
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Qasidah Al-Shathiyyah

“The Theophany Ode” [qasidatu-sh shathiyyah] is another poem in the tradition of al-khamriyyah attributed to Sayyidna-sh Shaikh ‘Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, may Allah be well pleased with him. It is the penultimate ode in the revered liturgical work of the ‘Arusi-Qadiri way, Ratib Jalaliyyah.
In Sufi terminology, shath (شطح), pl. shatahât (شطحات), refers to divinely inspired ecstatic utterances of Sufis during rapturous fervour in their mystical state of fanâ’ or “passing away of the self”. This occurs when they are over-whelmed by a personal and intimate experience of the Divine Presence to such a degree that they disconnect from wordly reality.

Outwardly, some of the ecstatic utterances may appear incoherent or even blasphemous.  It is for this reason that Sufis admonish the uninitiated to desist from making both literal and personal allegorical interpretations of the words therein. Rather, one should seek a spiritual guide to elucidate the reality behind the statements.
The ecstatic Persian-Sunni-Sufi-Sheikh, Ruzbihan Baqli, explains in his Sharh-i Shathiyat (section 89, p. 57):
Therefore, in the diction of mystics, ecstatic utterance [shath] is derived from the motions of the secrets of their heart. An ecstasy becomes more intense and the light of emanation rises from the bottom of their sirr, with the quality of visions and glad tidings and the strength of the spirits in the light of inspiration that befalls their intellect.
It (motions of the heart) stirs their fire of longing for the Eternal Beloved, until they attain theophany and roam in the world of majesty. When they see the apparent and the concealed of the hidden and mysteries of the glory, spiritual intoxication involuntarily arises in them; the soul is moved; the sirr seethes, and the tongue is set talking.
— Papan-Matin, F and Fishbein, M (2005). The Unveiling of Secrets (Kashf Al-Asrar): The Visionary Autobiography of Ruzbihan Al-baqli (1128-1209 A.D.). Leiden: Brill NV. p22.
The ode presented here is one of the many shathiyyah odes attributed to Sayyidina-sh Shaikh, may Allah perfume his tomb. The reason why Imam al-‘Arus, may Allah sanctify his secret, chose to end the Ratib Jalaliyyah with this ode cannot be fathomed with a mere translation. It is a matter of experiential unveiling for the adherent of the ‘Arusi-Qadiri way.
And Allah and His Messenger know best!

Arabic Text & English Translation

— Al-Qadiri, Isma’il M. Emanations of Lordly Grace (Al-Fuyudat Ar-Rabbaniyya). Trans. Muhtar Holland. Florida: Al-Baz Publishing, 2000.

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