Performance of Duties and Devotions due to Allah. The Noble Qur’an states:
    lakum dinukum waliya din
    “To you your practice of Religion and to me mine.” [109:6]
  3. Eschatology
    Reward or punishment on the Day of Judgement for our deeds – good or bad – in this world. The Noble Qur’an states:
    maliki yawmi-d din
    “King of the Day when Reward and Punishment will be meted out.” [1:4]
Based on the above, the core essence of Religion can be summed up as follows:
“Submit to Allah in your general conduct in life
and earn His pleasure for Eternal Bliss.”
It is said that there are as many as 1,700 religions that lead man out of the correct or right path. Allah has said in this regard:
inna-Llaha stafa lakumu-d dina fala tamutunna illa wa antum muslimun
“Allah has selected for you THE RELIGION.
Therefore, die not except as those who have submitted to it.” [2:132]
In the above, Din is referred to as the religion of those who have submitted to Allah.  Din therefore comes to mean Dinu-l Islam or “Religon of Submission (to Divine Will)”.

Pillars of Din

There are 4 aspects to Din. Consider these like 4 pillars that support the building called Din.
  1. Iman or “Faith”
    Faith here means belief with certainty in the existence of Allah and all that He has Commanded Faith in.
  2. Islam or “Submission”
    Submission here means uncompromising obedience to Allah by following His Laws and Commands.
  3. Tawhid or “Monotheism”
    Monotheism is establishing the Oneness of Allah.
  4. Mari’fa or “Gnosis”
    Gnosis is attaining direct, experiential Knowledge of Allah.
Neglect of any one of these 4 “pillars” is virtually neglect of the entire structure it supports. We seek protection in Allah from doing any such action and we beseech Him to grant us safety and security.

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